Career questions tagged graphic-design

How do you break into the commercial photography industry with no previous professional experience?
I have a bachelor of fine arts with a major in photography. I previously have only photographed people, for example, weddings, and portraiture. I have five years experience as a photo retoucher at a major jewelry corporation. I am currently working on a portfolio of product images.

Opportunities/Advice for Junior Illustrators?
I'm really lost on how to get any opportunities as an illustrator with very little experience. It seems I can't find a place where they'd take a junior illustrator without job experience that's remote, cause in my country there are like no opportunities at all for illustrator. Before I got my degree my professor's would often say how it's a bit hard but there were jobs out there for us. These days I wonder why did I have to choose a career that has so little employability in my country. I seem to always be making poor choices for my professional future. Any advice would be appreciated or if you know a place that's hiring illustrators with no experience, please let me know. I'm also thinking about trying to apply for graphic design internships since it's kind of similar, but obviously not the same...

How Can I Get an H-1B Visa to Work in the US as a Graphic Designer or Driver? ?
I currently live in Togo and would like to move to the United States to work as a graphic designer or a driver. I have skills in both areas, but I am not sure how to apply for a work visa, specifically the H-1B visa. **Note: This is a submitted anonymous question

How do you get started in the field of Graphic Design?
Hello! I am currently studying Mathematics with a minor in Graphic Design. I have been applying to internships all around, including for Graphic Design! How does one stand out for an internship?

pros and cons of being a graphic designer
I need to know some real pros and cons of being a graphic designer for a research project. Perhaps it involves some common problems that you struggle with.

Life Guidance: What do I do Where do I go? (Sports/Creative/Business).?
I am a freshman in college going down the route of graduating with some sort of Business degree. I have found myself to be a creative person from a young age, which I’m not sure a business major fits. I loved drawing, designing, and coming up with ideas. I still do, it is just that TENNIS has become an addiction for the past few years. However, I no longer have a tennis team to participate in which drives me nuts. With this information, I know I would love to be a part of the sports industry. I find the roles of management, marketing, designing, fashion, and coaching to be interesting careers. I also wouldn’t mind being a part of entertainment (concerts, film sets, etc.). I'm just unsure of where to go after understanding these things about myself.

Where to start learning motion design?
I am in my first year of a school that focuses on design but until we start to learn actual designing is 3 years from now. I have taken an interest in design for a long time now even though I am not sure if its what I really want to do, but just being interested wont get me anywhere. I really need to start learning now because i need a talent and perhaps a good future. Thanks to my school, i already own every Adobe programm out there so the platform will be no problem i suppose. Yet, I don't know where or how to start. Can someone experienced give me some advice? Every answer is appreciated, thank you.

What is the best payed and free apps for digital art animation or just art in general?
I have little to no experience btw

What do I need to do to become a successful digital artist?
I am currently in a position where I can not go to college, because of an undiagnosed learning disability. I also have some physical disabilities that limit my mobility, and keep me bedridden most of the day. I on the other hand am very confident in my ability to develop my artistic skills. I am teaching myself blender, from modeling to animation. I have done some graphic design projects, and I am good at digital art in general. I need to learn how to market my skills when I don't have a piece of paper that says I am good at something, nor official job experience.

How do I find a job in the graphic design field ?
I have applied to almost 100 jobs and haven't even gotten an interview. 99% of jobs I apply to don't even give me a response they completely ignore my application. I have a portfolio, I graduated a 16 week program with a certificate in graphic design. It just seems impossible.

Is a degree in graphic design neccessary to actually become a graphic designer?
I'm currently in my 9th school year in a branche that focuses on design and digitalization but like, I doubt that I'll actually be able to graduate hs because im quite bad in maths and blah blah blah. Graduation isnt exactly needed in austria for a good job but I still prefer to do something I'll actually enjoy doing. I appreciate every answer and I'm thankful that this site exists.

graphic design to interior design
I am currently pursuing an AS degree in graphic and interactive design. But I am interesting to shift to interior design field. Since I my college is not in the same town I'm living I have to do the classes online (however I am willing to transfer to a university to be able to attend in person classes). my question is that am I in the right path? is there any shortcuts? and if I finish my AS degree would that be enough?

What can I do to get into the graphic designing field when I've not finished my studies and can't afford to continue at this point in time?
I've got a diploma and certificates in some Adobe Creative suite apps, and I'm currently working at the mine

Whats a good highschool to get in if im interested in becoming an art director in Romania?
Im a Romanian 8th grader and an important exam, which will get me in highschool, is approaching (June) and i am interested in becoming an art director on the graphic design part like publishing, website design, advertising, businesses, sports organizations, and so on. I dont know what highschool i should get in though and im pretty much stressed about it since i have to decide pretty much fast so i can know what i should focus on more and, as i said, that the exam is approaching.

Is it possible to be a graphic designer if we choose fashion studies with humanities??
I am a tenth grade student studying in Dubai and I wanted to if we could be a graphic designer if we choose humanities with fashion studies. Will fashion studies prepare me to be a graphic designer and is there potential in graphic designing? And how many years it will take me to complete this course in university and what degree do I need for it.

I don't have professional experience but I'm willing to learn and earn

Is it right time to enter in the field of UI/UX field.?
I want to start learning UI/UX. I guess this field has demand and I have passion in it, and I like this field personally.

What is the graduation rate of a high end colledge?
I wanted to know this when I looked at the percentage of getting into MIT and found out that its only about a 4.5% chance of getting in!

What skills and or classes do interior designers need?
What I'm asking about is what skills are needed to become an interior designer. Are there any specific classes I should take, or certain colleges

Should I major in Graphic Design?
I'm very interested in the arts and I'm wondering: Would I find any success in majoring in graphic design in college? #college #design #career

What inspired you to choose your current career ?
I’m torn between pursuing a career in film or graphic design. I’m currently taking filmmaking and photojournalism classes and genuinely love both, but I feel like I need to choose one path.

Question for Artists: How much time did it take you to learn art before creating your first portfolio for Art/Character Design/Visual Development?
I mean, I want to understand this because sometimes it feels like my learning process is taking forever. Other times, I feel like I need to learn a few more skills before creating or showcasing a portfolio. I'm a bit confused right now, and I would be really grateful for any advice you could share.

I have a bachelor's in fine arts with a concentration of animation. How do I find a job in animation or 3d modeling ?
I have 4 years of experience in animation, 3D modeling, graphic design, and motion graphics.

How financially rewarding can graphic design be? How good is graphic design?
I would like to do graphic design as one of my career paths but I don't know how "rewarding" it is nor do I know any of the benefits in general. Is graphic design a good career choice?

What are some insightful tips to become an aspiring skillful graphic-designer?
I would like to major in graphic-design, but I'm not sure where to begin. I love sharing the various content I create as an active social media manager for multiple clubs. Fortunately, my school provides a multimedia design course, and I'm wondering how I may advance from this point. As a high school junior in the eleventh grade, I don't want to pass up any opportunities that could help me in the future!