16 answers
How do I become an Expert?
How does one go from a student to an expert, and what are strategies that you use to help retain information necessary for your expertise?
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16 answers
David’s Answer
Hi Tiffanie,
The two biggest pieces of advice I can give is firstly to always ask questions. It is absolutely okay not to know everything. But asking questions can help you get insight and new perspectives on different challenges. If you have someone who is in a similar field as you don't be afraid to pick that person's brain. It is always better to ask when you aren't sure of something then to assume. If you are able to pick even one thing up from being curious it will help accelerate your growth to becoming an expert in your field.
Secondly, do not be afraid to make mistakes. Whether that be trying new ideas and solutions, or even just testing out a theory you have. Getting your hands dirty and trying new things will give you an insight whether you are correct or not. You learn just as much from finding out something doesn't work as you do by getting it right the first time. The important thing is you learn from your mistakes, and it helps you grow.
I hope this helps!
The two biggest pieces of advice I can give is firstly to always ask questions. It is absolutely okay not to know everything. But asking questions can help you get insight and new perspectives on different challenges. If you have someone who is in a similar field as you don't be afraid to pick that person's brain. It is always better to ask when you aren't sure of something then to assume. If you are able to pick even one thing up from being curious it will help accelerate your growth to becoming an expert in your field.
Secondly, do not be afraid to make mistakes. Whether that be trying new ideas and solutions, or even just testing out a theory you have. Getting your hands dirty and trying new things will give you an insight whether you are correct or not. You learn just as much from finding out something doesn't work as you do by getting it right the first time. The important thing is you learn from your mistakes, and it helps you grow.
I hope this helps!
Gianni’s Answer
In good time! Time plays a crucial role in becoming a master at anything. Remember the age-old saying that suggests 10,000 hours are needed to achieve expertise. It genuinely holds true! The more hours you dedicate to a particular activity, the more at ease and well-versed you'll become. Continuous daily practice is key, and with determination and discipline, you can excel in any field! If someone has accomplished it before, rest assured that it's achievable for anyone willing to invest their time and effort.
Lorraine’s Answer
Hi Tiffanie, becoming an expert in any field requires knowledge, experience, and ongoing learning. You may find these strategies helpful in retaining information. While learning, take notes to highlight important concepts, ideas, and related ideas. Participate in class discussions, ask questions, and engage in classroom activities to practice active learning. Finally, it is important to seek out additional resources by researching beyond the coursework that was assigned to you.
Jody’s Answer
Hola Tiffanie ! that is a broad question on a broad subject. In my opinion, and my free opinion is like a cup of free coffee, some people like free coffee, many others prefer starbucks coffee and will turn their nose up at my free coffee. Yadda-yadda, to each their own. To be labeled an "expert" has different paths. Some areas will have certifications and licenses that will classify you as an expert. To achieve that type of certification depends upon the issuing authority. I think they will all have similar requirements and each issuing authority will have their requirements written down somewhere that lists all the requirements for achieving a status of being listed as an " expert" . I write professional reports for clients based on research, experience, and my investigations. I have been a lifelong student and researcher on various topics as warranted by my assignments. I always have supporting documents that support my conclusions, technical documents, and any other diagrams, maps, or professional articles, that I use to make final conclusions. Most of all I think that any expert will develop their own methods of presentations. I joined a nonprofit group called Toastmasters International that costs me less than $10 / month to be a member. I loved the meetings and being part of a positive professional group. I overcame my fear of public speaking and I learned how to speak in a professional and positive manner. Being organized and always conducting yourself in a professional manner will always stand out among your peers. I still remember my very first resume that I created in college and I stated that my long term objective was to become a professional engineer. It took me a long time to figure out how to get there but I did it. I recommend you think of yourself as an independent consultant already and start building your independent company over time. Start building your own legal library of documents and folders for future use on any future projects and paths that you may take. Over my career I have built my own library that still has my college notes from my college courses that I refer to on special assignments that I take or for research I do for other consultants as a professional courtesy on a pro bono basis for people who do not have the income to hire an expert and need help after a tornado or a hurricane seriously damages their home. I started do that after Hurricane Ike damaged my home and many of my neighbors asked me for my help. And many years ago , in my Sr. year of college, I asked a professor - Should I get my Master's Degree?? His response made perfect sense - WHAT do you want to become a Master of ?? and I replied - I DON"T KNOW YET. And his next response - Go out into the world and get some experience. Then decide on WHAT you want to become a Master of. Which I did. Actually, I joined the Peace Corps and then spent two years in Kenya East Africa and it opened a whole world I had only seen in books. I started graduate school after returning from Africa while working for the Department of Energy and loved being in graduate school for Environmental Engineering as a working engineer for the Department of Energy. I was a happy camper. Then the congress budget got cut to the bone and I ended up being transferred and working for the Automotive world as a mechanical engineer. I never finished my Masters degree. And due to my work experience I am now a licensed Mechanical Engineer and a Licensed Civil Engineer and I serve as an expert witness for clients who need help.
