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Why is psychology a career that is being underestimated yet it should be given a priority?

Students at school should be given mental health providers because they as well have different disturbances in their minds and they might be afraid to talk about

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Lewis !

I admire your inquiry about Psychology which is one of the most popular careers in our country. I am not sure what gave you an impression that it is underestimated and not given a priority. It is the complete opposite to the point where they even incorporate it into television shows and is represented in copious films, documentaries and is a prime major for students in college. Institutions such as schools, hospitals, private facilities, nursing homes all hire Psychologists to serve their people. It is hardly underestimated or a rare thing in the United States.

There are many Psychological based journals, publications and on-going studies, some of which contradict the information of chemical imbalance. We do not acquire a deficiency of Prozac or Adderall. New techniques are always being developed, such as treating mental illness as a physical issue, whereby instead of just merely talking to a patient and concluding what they have, some psychiatrists and psychologists are examining the patient's brain to see exactly what is happening such as a cyst, a growth, a tumor, damage, congenital malformation, malnutrition, etc. Then when the doctor knows exactly what is happening in the brain, they can work with the specific root of the problem. The idea is that medication is for the people around the patient, not the patient. So you see, it is such an important topic that doctors are always discovering new ways to help people and it's true that they are taught symptom/medication model in college, but many have contributed to patients' healing even though it may not be talked about main stream.

As previously a case manager in the social service realm, I have seen so many different approaches, so many professionals of all types, I can hardly think of it as "underestimated" or that there are a lack of services especially since about the 1970's when the stigma was lifted and it's quite accepted more than it was in the early 20th century. Every school that I am aware of does indeed have access to psychologists for students. Services are definitely provided or the student is referred out to the community for mental health services. The one thing we do not have in our country is a lack of mental health services. So, Lewis, please feel reassured.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Lewis,

Understanding the Importance of Psychology as a Career

Psychology is a field that is often underestimated in terms of its importance and impact on society. However, it is crucial to recognize the significance of psychology as a career and why it should be given a priority.

1. Mental Health Awareness and Support

One of the primary reasons why psychology should be prioritized as a career is the increasing awareness of mental health issues in society. Mental health problems are prevalent across all age groups, including students. Providing access to mental health providers, such as psychologists, can help address these issues effectively. Students face various challenges and disturbances in their minds, which they may be hesitant or afraid to talk about openly. Psychologists play a vital role in providing support, guidance, and therapy to individuals struggling with mental health issues.

2. Emotional Well-being and Resilience

Psychologists are trained professionals who specialize in understanding human behavior, emotions, and thought processes. By prioritizing psychology as a career, individuals can benefit from the expertise of psychologists in promoting emotional well-being and resilience. In educational settings, students may encounter stress, anxiety, depression, or other emotional challenges that can impact their academic performance and overall well-being. Psychologists can offer counseling services, psychological assessments, and interventions to help students cope with these difficulties effectively.

3. Personal Growth and Development

Another reason why psychology should be given a priority as a career is its focus on personal growth and development. Psychologists work with individuals to enhance self-awareness, improve coping strategies, develop interpersonal skills, and foster positive relationships. By investing in psychology as a profession, individuals can access valuable resources for personal growth and self-improvement. This not only benefits individuals seeking psychological support but also contributes to building a healthier and more resilient community.

4. Research and Innovation

Psychology as a career encompasses various subfields such as clinical psychology, counseling psychology, educational psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and more. These diverse areas of specialization contribute to research advancements and innovative practices in understanding human behavior and mental processes. Prioritizing psychology as a career fosters research initiatives that lead to evidence-based interventions, therapies, and strategies for addressing complex psychological issues effectively.

In conclusion, psychology is a career that should be given priority due to its significant impact on mental health awareness, emotional well-being, personal growth, development opportunities for individuals across different settings like schools or workplaces.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

American Psychological Association (APA) - The APA is one of the leading organizations in the field of psychology that provides authoritative information on research findings, best practices in psychological treatment approaches.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - NAMI is a reputable source for information related to mental health advocacy efforts aimed at raising awareness about mental health issues among students.

World Health Organization (WHO) - WHO offers valuable insights into global mental health trends and initiatives aimed at promoting mental well-being among different populations worldwide.

These sources were instrumental in providing accurate information regarding the importance of prioritizing psychology as a career for addressing mental health concerns among students effectively.

God Bless You,
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Pamela’s Answer

Hello Lewis
By having access to mental health professionals, students can receive support and guidance in managing their emotions, improving their mental well-being, and addressing any underlying issues that may be affecting their academic performance. Additionally, mental health providers in schools can help identify and intervene early in cases of mental health disorders, potentially preventing more serious issues from developing later on.

Prioritizing psychology as a career also ensures that individuals struggling with mental health issues receive the necessary support and intervention to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Mental health professionals play a crucial role in helping individuals overcome challenges, cope with stress, and develop effective coping strategies. By recognizing the importance of psychology, society can work towards reducing stigma surrounding mental health, increasing access to treatment, and promoting overall well-being for all individuals.
Best wishes,
_Professional Pamela Knight
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Linda’s Answer

Mental health has a huge stigma attached to it mainly because many years ago it hadn't been studied and it was a black eye on your family if you suffered even the slightest sign that your weren't like everyone else. We know now because of wonderful scientist tireless efforts most mood disorders are brought on by imbalances in brain chemistry and in most cases can be managed with proper medication. Other disorders are more complicated but are mostly manageable as well, and in some cases people are just free spirits who march to there own beat and are misunderstood. Of course there are cases of people who truly are mentally ill and need care and strict supervision. Fortunately brave people like you so young and concerned enough to raise the issue surrounding mental ill want answers, this is how progress and change for the good of all happens. I am very proud of you for your thoughtful curiosity. Stay curious and maintain your kind and watchful eye. We need most of all to be good human beings. Thank you !!!!!