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What is a career ?

Okay I’m sort of confused need some assistance on this

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4 answers

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seyed hamid’s Answer

Hi Stephen،

In today’s bustling modern world, a profession is a solution for continuing a dignified life, achieving the basic desires of human existence, and, if chosen correctly, a means to fulfill one’s dreams. I am confident that, as evident from your insightful question, you possess the intelligence to make the best life decisions at the most appropriate times. I wish you all the best in your endeavors. May you succeed.
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Kathleen’s Answer

Hi Stephen! A career is an individual's chosen profession or occupation. People have many different talents and interests and most tend to choose a career that enables them to utilize and expand on those talents and interests. Spend some time thinking about what you love to do and ask people who know you well and that you trust to help you by sharing what they notice about your strengths and what you appear to enjoy and do well. Art, music, science, writing ,building things or taking them apart to see how they work...all are typical things we enjoy and may be the direction to pursue as a career.
Good luck, you'll figure it out!
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Martin’s Answer

A career, in its simplest terms, is a professional journey you embark on to earn a living throughout your working years. It's not just about bagging groceries part-time at a supermarket,. It's a main job, you're committed to it full-time, and you see a potential for growth in the future. In essence, a career should be a source of financial stability that enables you to lead a comfortable life. But more importantly, it should be something that brings you joy and fulfillment each day. Remember, only you have the power to determine whether an opportunity can turn into a rewarding career for you!
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Jonathan’s Answer

A CAREER is a long-term pursuit of a lifelong ambition or the general course of progression towards lifelong goals. It often involves a series of connected employment opportunities, where one builds up skills at earlier employment opportunities to move you into higher paying and higher prestige employment opportunities later on.

A JOB, on the other hand, is a specific task or set of tasks performed by an individual in exchange for payment. It can be short-term or long-term, part-time or full-time, and may or may not align with one's broader career goals. Jobs typically focus on immediate needs, such as earning money to pay bills or gaining work experience. Unlike a career, a job is often seen as a means to an end rather than a long-term pursuit.

A PROFESSION, on the other hand, is the sharing of knowledge for the good of humankind. Clearly there are overlaps between "career", "job" and "profession", but there will be times when the distinctions can be important to your life journey.