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how to improve my grade in school ?

is it by working hard or smart

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Ashlee’s Answer

Improving your grades and keeping them up is a combination of hard work and smart work. When you look at your grades, where are the areas you struggle most? For me it was always math. The work hard part comes with dedicating additional time to the areas where you have the most room for improvement. Whether that is having a study group with classmates, making yourself flash cards for test preparation, doing practice tests, or extra review of your notes and class materials - work harder on the areas where you struggle most.

Areas that may be easier to you, work smart by getting into a routine. Maybe you're great at language but struggle with math, it might make sense to start with your language homework or study because it won't take you as long or wear you out as much. You'll also feel good about completing a task that you feel proficient in. That will set you up into a better mindset as you proceed with the subject you struggle more with.

Ashlee recommends the following next steps:

Try to form a study group with other students or classmates to help study for tests or review class materials.
Flash cards are a great resource for repetition - you not only reinforce your knowledge by creating the cards themselves, but continue to enhance that knowledge with repetition of reviewing the flash cards.
Start with the subjects or classes that come easiest to you when completing assignments or homework to give your brain a boost of positivity before moving on to more difficult tasks.
Review class notes each day, and complete homework in a timely fashion when able to ensure that the material is fresh in your mind.
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Nancy’s Answer

Hello there - Remember, every bit of effort you put in is a step towards success and it greatly boosts your performance. If you're struggling to stay on course, don't hesitate to utilize the resources available at your school. Your hard work will undoubtedly yield fruitful results! Best of luck to you!
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Brent’s Answer

The answer is a blend of both. By working smarter, you're ensuring that your efforts yield the best possible results. Let's imagine you're handed two projects on the same day in school. Both are due in a week. One project counts for 5% of your grade, while the other makes up the remaining 95%. Naturally, you'd want to devote more time to the project with a higher weightage, right?

Working harder is a bit more nuanced. It's about putting in the elbow grease in areas where you feel you're making strides in understanding a concept, problem, or idea. Part of working harder also involves doing the necessary groundwork. Have you read the required material before class? Have you completed your homework? Have you submitted your assignments on time?

Doing the necessary work allows you to receive feedback on your progress and identify areas where you need to enhance your skills.

So, to truly excel, you need to strike a balance between working smarter and working harder. By being strategic about your efforts and preparing thoroughly for your tasks, you're setting yourself up for success.