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What is a letter of recommendation?

I would like to know what is a letter of recomendation.
The reason is that I would like to obtain scholarships, specialized programs, and more information about letter of recommendation. I will be grateful for your answers. Have a nice day

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Doc’s Answer

Alexander letters of recommendation are a student’s opportunity to show college admissions officers what your personality, strengths, attitude, character, level of maturity, and special interests are through the eyes of the people who know you best. As such, select teachers from your junior or senior year. Colleges like a recent impression of the student. At the same time, consider asking teachers whose subject may relate to a future area of study. For example, if you plan on studying engineering should ask a math or physical science teacher or if your interested in communications you should ask an English teacher.

you should approach their “chosen” teachers as early as possible in the first semester of your senior year to avoid the stampede of last minute early action appliers and others, but the your real task is forming connections and building relationships with these teachers should start long before. Most students assume that they should ask for recommendation letters from the teachers who gave them the best grades, but these may or may not be the teachers who really “know” you. The best recommendation letters are going to come from teachers that truly know you and the sincerity in their writing will positively shine through during the admissions process. Colleges want to see recommendation letters from teachers who know the student is a hard-worker and is someone who shows promise for continued academic success, but they also want to catch a glimpse of how the student acts socially inside and outside the classroom. They want to know what kind of person you are and how you are going to make their college or university better, and this can’t always be communicated by the teacher who gave a student the A for passing exams, turning in homework on time, and answering some questions with a few canned responses.

With the power of the internet, there are so many places for you to find the best scholarships to apply for. There's a wide array of tools and resources available to help you access thousands of scholarships, starting with scholarship websites. Scholarship websites are easily accessible and have thousands of scholarships listed on their platforms. Most of these websites have easy-to-navigate filter options and search results that will match your individual profile. As expected, there's a lot of competition, and the scholarships may be based on a lottery system. When checking out this website, be wary of scam websites that ask you to pay a fee to apply. You can also easily find scholarships through search engines by simply typing what kind of scholarship you're looking for. To filter out results, make a list of the category you fit into, such as California, hobbies, gender, sports, GPA, disabilities, etcetera. You can search for stem scholarships, architecture scholarships, scholarships for construction students, scholarships for men, and so on.

Doc recommends the following next steps:, you’ll get a comprehensive database of 3.7 million scholarships worth roughly $19 billion in financial aid. You can search the website’s directory without a profile, but you’ll need to create one to determine if you qualify., aggregates awards from both large and small directories. You have to make a profile to search for scholarships, which is similar to other sites. But after the initial sign-up process, you can easily search for scholarships and filter your results based on several data points. Fastweb will also notify you when a new scholarship matching your description is posted and when you have upcoming deadlines., while many scholarship sites are difficult to navigate, has one of the cleanest interfaces. It’s easy to search and find different scholarships you may be eligible for and you can filter by your education level, award category, award amount and deadline. You can even toggle on the “no-essay” button to find scholarships that don’t require a written essay., when you fill out a profile on Scholly, their algorithm will comb through available scholarships and create a list of eligible awards. Each scholarship will have a Scholly score, which ranks how good of a fit it is for your background and experience. The higher the Scholly score, the stronger match you are with the scholarship’s requirements.
Thank you comment icon Thank You Michelle. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Doc Frick
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Juliana’s Answer

Hi Alexander,

A letter of recommendation is a document written by someone who knows you well and can provide an assessment of your skills, qualities, and accomplishments. It is typically requested by colleges, universities, scholarship programs, or potential employers to gain insight into your character, abilities, and potential.

A letter of recommendation is meant to support and strengthen your application or candidacy by providing an outside perspective on your qualifications. It may be written by a teacher, counselor, coach, employer, or any other individual who can speak to your abilities and personal qualities.

The letter usually includes specific examples or anecdotes that highlight your strengths, achievements, and potential contributions. It serves as a testament to your character, work ethic, leadership skills, and other relevant qualities.

When requesting a letter of recommendation, it is essential to choose individuals who know you well and can write a positive and detailed letter on your behalf. It's also important to provide them with sufficient time and information about your goals and accomplishments so they can write an effective and personalized letter.

Good luck!
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Kim’s Answer

A letter of recommendation is a formal document written by someone who can vouch for your abilities, character, and achievements, often used to support applications for scholarships, specialized programs, or jobs. Typically, this letter is authored by a teacher, employer, mentor, or someone who has had significant professional or academic interaction with you. The letter highlights your strengths, accomplishments, and potential, providing specific examples to illustrate these qualities. It serves as a testament to your qualifications and helps the selection committee or potential employer get a better understanding of who you are beyond your resume or application. When seeking scholarships or specialized programs, these letters are crucial as they can significantly bolster your application by providing a credible endorsement of your capabilities and suitability for the opportunity you're pursuing. It's important to choose recommenders who know you well and can provide detailed, positive, and personalized insights about your skills and experiences. Good luck with your applications.
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Shirley’s Answer

Hi Alexander,

A letter of recommendation provides a third-party's perspective of the applicant's accomplishments. For example, if you are applying for scholarships or admissions to a college, you can ask a teacher to write a letter of recommendation as a way to prove you are a dedicated scholar who aspires to learn more based on what they have seen you accomplished. The letter of recommendation adds credibility to your application because this is coming from an independent party opposed to you stating the same facts.

Is there a class where you performed really well in? or a favorite subject that you hope to pursue further in college? If so, ask the teacher to write a letter of recommendation to bolster your application for scholarships and college admission process. Good luck!
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Laura’s Answer

Hi! Having a letter of recommendation is important. It allows a third party, such as your school teacher to vouch for you and your skills/accomplishments. This can help when applying to colleges and show your credibility to your application