Career questions tagged career

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Omar42 views

what are blue lies?

are they good

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Richard94 views

What is the day in the life of a Business Analyst?

Hello all, I'm back again asking another question. I decided to purse a career in Business Analytics, although in the future it could change. I have dipped my toes into the analytics world by partaking in an externship. I am now wondering if this career is right for me. Some questions that I want to know are: 1. How does SQL play a part in your daily life? 2. How did you manage to gain experience to get where you are right now? 3. Any advice for a future Business Analyst? Also, I would love to connect with you all through LinkedIn to learn more! Thank You all so much! #Spring2024

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Pearl118 views

How to be consistent in what you do?

I want to know what is the psychology behind consistency. Why are some people consistent while others are not, no matter how much they try?

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Genesis138 views

Meteorologists, how would your degree be applied to the scientific research community, if it would?

As a sophomore who just changed to an Environmental Science A.A., I'm exploring B.S. options that will open up more specialized job opportunities. I love considering how weather patterns change or maintain ecological activities, or even interact with the ocean ... but won't I be pigeon-holed into weatherman positions if meteorology is my major?

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parmita227 views

How do I narrow down a major I want to enroll in based on what majors I’m interested in?

I want to enroll in anything related to computer science/programming, graphic design, or psychology. I’m currently a 9th grader and I used to have a programming class which I enjoyed and excelled in. I’ve also had an interest in designing, specifically graphic design, for very long. Recently I’ve been growing a liking for psychology and anything related to it, as I’m fascinated by it. I don’t know how to choose between these 3 specific fields and need help on deciding one for college.

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Damian308 views

I have some questions for real estate agents?

1. Can you tell me about the types of tasks you are responsible for on a day-to-day basis? 2. What do you enjoy most about your career? 3. What is most challenging about your career? 4. What are some skills and personality traits necessary to perform your job? 5. What are some misconceptions about your career? 6. What should I be prepared for? 7. How much did you make when you started? 8. What college degree should I get to boost my chances? 9. How did you get your job? 10. Did you always want to do real estate?

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Stephanie186 views

What do employeers look for when recruiting for a forensics intern, etc.?

Hi, I'm currently an undergrad student pursuing a computer engineering major and a forensic studies minor. What do companies look for in terms of soft and hard skill? What classes would you recommend taking? What's a skill that's a must have in the field?

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Lillian163 views

I am interested in becoming a psychologist. I value health, equality, and money. Will this career path align with my values ?

I am interested in becoming a psychologist. I value health, equality, and money. Will this career path align with my values?

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Jordan182 views

I am interested in becoming a engineer. I value science, creativity and wealth. Will this career path allign with my values?

I really like biology and science and physics as well, I like figuring out difficult problems, will a engineer be a good fit for my values.

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Javion188 views

How do I become successful in earning money?

Some examples lead to watching videos, having a mentor or if family member or friend or relative you can ask for advice if they have a career in the business world.

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Camilla160 views

Should I switch to a business degree? Or something entirely different? I don't know what to do. Help!

