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How can I be come a professional programming and coding ...?

How can I be come a professional programming and coding ...?

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Edward’s Answer

My best advice would be to start learning as much as you can from online courses and videos. This will allow you to start making personal projects and getting experience in programming and coding. Find out what areas of programming you are interested in and start a Github account where you can showcase your work. The more experience and the more learning you do will set you up for success.
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Kevin’s Answer

Hi there, Lacey! You've asked a fantastic question, and the answer can vary! It really depends on where you currently are in your educational journey, whether you're in high school, college, or beyond. However, there are some universal tips that can benefit everyone!

For those in middle or high school, I'd suggest dipping your toes into programming classes if they're available. This could be a basic course or even an advanced AP Computer Science class. Python is a super user-friendly language to start with. If your school doesn't offer these classes or you're not quite at the right grade level, don't worry! There are plenty of online resources where you can learn at your own pace. If you find this a bit overwhelming, you could start with visual programming like Scratch. It's a fun way to get familiar with the basics and gradually build your skills. The beauty of learning coding on your own is that it's like a playground - you can explore and create whatever you like! Just remember to start small and gradually increase the complexity of your projects.

For those in college, whether you're a freshman or a senior, I believe it's beneficial to take several computer science courses, ideally covering a variety of programming languages. This is the perfect time to collaborate on projects with your classmates, create your own projects outside of class, and participate in clubs or hackathons if they're available. Hackathons might seem daunting at first, but they're an excellent way to immerse yourself in the coding world without any real risk. It's a fantastic opportunity to showcase your skills, learn from your peers, and gain valuable experience through trial and error.

Once you've built up your skills and experience, it's all about networking and marketing yourself. Send out your resume, chat with programmers at career fairs, and before you know it, you'll be well on your way to becoming a professional coder!

Keep going, you're doing great!
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Sarah’s Answer

Hello Lacey, achieving your dream of becoming a professional programmer is absolutely within your reach and only requires a few steps.

- Embark on your journey of learning and growth today.
- Begin by grasping the basics: Understand what variables, loops, conditionals, and functions are.
- To master these basics, choose a programming language to kickstart your journey.
- A novice-friendly programming language like Python could be a great starting point. Python is a user-friendly, object-oriented programming language that's ideal for beginners. Here's a comprehensive beginner's course on YouTube -
- Make a daily commitment to dedicate at least 1 hour to learning and practicing.
- Leverage free online resources such as Codeacademy and Khan Academy. These platforms offer free learning resources to help you hone your skills as a programmer.
- Gain practical experience: Start with small projects and contribute to open-source projects on GitHub to acquire real-world experience. Participating in coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode and Kattis can also be beneficial.
- Education: Consider acquiring certifications from coding bootcamps or pursuing a college degree in computer science or information technology to further enhance your skills and boost your resume.

Best of luck on your journey!
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Satya’s Answer

1. Start by choosing a programming language such as Python, SWIFT, Javascript, etc. Enhance your coding skills by working on personal projects and learning from online tutorials. The more you practice, the more proficient you'll become.
2. Create a portfolio that showcases your coding projects. This will highlight your skills and demonstrate your problem-solving capabilities. Having a strong portfolio can be a great advantage when you're applying for jobs or internships.
3. Enroll in a coding boot camp to further hone your skills. These boot camps often offer career guidance and are fantastic places to network and learn from others.
4. Seek out internships. Check job boards for entry-level positions to gain practical experience in a professional environment.
5. Get on LinkedIn and start connecting with professionals in your chosen field. Their advice can be invaluable when it comes to finding opportunities.
6. Get to know the latest AI tools for coding, like Github Co-Pilot. These can accelerate your learning and help you prepare for the future of the programming profession.
7. Set achievable short-term learning goals and monitor your progress by completing programming assignments.

Wishing you the best of luck!
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Stephen’s Answer

To become a professional, the first step is to begin, and the second is to persist. Everything that can be accomplished in life begins with taking the first step towards it. It's not just about starting and continuing, but also about being steadfast and consistent. Yes, there will be obstacles, but a determined individual faces these challenges without surrendering, always keeping their goal in sight.

