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How do I become an independent journalist?

How do I build and fund an independently owned and run online journal outside of paid subscriptions?

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5 answers

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Lina Marcela’s Answer

Choose a topic that you have particular interest and vast knowledge and use your speech to connect with the audience. Share inspirational and valuable content based on stories
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Jan’s Answer

There are several good responses to your question. The only thing I would add, is you can start by doing vids on you tube. My 10 year old grandson has his own you tube channel for gaming. You can see if you get followers to your site and expand from there. As you expand you can ask for people to become members for a minimal amount. You can give them access to a live feed (some kind of perk) that others won't have access to. I wish you luck in your endeavors.
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much, Jan! I have noticed YouTube seems to getter views than my other platforms, so I have thought about it and will continue to come up with a plan for it to test it and see. Erika
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Joanne’s Answer

Erika- What a noble task!
I am wondering how much education you have had in journalism. That might temper my words, but here are my first thoughts:
Just do it: As long as you keep accuracy and ethics are your North Star, you will be respected.
Sure, you will make mistakes. We all do. But, just start writing.
If you have never written in the journalistic style, take up some of the suggestions folks have offered about helpful sites and courses.
Keep your curiosity keen and in search of stories to follow. KNOW YOUR COMMUNITY and who is in it and what they need.
Start writing a blog, start a newsletter, just begin.
Follow other such efforts, share tips and be yourself.
It is a lot. So, rely on your passions, talents and, ethics. Joanne
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Erika,

Becoming an Independent Journalist

To become an independent journalist, you need to follow several steps:

Develop Your Expertise: As a journalist, you need to understand the subject matter you will be covering. Choose an area you are passionate about and invest time developing your expertise. Read books, attend conferences, and engage with other experts in the field.

Build a Portfolio: Before you can start working as an independent journalist, you need to build a portfolio of your work. This can include articles you have written for school newspapers, blogs, or other publications. Make sure your portfolio showcases your writing skills and expertise in a specific area.

Create a Brand: As an independent journalist, you are also a small business owner. You need to create a brand that reflects your values and expertise. This includes creating a professional website, social media profiles, and an email address that reflects your brand name.

Find Clients: Once you have built a portfolio and created a brand, you can start looking for clients. This can include online publications, magazines, or companies that need content for their blogs or websites. Reach out to potential clients with a pitch that highlights your expertise and the value you can bring to their publication.

Fund Your Online Journal: If you want to build and fund an independently owned and run online journal outside of paid subscriptions, there are several options available to you:

Advertising: You can sell advertising space on your website to generate revenue. This can include banner ads, sponsored content, or affiliate marketing. However, keep in mind that advertising revenue can be unpredictable and may not be enough to sustain your journal in the long term.

Grants and Fellowships: Several organizations offer grants and fellowships to support independent journalists. These can provide funding for specific projects or general operating expenses. Some examples include the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the International Women’s Media Foundation, and the National Press Club Journalism Institute.

Crowdfunding: You can also use crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter or Patreon to fund your journalism projects. This allows readers to support your work directly and can help build a loyal audience.

Donations: You can also accept donations from readers who value your work. Consider setting up a PayPal or Venmo account to make it easy for readers to support your journalism.

Stay Ethical: As an independent journalist, it is essential to maintain ethical standards in your work. This includes fact-checking your sources, disclosing any conflicts of interest, and respecting the privacy of individuals you interview. Joining professional organizations like the Society of Professional Journalists or the Online News Association can help you stay up-to-date on ethical standards and best practices in journalism.

God Bless,
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Erika !

Being an Independent Journalist is very popular and one of the more modern trending careers of today. You can do it ! It will take lots of time, financial investment and tenacity.

Since you indicate that you do not have the financial means yet, I would suggest that you obtain employment and save up for your journalism venture. I don't know your situation, but you don't have to go "big time" just yet with a full fledged studio, employees, etc. Take it a step at a time.

To begin with, find a free web host, maybe a Blog website or any free web host if there are any. It is expensive to have a website but eventually you will need one to post your articles and your video presentations. Start out slow and build from there as time goes on.

I recommend getting a degree in Communications Studies or majoring in a writing subject with a minor in a speech subject. My advice is that you may not hit upon a college that actually teaches independent journalism because this career is very self-directed, but you should get the basics. In most colleges, if you major in Journalism, you will be taught a standard structure that is used in main stream media. That is not considered Independent, so I would suggest figuring out how you would like to get trained for your independent career. You can always take individual courses at a college that you think will give you the skills to be a journalist. Do a search online for Independent Media Journalists and view their content to get an idea of what various others do.

When you are ready, search for Independent content web hosts/platforms. You can also try You Tube as well. Do some sort of talk show or news show, or any content you'd like, and if you are still in high school, join the video club or any group connected to journalism. Submit articles to your school newspaper. That will be a good way to begin having things published. I have left a link below that has information about different websites that are useful for writers.

You can also take some basic journalism classes online if you are planning to not attend college. Class Central has many and I have left the link for you below. I have also left some links below for some helpful articles pertaining to working independently.

I hope that this is helpful and I wish you all the best. Never give up !

Michelle recommends the following next steps: