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how to learn in school

leaning in school

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4 answers

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Melody’s Answer

Hi Gomez,

Everyone has a style or way they like to learn. Some people can listen to a talk or lecture, others must use their hands to work with things to learn and some use a combination of ways to learn. You should start noticing when you feel you are learning something. What are you doing at that time? You will get an idea if you are auditory (learn by listening), kinesthetic (learn by moving or doing), or some combination style.

Here is a reference guide used to try to help reach all students.
Learning styles refer to a range of theories that aim to account for differences in individuals' learning. There are different ways to categorize learning styles, but some of the most common ones are:
a. Visual learners: prefer to see things drawn out or in graphs to understand concepts.
b. Auditory learners: prefer to process information by listening.
c. Kinesthetic learners: are hands-on.
d. Verbal learners: prefer to process information by using words in both speech and writing.
e. Logical learners: have a mathematical brain.
f. Social learners: process by talking and discussing with others.
g. Solitary learners: alone with information and their thoughts.

Great questions. I hope this helps you start learning about your style of learning.
Thank you comment icon That's an awesome answer; essentially what I would have posted too. Gil Figueroa
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Marylou’s Answer

Hi Gomez,

I was a very successful student. For me, the key was organization. Not so much fun, but it worked. I made lists…Read chapter 3 about WW2. Figure out that algebra equation. Finish memorizing the state capitals. *Write up chem lab results. (I like using * for important things)

Then cross them off when completed. Very satisfying! And effective.

Next, for me, was note taking. I was a copious note taker. Sometimes just a phrase, or even just a word. Sometimes complete sentences. It really kept me focused in class…kept my mind from wandering. Also came in mighty handy when it came to studying for tests. I might have to refer to my textbook for a fuller picture, but most often, my notes would remind me what was important. And, often teachers want to hear their own words coming back to them.

Next, I’d say take some calculated risks. Grab the teacher after class, and ask if you could meet to go over something that you didn’t quite get. You’ll be rewarded for your effort. I know. Cause I’m a teacher!!

Lastly, enjoy learning! Took me a while, but after I got myself organized and it became a ‘system’, it got so much easier, that I started to enjoy it. And stopped beating myself up.

Wish you loads of success, and Happy Learning! Great question, by the way. Never stop asking questions.
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Yesenia’s Answer

Saludos, querido Gomez.

Deseo te encuentres bien, junto a tu familia.

Aprender eficazmente en la escuela es fundamental para el éxito académico y personal. Aquí tienes algunos consejos basados en principios de investigación y estrategias prácticas que pueden ayudarte:

Planifica tus sesiones de estudio: Organiza tu tiempo y asegúrate de tener un espacio tranquilo para estudiar. La planificación te ayuda a utilizar tu tiempo de manera eficiente.
Lee activamente: No solo leas el texto, sino interactúa con él. Haz preguntas, resume lo que has leído y relaciona la información con lo que ya sabes.
Refuerza tu aprendizaje: Utiliza técnicas como la elaboración de tarjetas didácticas, la realización de pruebas de práctica y la enseñanza de los conceptos a otra persona.
Mantén la motivación: Encuentra formas de mantener tu interés y entusiasmo por el aprendizaje. Establece metas pequeñas y celebra tus logros.
Conoce tus preferencias de aprendizaje: Algunas personas aprenden mejor visualmente, otras auditivamente o haciendo. Descubre qué estilo de aprendizaje se adapta mejor a ti y úsalo a tu favor.
Participa activamente en clase: Haz preguntas, participa en discusiones y colabora con tus compañeros. Esto no solo te ayuda a entender mejor el material, sino que también mejora tu retención de la información.
Busca ayuda cuando la necesites: No tengas miedo de pedir ayuda a tus profesores o tutores si no entiendes algo. Es mejor aclarar las dudas antes de que se acumulen.
Utiliza recursos adicionales: No te limites solo a tus libros de texto. Explora otros materiales como videos educativos, aplicaciones interactivas y sitios web especializados.
Descansa y cuida tu salud: El sueño, la alimentación equilibrada y el ejercicio regular son esenciales para mantener tu cerebro en óptimas condiciones para el aprendizaje.
Establece una rutina: La consistencia en tus hábitos de estudio te ayudará a formar una rutina sólida que facilitará el aprendizaje.
Recuerda que cada estudiante es único, y lo que funciona para uno puede no funcionar para otro. Experimenta con diferentes técnicas y encuentra las que mejor se adapten a ti. ¡Éxito en tus estudios!

Con cariño.

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Melissa’s Answer

Hello there,

One of the best ways to remember information is by connecting it to something you love. This makes it more meaningful and easier to recall. Also, jotting down the information can be really helpful. When you write something down, you're giving it a physical presence, which can help to cement it in your memory.