How do I know what college is right for me?
I want to go to college to get my degree and get on path for a long, successful career, but I don't just want to go to work. I want to have fun while I'm there. What should I look for to make sure I enjoy my experience in college.? #college #university #school #advice #fun
4 answers
Ashley’s Answer
Hi Jorge--
Look into the clubs and activities the school offers and see if they have things you'd be interested in joining. For example, many schools offer "intramural" sports which are sports leagues anyone can join. Or they might have a service club if you like doing community service! If you are really into watching team sports, going to a school that has a good football or basketball team is pretty fun.
Regina’s Answer
You are thinking the right way...there are so many clubs you can join based on your interests. My children have enjoyed college because they were involved. If you like physical activities, I would recommend joining intramural activities which provide the opportunity to compete in a fun environment. During freshman orientation, you will have an opportunity to browse through the many things offered at your school;...choose what is interesting but limit the number of organizations you participate in given you still have to manage school work.
Katie’s Answer
Hi Jorge,
First of all congratulations for deciding to go to college!
I think you should also consider these factors:
-rural vs. urban
I went to small school (2,000 students) that was in rural Ohio. For some people they would hate going to a small school, in a small town. But for me it was the right fit because the student body was very active in throwing events, and I felt like I was part of a big close family. So you have to think about those things as well!
Debra’s Answer
Hi Jorge, I agree with Ashley. I would also add that the school you choose should just feel right to you. If you can, go and stay overnight with a current student. See if you like the people you meet. Do they have good support services for students? Do they have classes you interested in? All of these things will add up to having a fun and fulfilling college experience. Good luck!