Ms. Tiffanie, you are the master of your destiny and you will be successful, I have no doubt about that. You will figure out your path and you have already started the process by asking the question - How do I become an expert? If that is your true goal, you will figure it out and you will get there. Your journey is yours to make ! Cheers !
Ms. Tiffanie, you are the master of your destiny and you will be successful, I have no doubt about that. You will figure out your path and you have already started the process by asking the question - How do I become an expert? If that is your true goal, you will figure it out and you will get there. Your journey is yours to make ! Cheers !
Kasey’s Answer
Excellent question! Begin by following your heart's desire, and then recognize that there's always room for growth and new knowledge. Consistent learning in your area of interest is of paramount importance. I'm constantly seeking opportunities to improve my abilities, staying abreast of the latest developments in my field. Moreover, it's beneficial to network with people who share your interests and ask them about their methods for staying current. Do they subscribe to specific platforms or have particular resources they read? Bear in mind, every effort you make to expand your knowledge brings you one step closer to achieving your goals. Never stop learning, never stop expanding!
Manuel’s Answer
Hello Tiffanie,
I recently read that if you practice something 18 minutes a day (or 108 hours per year) you will be better than 95% of the population. So practice, practice, practice. If it is a specific field that you want to become an expert, constantly read about the topic and stay on top of the new trends. Sometimes we get so caught at work and with our daily lives, that we don't even carve out a few hours per week to invest time in our professional passion(s). Becoming an expert is really within your control, you just need to be committed.
I recently read that if you practice something 18 minutes a day (or 108 hours per year) you will be better than 95% of the population. So practice, practice, practice. If it is a specific field that you want to become an expert, constantly read about the topic and stay on top of the new trends. Sometimes we get so caught at work and with our daily lives, that we don't even carve out a few hours per week to invest time in our professional passion(s). Becoming an expert is really within your control, you just need to be committed.
Brijesh’s Answer
Hi Tiffanie. It takes a lot of practice over time to become an expert. You will make mistakes along the way, and you should view them as part of the learning process that comes with practice. I would also recommend that you keep up with the learning (groups, blogs, etc...) as things evolve very quickly these days.
I usually save notes that I may refer to (cheat sheets) at any moment. This allows me to refresh my memory as necessary and aids in the long-term retention of information.
I usually save notes that I may refer to (cheat sheets) at any moment. This allows me to refresh my memory as necessary and aids in the long-term retention of information.
Samantha M’s Answer
If you want to become an expert at anything in life, you need to be persistent and you need to be confident. Experts, Leaders, CEO's, COO's, Vice Presidents, Presidents, Kings and Queens are all confident in who they are and what they bring to the table; and who they are and what they bring all came from their persistence.
