Career questions tagged broadcast-media

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Deo442 views

What is decoding in communication ?

Communication system under telecom

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Sonya727 views

What should I do to maximize my chances of getting a job in journalism?

I'm super interested in becoming a journalist but everyone I talk to says its a really hard field to get hired in especially by major news organizations like the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. So I was just wondering if there were any programs I could join or things I could do to further my chances into getting hired as a journalist?

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Henry683 views

Looking to get in contact with some legacy media (cable news, print news, etc.) senior officials. Any advice?

Hi! I am currently writing a paper on legacy media operations and am trying to connect with some legacy media senior officials to discuss some data, ask questions, and try to learn more about the specific industry. Unfortunately, I am having trouble getting in contact with anyone. I have tried looking on LinkedIn and going directly to official websites, but, still, no luck. Any tips on how to get into contact with them?

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EmmaSofia308 views

Do meteorologists only show up and work in the news field?

On the news i’m always seeing meteorologists broadcasting about the lasted weather. So it always makes me wonder if they just appear on the news or do they also work in labs and research centers?

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Kate371 views

What advice can you give to make today's news telegram channel - blog, relevant ?

What advice can you give to make today's news telegram channel - blog, relevant? What is most lacking and annoying in existing news blogs?

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Owen460 views

How difficult is it to find a job in Sports Broadcasting/Media in Massachusetts? What is the base pay??

I'm wondering how many people graduate with a degree in Sports Broadcasting/Media and end up not finding a job in the field.

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Rachel334 views

How do i get into journalism ?

I'm an eleventh grader,really passionate about broadcasting, journalism and even podcasting.I'm an active member of the journalism club in the school .

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Brianna2527 views

What can I do with a Communication Studies degree and Marketing minor?

I am interested in social media marketing and am wondering how to get started in the field ?

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Angela384 views

How can i get the job i want?

i work in an IT industry for technology

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Hanna1113 views

Can someone help me figure out what major I need?

Hi, I don't know what I'm doing. I plan on going into broadcasting and digital media, specifically podcasting, however, I don't know what degrees I should get and how to get a job from this. Would broadcasting and digital media be my major? Side question, what college would be best for digital media production?

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John2838 views

What colleges offer good courses on video production?

I am looking to attend a college after high school which has video production courses. I would like to know which colleges offer courses on video production or something similar to video production

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Maddie715 views

As a college freshman how should I get started with getting myself out there for internships What should I do??

specifically working in tv and film maybe even writing

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Sabrina428 views

How to become a good communication designer? Id it difficult? What I should know before to become one?

I'm a future student at FIT and I got accepted. I will study in double-major and I'm confused about communication design. What do I suppose to do in case to become a good communication designer? And what are the profits of it if I want to open my design business?

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Padma746 views

What are some careers in journalism?

I'm interested in going into journalism, but am curious as to what paths I can explore in the field other than "news reporter" or "staff writer." What potential options are there? As well, what are some other aspects of journalism other than writing that I could think of going into (i.e. the web or media side)? I've heard that journalists themselves don't make a lot of money, especially starting out, so some career suggestions that make a decent amount of money would be helpful.

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Meagan1053 views

How do you get a a tv show on air that you wrote and created?

Hello! I’m a Freshman (about to be a sophomore) in high school and love to write tv shows and movies. I really want to make my dream come true, but I don’t know how to do it or where to start. Thanks!

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Cole837 views

Best place to starts for a sports management/communications major ?

Going into college as a communications major next year but wanna specifically do sports communication

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