2 answers
How can I get experience for the medical field or what jobs can i go into at 16 with an interest in medical or psych field?
I am specifically very interested in pediatrics and senior care. I dont have any job experience but need to start somewhere.
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2 answers
Davina’s Answer
I would look into volunteering at your local hospital and/or nursing home.
Michael’s Answer
The first thing you need to do is find an internship location that will be happy to have you shadow the professionals. I’m not sure what the age requirement is but you can inquire at the site you would like to do your internship in. The best way to learn most things is through education and working side by side with the individual who is already doing what you desire to do! Once you have your foundation established the rest is a matter of follow through. Make sure you are controlling your own feelings and managing your own worldview! If you know who you are and what you want, just do the next right thing to achieve your goal. Best of everything to you as you set out to make an awesome difference in the world.