Being persistent simply means to keep trying and to never give up. Take advantage of opportunities, network, and learn as much as you can about the field (or whatever it may be). Set objectives for yourself and work tirelessly toward achieving them. Keep up the good work and be aware of your worth. It then follows that you should feel confident in your skills, work ethic, principles, and objectives.
Being confident will motivate you to persevere and enable you to maintain your attention on your goal at all times. You must have confidence in your abilities and determination if you want to become an expert in anything.
Remember that you are unique in your own right and that you shouldn't compare yourself to others because their actions and who they are have nothing to do with you. Own that, be that, and act only on that belief.
Being persistent simply means to keep trying and to never give up. Take advantage of opportunities, network, and learn as much as you can about the field (or whatever it may be). Set objectives for yourself and work tirelessly toward achieving them. Keep up the good work and be aware of your worth. It then follows that you should feel confident in your skills, work ethic, principles, and objectives.
Being confident will motivate you to persevere and enable you to maintain your attention on your goal at all times. You must have confidence in your abilities and determination if you want to become an expert in anything.
Remember that you are unique in your own right and that you shouldn't compare yourself to others because their actions and who they are have nothing to do with you. Own that, be that, and act only on that belief.
Colton’s Answer
Hello Tiffanie,
The primary distinction between a student and an expert lies in two aspects: practical experience and mindset. As many people have mentioned, dedication, effort, and practice will eventually enable you to become highly proficient and knowledgeable in any area you choose to pursue. Another crucial element is your mindset. It's essential to have confidence in your abilities while also recognizing that you'll never know everything about any subject. An expert is self-assured in their expertise but acknowledges that they will constantly be learning and listening to refine their abilities further. On the other hand, a student may possess the knowledge but lack the self-assurance to discuss the subject confidently. Additionally, students often think that they are striving to acquire a specific level of knowledge, after which their learning will cease. However, this is not the case, as you can always surpass your own expectations! Keep working hard and have faith in yourself, and one day you'll become an expert in any field you wish!
The primary distinction between a student and an expert lies in two aspects: practical experience and mindset. As many people have mentioned, dedication, effort, and practice will eventually enable you to become highly proficient and knowledgeable in any area you choose to pursue. Another crucial element is your mindset. It's essential to have confidence in your abilities while also recognizing that you'll never know everything about any subject. An expert is self-assured in their expertise but acknowledges that they will constantly be learning and listening to refine their abilities further. On the other hand, a student may possess the knowledge but lack the self-assurance to discuss the subject confidently. Additionally, students often think that they are striving to acquire a specific level of knowledge, after which their learning will cease. However, this is not the case, as you can always surpass your own expectations! Keep working hard and have faith in yourself, and one day you'll become an expert in any field you wish!
Natara’s Answer
Being viewed as an expert, comes with time and built knowledge. Your experience across multiple environments, diverse groups, unique situations, and new challenges help build your expertise. Having a mindset of continuously learning will greatly help maintain Expert status, as industry trends continue to evolve. Seeking sought-after certifications and trainings are ways to keep with those trends. Also collaborating with others with the same interests, as we all have different experiences.
Brooke’s Answer
This might sound counterintuitive, but don't focus on becoming an expert. It's actually a tendency of women to "overvalue expertise" and it could ultimately limit your growth. If you are like many women, you might assume expertise is the surest route to success.
Think about it this way, trying to become an expert is a great strategy for keeping the job you have. Mastery of a role often serves as a useful strategy for keeping yourself in your current role. Sure it feels good for people to consider you an expert and seek you out for specific issues, but that can set you up to spend your career in the hamster wheel.
Consider an alternative route: Try to do your job well enough to be credible and reliable and focus on building relationships and visibility that will get you to the next level. Building these relationships end up helping you more in the long run.
Remember, you cannot be an expert at everything, but what you can do is build a network of folks who you can leverage your weaknesses to. Taking this approach means you can offer a stronger team and better solution by leveraging your network. In turn, more folks will come to you for a variety of issues knowing you can help them get to the right team to strategize on the best outcome.
