2 answers
Should I focus only on one area of Law?
I am interested in tax law, family law and very much in immigration law. I noticed that there is not a specialization for immigration law or is there? I only see tax, family, criminal, etc. Is specialization something to think about after becoming a lawyer or during my studies. Do I have to declare a major in law, as when I declared my accounting major? #women-in-law
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2 answers
Jill’s Answer
You will not need to declare a major in law school, but most schools will have classes in several specific areas of law. You could, for example, take a class in each of the areas you list. This may help you figure out if you like one area more than another. In addition, there are many "general practitioner" types of lawyers that handle several different types of issues. The trick is becoming well versed in your areas of interest, which will come with experience once you start practicing.
Kim’s Answer
Hi! I'm not a lawyer, but do want to let you know that on the Texas Bar Association website, under "find a lawyer", there is a Board Certification list. One of the specialties is "Immigration and Nationality Law." There is plenty of immigration work, in Texas and elsewhere! Individuals need your help. Businesses also use attorneys when they want to hire foreign workers and bring them here. And you can do a lot of business as a court appointed attorney for people needing an immigration lawyer. You may also want to get some training in criminal law. When someone who is not a citizen runs afoul of the law, they are easily deported. Yes, you can focus on more than one area, but don't spread yourself too thin. It's better to master two or three areas than to try to be all things to all people. The intricacies of the law are very detailed, and constantly changing!
Depending on your focus in immigration law, you may find more business in the Valley, or in cities such as San Antonio or El Paso.
I'm not sure about the board certification process. Not all lawyers are board certified in a specialty. I've known some excellent lawyers who are not board certified. They tend to build a successful practice without the board certification,based on reputation for handling previous cases.
Please continue to research - the state bar link is below!
Hi! I'm not a lawyer, but do want to let you know that on the Texas Bar Association website, under "find a lawyer", there is a Board Certification list. One of the specialties is "Immigration and Nationality Law." There is plenty of immigration work, in Texas and elsewhere! Individuals need your help. Businesses also use attorneys when they want to hire foreign workers and bring them here. And you can do a lot of business as a court appointed attorney for people needing an immigration lawyer. You may also want to get some training in criminal law. When someone who is not a citizen runs afoul of the law, they are easily deported. Yes, you can focus on more than one area, but don't spread yourself too thin. It's better to master two or three areas than to try to be all things to all people. The intricacies of the law are very detailed, and constantly changing!
Depending on your focus in immigration law, you may find more business in the Valley, or in cities such as San Antonio or El Paso.
I'm not sure about the board certification process. Not all lawyers are board certified in a specialty. I've known some excellent lawyers who are not board certified. They tend to build a successful practice without the board certification,based on reputation for handling previous cases.
Please continue to research - the state bar link is below!