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What can I do with a Communication Studies degree and Marketing minor?

I am interested in social media marketing and am wondering how to get started in the field ?

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Darren’s Answer

Brianna, this degree combination gives you great versatility.

I have essentially the same degrees, which have allowed me to work at an ad agency, in corporate marketing departments, a university, and with a national technology leader. Throughout it all, you will learn new things that go beyond what you learned in college. In short, your education never stops. Those degrees are simply your base and a launching pad.
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Jennifer’s Answer

Hi Brianna, so many things! That's a really great combo. You can work at any number of public relations or marketing agencies to start. I always recommend students go to agency first, before considering an in-house gig, because you'll have the opportunity to work with a variety of different businesses and will gain so much diverse knowledge. Also, get super smart on data analytics. Social media marketing is all about analyzing the data and making informed decisions about your campaigns to accomplish your set goals. Here's to an exciting path ahead!
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Agustina’s Answer

Hello Brianna! There's a world of opportunities ahead of you :). You might consider a traditional communications role such as Public Relations, executive communications, or corporate communications. Alternatively, advertising or social media could be your calling! You can also delve deeper into marketing through jobs or internships, leading to a classic marketing role. The possibilities are endless!

One thing I do recommend to anyone with a comms degree as someone who just graduated last year, is to get as much work experience/relevant skills as you can while in school. That will help inform your decision of what direction you'd like your career to go.

Hope this helped! Happy to talk more if you need.
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Claudine’s Answer

You have the potential to work for any company that boasts a marketing department. Typically, marketing professionals choose to focus on either B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to consumer) marketing. Your initial choice will begin to shape your area of expertise, so it's worth giving some thought to your preference when you're selecting your first job. It's beneficial to specialize as much as possible, as this can lead to a higher salary and increase your appeal to future employers.

Consider yourself as a unique "brand" and ponder on the brand identity you'd like to establish. It's absolutely fine to change your mind later, but it's helpful to have a vision of your dream job and start working towards it. Having a clear goal is always better than wandering aimlessly. Remember, you'll never be trapped in one path, but having a clear direction can make you more appealing to employers.

Being a generalist can sometimes make it challenging to promote yourself.

To enhance your qualifications, consider obtaining some Google certifications to complement your degree. This can make you stand out in the competitive job market.
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adil’s Answer

Hi Brianna ,with your degree in Communication and a minor in Marketing, you've got some exciting options ahead! You could dive into social media marketing, public relations, corporate communications, content marketing, or market analysis. To kickstart your journey in social media marketing, I'd suggest keeping up with industry trends, seeking internships or volunteer opportunities, building your online presence, and connecting with other professionals in the field. Stay creative and proactive, and you'll make your mark in this exciting field!
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Doug’s Answer

Begin with the initial step. A fantastic approach to uncover the secrets of starting a career in social media marketing is by utilizing social media itself. Explore Linkedin and search for social media managers working in companies that you aspire to be a part of, and reach out to them. People generally have a keen interest in their professional lives and many are more than willing to impart their wisdom to someone who is just embarking on their journey.

Inquire if they would be open to having an informational interview with you. Be ready with a set of questions such as:
- Their journey to their current role
- The knowledge, skills, and abilities that are crucial for the job
- A glimpse into their daily routine
- What they love or don't love about their role or the company
- If they could suggest any opportunities or contacts

Investigate companies that have a strong social media presence that resonates with you. Analyze their campaigns, ponder over what makes them successful, how they bolster the brand, and areas they could improve upon.

Any experience that you can acquire from creating and promoting your own social media accounts will likely be advantageous for you as well.
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Cherelle’s Answer

Hey Brianna!

Social Media Marketing is such an amazing choice for a career!

Here are some ways that you can get started in the field:

- 1.) Establish your social media presence! What better way to show employers that you know your stuff than to literally SHOW them through your own social media platforms?! (e.g. LinkedIn)

- 2.) Learn social media marketing fundamentals! You can do this through a certification or degree program, whichever you prefer! — Side Note: If you opt for a degree program, completing an internship to gain experience during your senior year will give you an advantage over your competitors!

- 3.) Stay in the know when it comes to social media trends so that employers are able to see that you can keep up! Super important!

- 4.) And last (but certainly not least), apply to entry level positions! This is where it all starts for you, and once you’ve accomplished this, you’re well on your way!

