When you're in college, does studying by yourself work better or studying with a group of people?
I am not the best at studying, but I would like to get better. #studytips
3 answers
Alexa’s Answer
Everyone is different and every class is different! Try out a few different study options your first semester and see what works best. Sometimes groups can be distracting and not as efficient. However, for other classes brainstorming and discussions are more effective and help student retain the information better. I found it best to at least study with one other person so that if you get stuck or have a question you have someone to turn to.
Terence’s Answer
The question is what issues do you have studying? Is it the focus or lack of it? Is it time management? Comprehension? These are all things that will help narrow down what may work for you. I personally needed to be in a noisy environment, with some music on to study (music with no words, like classical music). I had difficulty studying with zero noise, so I'd always have headphones on. I also found that I could better sort out or fine tune concepts when discussing them with a study partner.
Find out what works for you and iterate on it!
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