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How do I write a good resume for a job like being an IT engineer and Business, and how do I get to a comfortable level of IT and Sports ?

I wanted to ask if I could end up doing IT and Sports because I play basketball and I want to have a career in basketball but again in IT and business

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Moiz’s Answer

Embarking on a career path that fuses your love for basketball with your fascination for IT and business is absolutely achievable. Here's a guide on how to construct a resume that puts your talents and experiences in both domains on display:

Header: Begin your resume with your name and contact details. Ensure you provide a professional email address and a phone number where potential employers can contact you.
Summary or Objective Statement: Pen down a concise summary or objective statement that underscores your career aspirations and pertinent skills. Highlight your zeal for IT engineering and business, along with your love for sports, especially basketball.
Education: Enumerate your educational qualifications, including any degrees, certifications, or relevant coursework. If your degree is in IT, engineering, business, or a related field, make sure to emphasize it here.
Professional Experience: Elaborate on your work history, focusing on roles and responsibilities that exhibit your talents in IT engineering and business. Spotlight any projects, accomplishments, or leadership roles that demonstrate your capabilities in these areas.
Skills: Design a section solely to list your technical skills pertinent to IT engineering, like programming languages, software tools, and hardware expertise. Also, include any business skills, such as project management, financial analysis, or marketing, that align with your career goals.
Basketball Experience: Allocate a section to your basketball experience, including any teams you've been a part of, awards or achievements, and leadership roles. Highlight transferable skills like teamwork, communication, leadership, and discipline that are beneficial in both sports and professional settings.
Additional Sections: Think about including extra sections, like volunteer experience, extracurricular activities, or relevant hobbies, to further exhibit your varied interests and abilities.
As for attaining a comfortable expertise level in both IT and sports, here are some practical steps you can follow:

Continuous Learning: Commit time to learn and enhance your skills in IT engineering through online courses, tutorials, and practical projects. Likewise, persist in refining your basketball skills through practice, training sessions, and regular games.
Networking: Engage with professionals in both the IT and sports sectors to gain insights, advice, and mentorship. Participate in networking events, join online groups, and connect with individuals who can offer guidance on progressing your career in both areas.
Balanced Schedule: Develop a balanced schedule that permits you to allocate time for both IT and sports activities. Prioritize tasks and activities based on your objectives and commitments, and be disciplined in managing your time efficiently.
Set Goals: Establish specific, measurable goals for yourself in both IT and sports. Whether it's mastering a new coding language or enhancing your shooting percentage on the basketball court, having distinct goals will keep you focused and driven.
Seek Opportunities: Hunt for opportunities to blend your interests in IT and sports, such as volunteering for tech-related projects within the sports industry or exploring careers in sports analytics or sports technology.
Remember, pursuing a career that amalgamates your passions demands dedication, persistence, and an openness to explore new opportunities. Stay optimistic, enjoy the journey, and have faith in your capacity to thrive in both IT engineering and sports.

If you have any queries or require more guidance along the way, feel free to get in touch. I'm here to assist you in realizing your goals!
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Holger’s Answer

Great question! I think your problem is a perfect example of what can really play out in your favour. In my experience, IT companies value engineers that are excited about what they are doing. A great way to demonstrate this, is to create a project in the domain of your interest.

In your case the domain would be basketball and a project can basically be anything that combines IT with basketball. Some example might be an app to finger throw a 3 points, an AI agent that is made to answer basketball questions, a website about your favorite team.... you name it.

If I would do an interview with you in which you would tell me about this project, it would tell me that you are a curios person, that can self teach skills. Also that you are willing to invest your time to reach a goal. These are all factors that will distinguish you from others which should always be the goal when applying for e.g. an engineering job.

Holger recommends the following next steps:

Try to come up with a unique idea of a basketball related project
Figure out the skills you need to get the most basic version done of this project
Refine the project until you are happy with it
Thank you comment icon You rock! This advice is very helpful. Sandrah
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Ana’s Answer

Combining interests in IT engineering, business, and sports is definitely possible! When crafting your resume for such a diverse career path, highlight relevant skills and experiences from each field.

- For the IT engineering aspect, emphasize your technical skills, certifications, and any relevant projects or internships.
- In the business realm, showcase your leadership abilities, project management experience, and knowledge of business principles.
- Additionally, for your passion for sports, emphasize teamwork, communication, and any leadership roles you've held in athletic settings.

To reach a comfortable level in both IT and sports, consider pursuing internships or part-time jobs in IT while also actively participating in sports-related activities or clubs on campus. Additionally, seek out mentors or professionals who have successfully balanced careers in both IT and sports for guidance and advice. By leveraging your diverse skill set and passion for sports you can create a fulfilling career that combines your interests.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for sharing your perspective. Sandrah
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Cooper’s Answer

Hello, your query is indeed insightful! It's crucial to customize your resume and any related application documents to fit the specific job you're applying for. My recommendation would be to create separate resumes for IT and business roles, allowing you to highlight relevant experiences for each field.