Read "How Women Rise" by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith
Read "What Got You Here Won't Get You There" by Marshall Goldsmith
Think about it this way, trying to become an expert is a great strategy for keeping the job you have. Mastery of a role often serves as a useful strategy for keeping yourself in your current role. Sure it feels good for people to consider you an expert and seek you out for specific issues, but that can set you up to spend your career in the hamster wheel.
Consider an alternative route: Try to do your job well enough to be credible and reliable and focus on building relationships and visibility that will get you to the next level. Building these relationships end up helping you more in the long run.
Remember, you cannot be an expert at everything, but what you can do is build a network of folks who you can leverage your weaknesses to. Taking this approach means you can offer a stronger team and better solution by leveraging your network. In turn, more folks will come to you for a variety of issues knowing you can help them get to the right team to strategize on the best outcome.
Brooke recommends the following next steps:
Lucas’s Answer
As many others have said time and practice. For me no amount of studying/reading/or watching has ever been as impactful as doing. Additionally if you want to become an expert in a task or topic it really helps that you enjoy it on some level. Having a personal interest can make the time spent feel more rewarding and fulfilling, becoming an expert will come easier if it's in something you love.
Jazmine’s Answer
Hi Tiffanie! What has helped me over the last 9 years is to be a student of the field I'm in. Developing professional relationships with all candidates I interact with, building mutual trust, and showing respect to those you come into contact with at all times. You never know when you will cross paths in your career again. I have asked a lot of questions to hiring managers, candidates, and peers when I didn't know something but wanted to learn more it. Never be ashamed to ask questions! I keep a very big one note on my computer with everything I have learned so I can retain information but more importantly I think repeatedly practicing, reading, or learning about new topics and reviewing them - that has helped me the most!
Joshua’s Answer
One of the most effective methods to master a skill is to seek out an expert and request their mentorship. Gaining knowledge directly from a proficient individual will benefit you more than just attempting to learn on your own. You can discover such people on platforms like LinkedIn or through various resources, and they'll be eager to assist you. Moreover, remember that becoming an expert doesn't happen overnight. It requires time, and that's perfectly fine, as in most cases, people don't anticipate you to be an expert right away.
Hunter’s Answer
Just like many others have shared, practice is key. In my area of expertise, I began with the fundamentals and soon discovered a topic that captivated me. I dedicated several hours to understanding the finer details of that subject. Throughout my career, I have gradually broadened my knowledge and continue to do so in my field. The quest for knowledge never ends, and as you invest more time in your profession, your expertise will grow. As some have pointed out, you can accelerate this process through training and consulting with experts. Another approach I recommend is discuss opportunities with mentors and supervisors for tasks that challenge you and help expand your knowledge. A significant part of my understanding in my field has come from embracing challenges whenever I encounter them.
Susan’s Answer
Hey Tiffanie,
Always remember that patience is crucial, and never stop learning and growing, even when you're seen as an expert, because change is a constant factor in life. It's essential to not just listen, but truly understand what others are saying, which helps you shape your thoughts and abilities.
Embrace opportunities to take on new roles, even if you have little or no experience in them, as these experiences will build a strong foundation for your growth. Combine your drive and determination with effective problem-solving and analytical thinking by considering various perspectives.
Seek out a genuine mentor!
By constantly learning, observing, practicing, and asking questions, you'll become an expert. But don't stop there – keep pushing yourself.
You've got this!
Always remember that patience is crucial, and never stop learning and growing, even when you're seen as an expert, because change is a constant factor in life. It's essential to not just listen, but truly understand what others are saying, which helps you shape your thoughts and abilities.
Embrace opportunities to take on new roles, even if you have little or no experience in them, as these experiences will build a strong foundation for your growth. Combine your drive and determination with effective problem-solving and analytical thinking by considering various perspectives.
Seek out a genuine mentor!
By constantly learning, observing, practicing, and asking questions, you'll become an expert. But don't stop there – keep pushing yourself.
You've got this!