1 answer
What is the best way to study for the final exam for Anatomy and Physiology ?
I will be taking this class in the spring semester of this school year, and knowing it is a lot of information to absorb and memorize for the final exam in one semester I am looking for any helpful tips on studying for this class so I can be as successful as possible. #studytips #science #humanbody
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1 answer
Vernon’s Answer
Re-copy all your class notes, then study them. Make separate crib sheets for the most difficult parts - probably the cellular or histologically oriented material. Be SURE you know the function of every muscle, nerve and organ/organ system.
Spend as much time in the lab with your workbook and your specimens as possible. Partner up and test each other on naming every thing. For muscles, know origin and insertion and function of each. For nerves, know the difference between motor and sensory and which nerves serve either or both of those functions. Know the service of each of the 12 cranial nerves, where they originate in the brain and where they go.
It will be critical to understand the circulatory system in detail, especial the hepatic portal system, the kidneys and, of course, how the heart works.
Never stop studying until the very last minute, but study constantly. Have fun.
Spend as much time in the lab with your workbook and your specimens as possible. Partner up and test each other on naming every thing. For muscles, know origin and insertion and function of each. For nerves, know the difference between motor and sensory and which nerves serve either or both of those functions. Know the service of each of the 12 cranial nerves, where they originate in the brain and where they go.
It will be critical to understand the circulatory system in detail, especial the hepatic portal system, the kidneys and, of course, how the heart works.
Never stop studying until the very last minute, but study constantly. Have fun.