4 answers
Which are the best long term careers that would allow me to travel the globe year-round?
I LOVE people, as a humanitarian at heart. I also have a complete passion for seeing the world and to continue to dive into new and diverse cultures.
#People #Travel #humanitarian #passion #traveling #helping-people #careers-in-helping-people #meeting-new-people #business-travel #leisure-and-travel
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4 answers

Marilyn Balke-Lowry
Artist/Owner at Imaginart; Director of College Guidance Consultants, creators of E-Scholarships USA!
Marilyn’s Answer
Hi Jamie,
I was a tour leader for 6 years and enjoyed taking people overseas, but it was a part time endeavor. I worked in the public schools as a teacher during the year and traveled during the summer. You could consider being a translator, a full time tour leader for a company or join one of the humanitarian groups that travel to countries to help people learn to create better lives for themselves. Some folks are able to travel and work overseas as writers, editors or photographers, but previous experience is needed. Best of luck!
Marilyn Lowry
I was a tour leader for 6 years and enjoyed taking people overseas, but it was a part time endeavor. I worked in the public schools as a teacher during the year and traveled during the summer. You could consider being a translator, a full time tour leader for a company or join one of the humanitarian groups that travel to countries to help people learn to create better lives for themselves. Some folks are able to travel and work overseas as writers, editors or photographers, but previous experience is needed. Best of luck!
Marilyn Lowry
Susan’s Answer
I agree with what Marilyn said and would only add that if you are interested in college, studying something along the lines of International Studies would give you a good background for many opportunities involving travel and inter-cultural experiences. If you have a particular skill/talent such as writing or photography, build on that as well as it can take you in many directions.
Gloria’s Answer
I think that the most obvious jobs for travel are tour guides and translators. Those are the ones that jump to the top of the list.
I am in Learning and Development and there are a lot of jobs within this field where travel is a part of the job. I am an Instructional Designer, so I do not travel as much as my fellow instructors. In my role, I would travel around the world to do audience and job analysis as a precursor to creating training. I have traveled to many different countries, working for various industries. It is also a great job for working from home and that makes it great to work from anywhere.
I also like working for companies that are large and with international impacts, because the world becomes your travel landscape. When I worked with an online travel company, I went to 10 new countries that I had not visited before including Australia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Egypt, Germany, England, and the Netherlands. If you speak a second language, any language, you increase your chances of being tagged for travel over those who only speak English.
I am in Learning and Development and there are a lot of jobs within this field where travel is a part of the job. I am an Instructional Designer, so I do not travel as much as my fellow instructors. In my role, I would travel around the world to do audience and job analysis as a precursor to creating training. I have traveled to many different countries, working for various industries. It is also a great job for working from home and that makes it great to work from anywhere.
I also like working for companies that are large and with international impacts, because the world becomes your travel landscape. When I worked with an online travel company, I went to 10 new countries that I had not visited before including Australia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Egypt, Germany, England, and the Netherlands. If you speak a second language, any language, you increase your chances of being tagged for travel over those who only speak English.