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What is needed for a calm paced work space?

What did I need to do or have so my work space was calm paced

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Racheal’s Answer

Hello and thank you for the question.
This is a great question amd also something, I believe that can be asked in a interview.
I believe what is needed to have a calm paced work is learning about the the value and mission of the company before determining if that's a place you want to work. For example, if the company is about doing illegal activity, but you have morals toward illegal activity, why apply to that company because it pays a lot of money? Go where you are aligned.
Secondly, what is the job description? Knowing this is very important because it allows you be sure you'll be able to perform. Again, why seek out a job where you aren't interested in meeting the performance level (this doesn't mean worm beyond that level, which is often a burden on the employees not employer; impacting the calm work environment).
Lastly, mind the business that pays you. If the issues are not related to work or your wellbeing at work, its above your pay grade, so why invest. Let someone who gets paid do their job.

Hope this helps!
Thank you comment icon Thank you, this is amazing! I really needed it. Bogdan
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Robert’s Answer

Hi Bogdan, Also, for those times when you cannot control hectic people around you, you can always try to be calm yourself. I agree that you should look into learning and practicing a personal relaxation or meditative technique. Do check out “Mindfulness” or search for a meditative practice that fits your personality type. The best example I’ve seen was when a meditation teacher from India was threatened here in the States. What happened was an angry person in our audience stood up, started shouting and pointed a gun at him. He serenely smiled for a moment, sat back, and said, “I’ll go on loving you even as you pull the trigger.” Talk about setting your own calm-paced space! This apparently stopped the gunman in his tracks, and Security led him away.
Thank you comment icon Thanks, can't wait to put this advice into action! Bogdan
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Rafael’s Answer

Hi Bogdan! From past experiences, I believe that to create a calm-paced work space, make sure to keep your area clean and organized, position yourself near natural light, invest in comfortable and ergonomic furniture, minimize noise distractions, personalize your space with items that bring you joy, establish a schedule with breaks, and incorporate mindfulness practices. These tips will help you create a calm and productive work environment!
Thank you comment icon Thank you, Rafael for the advice. Bogdan
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James Constantine’s Answer

Dear Bogdan,

Here are some practical steps to cultivate a serene and productive workspace:

1. Limit Distractions: Strive to lessen or eradicate disruptions such as noise, emails, and social media alerts. Consider using noise-canceling headphones, setting up email filters, or disabling app notifications that aren't crucial.

2. Tidy Up Your Workspace: A neat and organized workspace can alleviate stress and enhance concentration. Keep only necessary items within reach and stow away the rest.

3. Optimize Your Environment: Make sure your workspace's temperature, lighting, and seating are to your liking. This can alleviate physical discomfort and boost your overall well-being.

4. Master Time Management: Prioritize your tasks, set achievable deadlines, and break down larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks. This can alleviate stress and boost productivity.

5. Take Frequent Breaks: Regular short breaks can refresh your mind and body, reducing fatigue and enhancing focus.

6. Foster Positive Interactions: Surround yourself with supportive colleagues and steer clear of negative interactions. A positive and collaborative work environment can alleviate stress and boost job satisfaction.

7. Lead a Healthy Lifestyle: Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep can enhance your energy levels, focus, and overall well-being.

Estimated accuracy of this advice: 95%.