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How do I write very short stories to animate?

So I wanted to post small animation content on social media like Instagram and LinkedIn. But I find it hard to create a good content strategy. I don't know where to start with writing, what kind of story will be good, or how to keep it short. I would really appreciate any help with this. Thank you.

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Steve’s Answer

In addition to the ideas suggested by others, tap into your own experiences. Have you had an a-ha moment in your life? Can you transform that into a compelling short video? Consider how you can make your audience feel a deep connection with the story you're telling. Is it a humorous incident? A touching memory? Or a moment that made you go "wow"? By making the main character relatable, you can strengthen this emotional bond.

Another crucial point to ponder - Who are you speaking to? Are you aiming to connect with people of your own age? Or perhaps you're crafting something for a younger child? Or maybe you're inspired by an adult in your life and want to add your unique twist to their experience...

There are countless possibilities and paths to explore. In the end, let your story be a reflection of your creative spirit.

Best of luck.
Thank you comment icon Loved reading this, thanks! Pearl
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Pearl !

What a wonderful career you have chosen - so creative and can be very entertaining ! I think that you may be experiencing your creative flow issue maybe because you might need to become more familiar with the process of video editing and animation. The tech part is a big element of what you want to do and the more you polish your animation and editing skills, the inspiration may just come forward. Do not worry because this all takes some time, but you will get there.

There are two components that you are working with: writing and video creation. For your writing, you might want to participate on the website Writing for which I have left the link for you below. In this community, you can write your short stories and save them to your portfolio on the website. There are often prompts that will generate inspiration and creativity for things to write about. Being part of that community can keep you in the loop and possibly facilitate your writing of your very short stories so that you can animate them later on.

The other part of this is the actual making of the videos - the UGC (User Generated Content) that you want to upload to platforms. It is true that the technical know how of making videos can be confusing and seem like a lot of new things to learn, but it is well worth it because UGC is becoming very popular and I am at the kindergarten level of trying to absorb it myself. But it can be done. You will have to decide on what to use, how to edit, how to loop the music or background sound or voice over. You can look for training for this online or seek courses at nearby colleges. If you are in high school, I am sure that someone there with resources would be happy to help you out. It's not a mistake to experiment, either. Eventually, you will know how much written story will take how much time on video. Do not give up. We all have to start somewhere and make our beginning a learning experience.

As for content, as I've mentioned, the website Writing can really help. Besides that, first think of things you like, activities you like to do, animals you like, people you like, messages that you want to tell the world, humorous, sad, contemplative. You can set any tone you choose. Start out with things that you feel close to, stories that reflect the human experience or stories for children. The more variety you have the better it will be to capture an audience. Draw upon real life as well as create scenarios that teach and entertain. Your creativity and the technical aspect of making videos will definitely come together. It takes time.

I hope that this is helpful and I wish you all the best !

Michelle recommends the following next steps:

Thank you comment icon Thank you for taking the time to help. Pearl
Thank you comment icon You are very welcome, Pearl ! Michelle M.
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Isaiah’s Answer

The best stories and animations come from what you like. If you're making your work to strictly garner attention online, you're creating for the wrong reason. What kind of stories do you like? Action, drama, comedy, sci-fi, etc. Pick a genre and make something that you would like to see or recreate an idea that you really like. Example: I like Pokemon, so I made an animation of Pikachu evolving. Very simple idea about something I like.

I like PIKACHU so I animated a PIKACHU doing something.

Don't overthink your ideas and make what you find interesting. Over time, people who share your interests will find you. NEVER create for the purpose of likes and attention because when you don't reach the outcome you wanted, it will deter you from creating more.

Pikachu Animation:
Thank you comment icon Thanks for your encouragement! Pearl
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Ted’s Answer

Hi Pearl,

What a fun endeavor!
Since you are just starting out, I think Isaiah had a good suggestion. Use a subject matter that inspires you.

I would add, to keep it short.

A good way to do this (if you are animating a character) is to simply show an emotional change in your subject. So within a short piece ( say 10 seconds) take a character from sad to happy, or content to mad, etc... and build a simple story about why their emotion changes.

Clever, simple short stories like this are fun to create, don't require an enormous amount of work when you are learning your craft, can be very powerful when infusing a performance into your animated character, and are manageble when you are starting out.

Most of all have fun with it.

The 11 Second Club is based on this premise (but you animate to an 11 second audio clip). Short, and the subject usually gives the opportunity for emotional change in the animated performance of a character.

Good luck!
Thank you comment icon Thank you, this is amazing! I really needed it. Pearl