You’ve got this and you’re going to do amazing!
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Amanda’s Answer

One of the most beneficial actions you can take is to investigate businesses you're interested in working for, and see if they offer internships. This not only provides you with valuable experience, but also gives you a unique inside look at the company's operations. It's worth noting that many educational institutions require internships before graduating. I would strongly suggest taking on an internship each summer. There's a mix of both paid and unpaid opportunities out there, adding to the variety of experiences you can gain.
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Janine’s Answer

Hello Brianna
I work for a telecommunications company. We have a team that is in charge of our social media and also works with internal communications amongst Verizon. Many companies have employees that work with social media platforms and employee communications. I would market you as Marketing/Communications Manager. The skies are the limit for you! Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions regarding input regarding your resume.
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Kevin’s Answer

I graduated college with a Mass Communications degree and an option in Advertising. At the time I declared my major, I didn't really know what I wanted to do (or could do, for that matter)... but that was ok! I knew I enjoyed classes within Mass Comm and really explored some class options that were offered... Journalism, Public Relations, Marketing strategy, on-campus publications (Newspaper & Magazine), etc.

It wasn't until I got hands-on experience with these publications that the pieces clicked for me. I saw behind the scenes how they were put together and I then knew I wanted to get involved with the applications needed to build out these art files. Taking it one step further, while I did enjoy the design process, I enjoyed the production aspect even more. And I've been in Production Design / Production Art within Advertising and Marketing ever since.

For you, I would reflect on what aspect of Social Media Marketing really speaks to you. Are you developing marketing strategy? Are you project managing social media accounts? Are you designing, photographing or copywriting to meet that strategy? Are you producing the content like me, as a production designer? Or as a developer? Lots of options!

The great thing about Marketing and Social Media is that it's everywhere. So many businesses are actively engaged with customers daily (or hourly!) via multiple social media channels. As other have said here, research some of the companies and brands and industries that resonate with you. Then take your desired social media focus and see if there are entry-level opportunities or internships within these areas. This will begin to fill out your resume with more hands-on experience, elevate your skill set and open more doors to your dream job. Enjoy the journey!
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Lyndsey’s Answer

Having a Communication Studies degree with a Marketing minor opens up a wide range of exciting career opportunities! Here are some potential career paths you can pursue:

1. **Marketing Specialist/Coordinator:** With your background in communication and marketing, you could work as a marketing specialist or coordinator for companies, non-profits, or marketing agencies. In this role, you would be responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies, creating promotional materials, and analyzing marketing campaigns' effectiveness.

2. **Public Relations Specialist:** Communication studies graduates often excel in public relations roles. As a PR specialist, you would be responsible for managing an organization's public image, handling media inquiries, drafting press releases, and organizing events to promote positive relationships between your organization and the public.

3. **Digital Marketing Strategist:** In today's digital age, companies are increasingly relying on digital marketing strategies to reach their target audience. With your marketing minor, you could specialize in digital marketing and work as a digital marketing strategist, focusing on areas such as social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and email marketing.

4. **Advertising Account Executive:** As an advertising account executive, you would work for advertising agencies, media firms, or in-house marketing departments, managing client accounts and overseeing the creation and execution of advertising campaigns. Your communication skills would be invaluable in building and maintaining client relationships and ensuring that advertising campaigns meet their objectives.

5. **Market Research Analyst:** Market research analysts collect and analyze data on consumer preferences, market trends, and competitor activities to help companies make informed decisions about their products and services. With your marketing minor, you could specialize in market research and use your communication skills to present your findings effectively to clients or stakeholders.

6. **Content Marketing Manager:** Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant content to attract and engage a target audience. With your communication and marketing background, you could work as a content marketing manager, overseeing content creation, distribution, and strategy to drive brand awareness, lead generation, and customer engagement.

7. **Event Planner/Coordinator:** If you enjoy organizing and coordinating events, you could pursue a career as an event planner or coordinator. In this role, you would plan and execute corporate events, conferences, trade shows, or promotional events to help organizations achieve their marketing and communication goals.

These are just a few examples of the many career paths you can pursue with a Communication Studies degree and Marketing minor. Your combination of skills in communication, marketing, and strategic thinking will make you a valuable asset in a variety of industries. Consider exploring internships or co-op opportunities in your areas of interest to gain practical experience and further tailor your career path. Good luck!