Career questions tagged business-travel

Can I Do It All?
I have been a hairstylist for 20 yrs or more. I feel burnt out I started a nonprofit to give back to the single mothers with low income. I will rehab rundown houses in the redline neighborhoods make it affordable housing for single mothers with educational workshops, consulting and career opportunity. I also have a travel business, I sell traveling packages at great prices. I want my businesses to interact with each other in a productive way and impact lives. What is your advice for me in building the businesses together?

Which are the best long term careers that would allow me to travel the globe year-round?
I LOVE people, as a humanitarian at heart. I also have a complete passion for seeing the world and to continue to dive into new and diverse cultures. #People #Travel #humanitarian #passion #traveling #helping-people #careers-in-helping-people #meeting-new-people #business-travel #leisure-and-travel

Is there a career that travels and sees the world?
I love to travel and I want to find a career that involves it.#travel #traveling #business-travel

If you are going to a business major, what language would be best to learn?
I want to travel the world while working. I speak Spanish and English but was wondering what could help in the future. #bilingual #business-travel #language #business

How likely will opportunities to travel abroad be in a career as a UX designer?
I am planning to have a future career in User Experience (UX) design. As understanding different walks of life and cultures is a big part of not only UX design but also my personal interests, I would love to travel alongside my job. Due to my heritage, I have a particular interest in working abroad in Japan. Currently I am in the process of learning technical and conversational Japanese; I was wondering how likely it will be that I will actually be able to put my developing language skills to use. #user-experience-design #traveling #business-travel #japanese