Hello! Soon-to-be college freshman here. I need honest advice. Embarassingly, I am still a little bit confused on what I want to do. Recently, I was considering on changing my major to Business Administration (thankfully, the first day of classes haven't started yet, so changing majors probably won't be that much of a problem compared to the students who decide to switch majors in the middle of the year). I selected BS Psychology when I did my application to my community college. Why I am considering a business degree: - I have an entrepreneural spirit. I love making sales, crunching numbers, budgeting, being independent, marketing/creating marketing material, packing items for shipment, interacting with people, the entire process of it. I love the idea of making a living from my own hard work. - Past experiences. I was in charge of an entrepreneurship project in high school. We had to set up our own physical store, and also promote it; we sold baked goodies. I loved it! It doesn't mean much, but I got the highest mark on my report card in Entrepreneurship. I also currently have an online shop where I sell clothes and have had great success with it. I also setup garage sales by myself here and there. I am able to earn and spend my own money. - I would love to avoid working for somebody in the future (at least in the long run). I want to start my own small business/es. An online business, a café, a salon, etc. I have many ideas. I especially love the creative side of business. I also want to be a professional photographer/artist on the side. It's my true passion. However, advice on the internet all seem to suggest avoiding spending 4 years on a photography degree—just master the craft and make it your side hustle until the time & money is right. Besides, photographers don't make that much. That's what they say. So, I am thinking of freelancing as a side hustle, earning a photography certificate, and maybe start a photo studio business in the future. - I want many career options (I am okay with working in PR, HR or Marketing. Not my ideal dream, but.) - I do well under pressure - I love being a leader However, - People are telling me I can do any of the above without a business degree. Well, what do I do instead, then? - Apparently, the classes are boring? - Business majors get a bad rep. I admit that I am slightly worried about being perceived, although I know I shouldn't be. - The internet says business administration is too broad, and that I should do Finance/Marketing/MIS/Economics, etc. instead (something focused on one subject) - In general, it's "not a good major" The reason why I selected BS Psychology in the first place is because I am interested in the brain and human behavior. I was drawn to a rewarding, intriguing career. Arguably, psych is more interesting than business, but I know I wouldn't have many opportunities with a Bachelor's in Psych without getting a Master's. And I am not thinking of getting a master's, to be honest. So business seems to be more a realistic option. With this in mind, should I minor in Psychology when I transfer from community college? Is that possible? I read that a minor in Psychology can give me a leg up as a business major. Should I switch to a business degree? What do I do?

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George238 views

Why is it so difficult for me to find and stick to a career path that I actually like?

I'm an 18years old freshman, about 6'1 in height that quite excels at playing basketball but it's not really something I'd like to do after college. I think I have interest in programming and marketing but they are quite difficult and I find it very hard to stick to something, sadly. Pls help 🙏

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Beauty200 views

Wby is choosing a career so hard?

Why is choosing a career so hard as a tewn

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Nicole143 views

What inspired you?

I love to play the piano and I know that the passion and love I have for the instrument will spread and inspire others to follow their passions

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Christina314 views

How do you know if you picked the right career for yourself?

Question Career Decision

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David155 views

How to get jobs easily when ive got the skills in a saturated field??

I'm a programmer

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Jayden91 views

help I need advice

I am interested in becoming a union carpenter. I value money, creativity, and teamwork. Will this career path align with my values?

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Brennen134 views

For a security guard, how is the workplace environment?

I am a JobCorps student and want to know more. Aside from the portion relating to different physical locations that are being guarded, how is the workplace environment?

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Brennen101 views

What are some day to day tasks that would be expected of someone within the field of private security?

I'm a Jobcorps student, and I'm interested in getting into the field.

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kira100 views

how do I know what a good internship opportunity is as a middle school student?

I am looking for a summer internship to boost my resume as a want to apply for a stem high school

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Brennen77 views

Where would be a good starting point for work as a security guard?

I am a Job Corps student, and I have a few questions for anyone within the field of private security.

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kira202 views

what are the advantages of going to collage rather than jumping right into a career?

why should I go to collage when I will be losing money rather than making it

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Michael286 views

why am i going to school?

why am i going to school

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James228 views

How to discover career path?

How to discover career path

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Ciara449 views

What are some worthy high-salary potential career paths for a student majoring in informatics with a concentration in "Interactive User Experience" and double minoring in business and artificial intelligence ?

I am currently a freshman in college, I know I want to go into a career path that somewhat combines all of these subject areas. But, just unsure on what that can even look like or what careers can be pursued. If someone who works with maybe at least 2 of these subject areas can help, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you.

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Felix252 views

Which classes/ steps do I have to take in order to get a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering?

Tips for mechanical engineering

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Tasnova367 views

Can I study MBBS in Canada if I get a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry from Bangladesh Will Canadian universities accept me??

I am a high school graduate from Bangladesh. Many advised me to get a Bachelor's degree first and then go abroad. What should I do?

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jamil727 views

How long should a person wait before starting their business?

I would say to do it as soon as you get a feel of whatever industry you are thinking of. you need to make some connections first and have the required knowledge before starting your business.

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Jhon230 views

What are the websites I can use to make money online, am from United States thanks to you all 😔. love you ?

I want to start making money online as a youth 😔

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Neyssa349 views

Can I still go to college if I have bad grades my freshman year and straight A's the rest of high school?

Can I still go to college if I have bad grades my freshman year and straight A's the rest of high school?

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