2 answers
2 answers
Aisha’s Answer
Working as a registered nurse, you can expect your days to include: Checking vital signs. Providing direct patient care: conducting physical and psychological assessments, administer medications, collaborate with other healthcare team members to provide holistic care. Interpret lab and other diagnostic test.
I appreciate your support, Aisha
Marie’s Answer
The day to day life of a nurse varies depending on where you work. In the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) , you start by getting coffee, needed to start report. The you should get a through report about all of you patients, that could be between 1 and 3. After report you take your (brain) report sheet and plan your day. You will have feedings, labs ,medications, IV checks and blood gases to name a few. In-between all these task you have to assess and reassess your patients for subtle changes in physical exam. Try to fit pee breaks and lunch into busy day. A life in the day of a NICU nurse is challenging, stressful, emotional and highly rewarding. As I said earlier the day will vary based on where you work.