The dream of becoming a professional programmer is within your reach! Work intelligently and push yourself to the limit!

For a more complete perspective, I recommend checking out @Sarah Halil's response.
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Brady’s Answer

Hey there, I'm confident that you can utilize a variety of effective strategies on your path to becoming a seasoned programmer. Here's some friendly advice to guide you:
1. Sharpen your basic skills: It's essential to have a firm grasp on common coding practices, algorithms, and data structures. These are vital for crafting high-quality code.
2. Practice makes perfect: Regular practice on platforms like Leet Code will significantly enhance your problem-solving and technical abilities.
3. Dive into Projects: Engaging in project work was a key factor in my own growth as a programmer. Start with manageable projects and gradually take on larger ones, such as a full stack web application. I strongly suggest creating a personal portfolio website and showcasing it to tech recruiters while discussing your process of building it.
This advice merely touches the tip of the iceberg, but I trust it provides you with a solid springboard to launch from and achieve your aspirations of becoming a professional!
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Rajeev’s Answer

Firstly, kudos to you for choosing the perfect major for your career path - programming. It's fascinating to see how programming has permeated almost every industry. I encourage you to delve deeper into your interest in programming. Here are some areas you might consider:

1. System Programming
2. Application Programming
3. Cyber Security
4. Game Development
5. App Development

Take some time to ponder over these areas and select the one that aligns best with your interests.
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Suleka’s Answer

It's fantastic to hear about your interest in Programming! If you've earned a college degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, you're already in a prime position. However, don't worry if you're pursuing a different degree, as programming is a versatile field that can be entered from various academic backgrounds. A plethora of programming courses are accessible, both online and on-campus, designed to equip you with the necessary skills and steer you towards a promising career in this field. Just like me, who graduated with a Masters in Life Science and managed to switch careers after taking a course at Depaul University. Wishing you all the success in your journey!
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Elizabeth’s Answer

I have found some of the best ways to learn in general is to do!
First, you should understand some core principles of programing/coding. Do this by watching some videos on backend and frontend development*. Now you are ready for some personal projects! The language that you code in (frankly) is not that big of a deal. Everyone has a different opinion on which language is the "best" or "has the most opportunities", but when you are a beginner, you should prioritize the principles and foundations. The syntax of the language is easier to get help from your IDE**(the "app" you will be coding on that is basically a step up from just coding on a blank document. I suggest doing your own research here as well, but highly suggest VSCode as an absolute beginner then transitioning into IntelliJ [my fave]).
I have gone into chatGPT in the past and asked it to give me a list of projects to practice certain principles. For example, I have asked it "provide me a list of coding practice projects that will teach me html, css, javascript front end development" or something similar. Once you pick a little project, you can ask chatGPT "structure a project description with starting files for __(your project)____ with a step-by-step learning document to code along with" or something similar. It should produce some starting files for you to be able to put your code into and a little help guide. Use to ChatGPT and google if there are any stick points! They are great resources when you are doing these types of veryyyy basic coding projects.
Once you start getting more confident, you can start doing some research on softwares large corporations are using to make coding easier and more efficient. A lot of places are moving onto low-code/no-code platforms such as Microsoft Power Apps. If you can get comfortable with that, you can start collecting certificates. Go onto AWS or Google or some other learning platforms, you can then just complete the courses in your free time to boost the credibility of your resume!

These are very generalized steps, but it is where I believe you can learn the fastest but not necessarily in-depth learning. If you want a deep knowledge, you should take time to self-teach some math and research algorithms. In terms of math, look into discrete mathematics and linear algebra which are truly foundational to understand a lot of the algorithms created. In terms of algorithms, start by looking up "Basic search algorithms", and go from there to learn more about the "corrections" made with each iteration of those core algos. I suggest going on to OneBlueThreeBrown youtube channel where they explain a lot of this computer sciencey math and algo stuff! Good luck and happy coding!

*frontend meaning the software(code) that you interact with and see as a user and backend meaning the software that supports the actions of the user.
**Don't get too bogged down with the crazy vocab we have in this industry. Keep a little notecard and write down the words with their definitions. that can be your reference until you really start to catch on!