Even if your ultimate career path is in business or IT, your passion for basketball could be beneficial. Participating in sports cultivates vital life skills such as dedication, organization, teamwork, and goal-setting. These skills are especially beneficial in the business world.

A career in IT, on the other hand, differs significantly from both basketball and business. If you have a computer at your disposal, you could start acquiring IT skills by exploring more about your device. You could learn skills such as virus removal, file organization, and basic programming, which could equip you for an IT career.
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Adekunle’s Answer

Hi Sandrah! I would recommend looking at examples online and using them as a template for building your own resume. You could try following these steps:

Adekunle recommends the following next steps:

Write down all of your experience (personal projects, jobs, internships)
Write down all your education experience (school, books, bootcamps)
Write a brief description of yourself and your identity (backend, frontend, fullstack)
Combine it into a single resume from a template found online
Thank you comment icon This was super helpful, thank you! Sandrah
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Jennifer’s Answer

Hi Sandrah, I wanted to address your question on whether you could have a career in Basketball and IT. I used to work at IRONMAN (triathlon company) and we had a fairly large IT department. So, I think you can grow your IT skills and seek out jobs in house at Sports entities! I fully believe you could find yourself in IT for the NBA or a Basketball team one day. Checkout for example job listings in sports. Good luck.
Thank you comment icon I appreciate your support, Jennifer Sandrah
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Nirali’s Answer

I'll answer "what a good resume looks like" in terms of a program management professional. A resume should have the following components, (1) your personal information like email address, physical address, and LinkedIn link, (2) talents/skills in the form of 1-2 words each - which are a collection of skills you've learned in your past job experience, (3) your education, and (4) your job experience.

Here are examples:

(1) John Doe, 123 Jupiter Lane, WA, 555-555-5555, johndoe @
(2) Stakeholder management, leadership communications, project scoping and delivery, agile project management, proficiency in C++, dependency and risk management
(3) BA in Computer Science, 2013-2017
(4) Job 1 + bulleted list on what you accomplished there + how you accomplished it; continue for Job 2

Nirali recommends the following next steps:

Set up a LinkedIn profile
Add your relevant job experience, adding bullets on each thing you've accomplished that's worth sharing + how you accomplished this (what skill you used)
Create your resume
Send your resume around for review
Thank you comment icon Thanks, can't wait to put this advice into action! Sandrah
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Michaela’s Answer

Combining interests in IT, business, and sports is certainly possible, and you can tailor your resume and career path to reflect your diverse skills and passions. Here's how to write a resume for a job like an IT engineer and business, and how to achieve a comfortable level of proficiency in both IT and sports:

1. **Resume Writing for IT Engineer and Business**:
- **Objective or Summary**: Begin your resume with a brief objective or summary statement that highlights your background, skills, and career goals. Emphasize your interest in IT engineering and business management.
- **Skills Section**: Create a dedicated skills section that showcases your technical skills in IT (e.g., programming languages, software development, network administration) as well as your business skills (e.g., project management, strategic planning, financial analysis).
- **Experience**: Detail your relevant work experience, including any internships, part-time jobs, or freelance projects in IT engineering or business roles. Highlight specific accomplishments and contributions that demonstrate your abilities and achievements.
- **Education**: Include your educational background, including degrees, certifications, and relevant coursework in IT, computer science, business administration, or related fields.
- **Additional Sections**: Consider adding additional sections to highlight relevant achievements, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or interests related to IT, business, or sports.

2. **Achieving Proficiency in IT and Sports**:
- **Education and Training**: Pursue formal education and training in IT, business, and sports management to develop foundational knowledge and skills in each area. Consider enrolling in degree programs, online courses, workshops, or certifications that offer specialized training in IT engineering, business administration, and sports management.
- **Hands-On Experience**: Gain practical experience through internships, projects, or part-time jobs in IT engineering, business management, or sports-related roles. Seek opportunities to apply your skills and knowledge in real-world settings and learn from experienced professionals in each field.
- **Networking and Mentorship**: Build a strong professional network in IT, business, and sports by connecting with industry professionals, mentors, coaches, and peers. Attend networking events, conferences, and seminars to meet potential mentors and learn from their experiences and insights.
- **Balancing Priorities**: Find a balance between your interests in IT, business, and sports by managing your time effectively and prioritizing activities that align with your goals and values. Create a schedule that allows you to dedicate time to each pursuit while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
- **Continuous Learning and Growth**: Stay updated on developments and trends in IT, business, and sports by engaging in continuous learning and professional development. Follow industry publications, attend workshops, and seek out opportunities for skill development and career advancement in each field.

By integrating your interests in IT, business, and sports and pursuing opportunities that leverage your diverse skills and passions, you can create a rewarding and fulfilling career path that combines your professional aspirations with your personal interests.