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How can i not be out of job any more?

Its related to my career as a digital marketer.

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Andrew’s Answer

As Michelle stated, there are a lot of factors that are outside of your control that can leave you without a job.

Focus on what you can control. ‘A’ players are the employees that usually succeed long-term. Ensure that the quality of your work is at or above the expectations.

The little things are what separate ‘A’ players from others. Be on time with your work, be respectful of others, get along with others, have the self awareness and situational awareness to know what actions need to be taken, be organized, detail-oriented, and lastly, work somewhere that has a strong foundation. If you are working at companies that are not so great in their own right, it will be difficult for them to keep you even if you are an A player.
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Reagan !

I am so sorry if you are out of a job which may be why you're asking this. It is really something to not worry about for the future in case you're just asking for ways to never get let go from a job once you start your career. Regardless of why you are asking, there are some things you should know, even if it's that you've never been employed before, you may find the information useful to retain once you are out there in the career and work world.

One cannot control how employed or how long they can stay at a job. Even if you have your own business, there are conditions that indicate continual work or closing the business. So there is really no authentic answer to how you can never be let go from a job because it is not something you're 100% in control of. There are times indeed that you may choose to quit a job and that should only be when you have a new job lined up to go to. Then there will be times when you have to quit but don't have anything lined up. So work and being employed takes on a life of its' own and there's really no guarantee or set rules on how to keep a job because each job has different duties and employers all expect different things from their employees.

In the U.S., all 50 states are what is known as At Will states. That means that in any of the United States, an employer can let an employee go without explanation and doesn't have to give any reason. Employers have the right to terminate your job. If you are working under a contract, the contract will state the terms of your employment. It's really nothing to be worried about. Sometimes quitting or being let go from a job may just open better doors for you.

Some reasons that employers let employees go can be that the company is not doing well, financial strains, down-sizing, going out of business, so these things are not in your control. There are always the situations for which employees are terminated due to breaking rules/company guidelines or not working as a team or not contributing or supporting the company. You can never tell how a job is going to work out, how long you will be there, the synergy among the staff. It's just not something you can be sure of. All you can do is give it your best effort and use your skill and talents the best you can.

Since you are going into Digital Marketing, try freelancing and working for yourself while you seek employment at a company. This is just something that you really can't think much about, you must do it. Start researching how to put yourself out there as a Digital Marketer and cover a lot of ground by listing yourself in directories, advertising and even posting flyers for your services, creating a website, register at Linked in and find some networking opportunities in the business world. You will get out of it what you put into it.

I hope that this is helpful and I wish you all the best in your career as a Digital Marketer !