Career questions tagged architecture
An architect is the first step in designing a structure. Popular careers include Architectural and engineering managers, landscape artists, civil engineers, but there is much more. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less

What are some good online/remote civil engineering or architecture related volunteering that I can do as a 15-16 year old??
I want to learn about architecture and civil engineering and have something to add onto my college application to show my interest and dedication :)

What career matches my interests?
I'm a high school junior and I like math and art. All of my extracurriculars are really centered around education though. I tutor kids in reading and my past 2 jobs have both been working with kids. Architecture and engineering are both interesting to me but I'm not entirely sure what I want to do.

Do you have any advice for joining TEA (Themed Entertainment Association)?
I've been trying to network with them in hopes of landing a job; however, I went to architecture school and don't really know who's willing to take in someone entry-level.

What should I major in if I wanna work as a disney imagineer?
Im currently a sophmore in highschool and I know I wanna do something working within the disney imagineering world. But I don't know what I should major in, I know I don't wanna do the manual labour part, but I do know I wanna come up with ideas for the different parks. I do know that when im deciding on different colleges im also looking to see if they offer the Disney college program.

How do you get into set design/ themed entertainment?
Coming from an architecture background, I find it challenging to find a set design/ themed entertainment job.

Whats is the common thing i can expect on the worksite?
What can i expect on the jobsite?

Art or Design technology IGSCE?
so in my school, we have art and DT (design technology) as separate IGCSES, i want to be an architect/interior designer, technically, taking DT would be more useful and easier for me to take rather than art/both. i just want to know since im not entirely sure if it is necessary for unis n stuff!

Rate my skills and give me some tips for architecture and design!!?
My tik tok is called (hayat_.design_) check out if you'd like and tell me what you think...THANK YOU!!! FYI I also do other types of design like fashion design and others :)) also still a beginner

How are earthquake resistant buildings made?
I'm most interested about how buildings are made to resist earthquakes. I know that they use things such as re-enforced steel, but I'm interested on what else is used

does architecture ever involve programming?
and not just tools to speed up the proccess (so a software like blender does not count, unless you add some code to procedurally generate stuff) but auctually proceduraly generate it.

I want to become a very well-known architect not just the architect in the office doing work all day... but how?
hello there i am Blair a sophomore interested in architecture, I want to own my own own company one day of course I need to first get some experience but I am very passionate about making my own company but I need help on choosing WHERE?, HOW? (I also took 2 classes for business and one of them was college credit and I also took Macro economics and Micro econ both for college credit) Thank you all :)))

I am looking for programs, internships and summer camps that are available in my state of Kansas for Archicture, such as firms, colleges etc, as a sophomore.?
so i am a sophomore and i am trying to apply for stuff but don't know where to look for, the colleges that I have in my state or around me are UMKC, K state, KU, JCCC and Baker, I am trying to look for programs or offers in that area from firms but I am not sure how to find it and how to look for programs, thank you. -Blair.

Is Architecture is good option as a career? ?
Studying in 12th ...want to ask abt career path as I confused in few things and not able to decide what to do... I m planning to give NATA and JEE MAINS PAPER 2 for admission in architecture field

How much an architect makes in a year?
Hello! How much an architect makes in a year?

How to find the right internship for your major?
I am currently a firsyt year majoring in architecture, I want to apply for interships this summer but having trouble on where to start.

What skills or experiences do you consider most important for someone entering architecture today?
What skills or experiences are crucial for someone entering architecture today, and how can I develop them? Specifically, which technical skills, design approaches, sustainability knowledge, communication strategies, and real-world experiences should I focus on to become well-rounded and competitive in the field?

Hi, I am a sophomore in high school, I am very interested in architecture but...
I need help on where to start, and also where to look for programs, internships, shadowing opportunities, and maybe better practice for it like maybe taking an online course or something, I am very passionate about it and want to make sure I am very prepared before going into college...Thank you very much!!!

What are the main qualities one should have when getting into to the construction path?
I plan to go into construction soon and then look into architecture.

What does a day in the life of a Civil Engineer look like?
Im trying to get info for a school project.

What career path can someone do if he or she likes architecture and engineering?
Can automotive engineering be integrated with architecture

What experiences should I seek out to determine if architecture is the right career for me?
I am a junior in high school, and I enjoy design and problem-solving. I would like to learn more about architecture and how it blends creativity with practical solutions. I’m interested in exploring different aspects of architecture, like sustainability and urban design.

Im interested in a degree in landscape architecture what degree do I need that would also possibly work for a design major ?#Fall24
would potentially like a job in design and design houses and yards, or potentially design commercial buildings and surroundings

What do I need to major on in studying crimial justice ?
Hi I'm a student with a dream of becoming an architect but I really don't know how to go about it, I need help in directing my focus on what i really need in order to succeed becoming an architect

What do I need to major on in studying architecture ?
Hi I'm a student with a dream of becoming an architect but I really don't know how to go about it, I need help in directing my focus on what i really need in order to succeed becoming an architect

What is architecture about?
What are the requirements for studying Architecture?

What are some good colleges for architecute?
So far, I've complied a list on SchooLinks of about 28 potential colleges to apply to. Still, I don't know which would be best to look at or if I should add any more, although I know that I have plenty already. I'm open to all colleges, including those outside of the US. I know that if I get accepted in the future, I'll go to either MIT or Cornell, but I know that it's unlikely that I'll get accepted to either of them, seeing their acceptance scores. Below is my list so far (based on acceptance rates and my scores): LIKELY: -University of Arkansas -West Chester University of Pennsylvania -Syracuse University -The University of Tennessee-Knoxville -Cambridge College TARGET: -Texas A & M University-College Station -UT Austin -Baylor University -University of Southern California -Louisiana Tech University -Pratt Institute -California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo -University of Notre Dame -Virginia Tech REACH: -University of Pennsylvania -Carnegie Mellon University -UCLA -University of Rochester -Lehigh University -Bucknell University -Emory University -Tufts University -UChicago -Tulane University -Rice University -Columbia University in the City of New York -MIT I know that there are a lot, but I'm going to go in and consider them more in-depth at a later date.

What certifications should I get?
I'm an upcoming 9th grader for 2025. I plan to go into architecture when I'm in college, and have been planning it for the past year or two now. Are there any certifications that I should think of getting this summer, architecture/engineering related or not? Are there any good volunteer ideas?

What exactly does a real estate architect do?
What responsibilities and jobs do they have to carry out?