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How did you first get involved with foreign relations work while in college?

I am planning on being an International Lawyer, but I am unsure of how to get involved with related internships or organizations as an undergraduate that will teach me skills needed in the future.

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4 answers

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Maria Rosa’s Answer

Dear Avery, what an interesting career choice !! Good for you many ways can take you to Rome.

My advice would be to start by learning languages other than English. If you have not done so, the more languages you speak the more opportunities you will have.

Additionally, most universities will have contacts with international organizations so you can join exchange programs or internships abroad. There are a lot of International Organizations of United Nations based in USA, they sometimes offer opportunities for international internships as well.

Explore a possibility of studying a degree abroad, or maybe as an exchange student o or a Masters degree internationally, it might even be more affordable than in the USA. Portals like have tons of information that could be useful.

You can also explore AIESSEC ( they are a student organization focused on international internship experiences.

Hope this helps and if you need more information I am happy to continue this conversation, Have a wonderful day!!!
Thank you comment icon Thank you! I am planning on studying abroad in the coming years in South America. I haven't figured out the details quite yet, but I am learning Spanish as a second language and I hope to add Portuguese later on. Thank you! Avery
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Owen’s Answer

Be aware of what international events are happening in your area.

Try to go for volunteering at small-scale events of certain international organizations, e.g. subprograms of UN etc.

Connect with your university's international societies.

Consider doing a semester-exchange overseas.
Thank you comment icon Thank you! I am planning on studying Spanish and traveling somewhere in South America once I talk to my advisor. Avery
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Mia’s Answer

Half of my degree is in political science, so I think I may be able to help with this! My university had Model UN and many of those students went on to become lawyers or work in government! There's also many internships in law and government that may be able to help you as well! For me, my university was in the Capitol of California - just a few minutes away from the Capitol building itself. Many students interned with a program my university had, or even joined student government. Those aren't specific to IR, but in my opinion, Model UN would best serve you for great IR experience!!
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! My university is close to the Capitol of Texas, so I'm sure there may be opportunities there as well. Avery
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Jerry’s Answer

Tough question.

First, Mia"s answer has some good points. I did Model UN with students for ten years. One can learn a lot from the experience if one is willing to put the effort into it.

As for being an "International Lawyer"... Hmmm.

First, be very careful which university you choose. If you can afford it. And can get into it. I'd major in Political Science. There will be, in all probability, several offerings regarding foreign relations. Might be a good idea to minor in history. Or just take history courses that center on foreign relations. As in Europe between the world wars.

Then there's law school. Another search.

But there are (or should be) people at your university that can assist in your search.

Sorry I can't offer more by way of advice.
Thank you comment icon Thank you! I will look into Model UN! Avery