What is the workload like for someone pursuing a degree in veterinary medicine and what is the most complicated objective that you have to go through ?
The veterinary field is a great interest for me so knowing some extra information beforehand seemed like a good idea. Plus i wanted to know what the work load is like for someone in pursuit of this career whether in college (undergraduate,graduate) or already working within the veterinary field. #veterinary #medicine
1 answer
Todd’s Answer
In undergraduate, you can design or pick your own workload. How many hours you take each semester will determine how long it takes to get a degree or list of pre requisites done. Most undergraduates take about 12 - 15 hours per semester, but this can vary. An undergraduate advisor can help you find a degree plan, and determine when & what courses to take. In veterinary school, I took 19 to 21 hours per semester & the courses were defined each semester by the program. So I would say the most complicated objective I had to go through was simply keeping up with all the courses, the volume of material covered, and time management to still have some sort of life outside of Vet school.
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