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Is there anything best way to learn computer coding career

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Diya’s Answer

The best way to prepare for a computer coding career is through practice and application.

Choose a language to start with. Select from a beginner friendly language if this is your first time coding. Examples are Python, Java, and C++. Begin with the basics. There are tons of free online tutorials and lectures you can follow that give you a good background of variables, functions, and other core programming principles. Once you understand the basics it is time to start applying what you have learned through the development of programs.

You'll want to install an IDE that works with the language you are using. A google search can help you find a free IDE that works. Make sure to spend some time understanding the different functionality of the IDE. An especially important thing to know is the debugger, which helps you identify the problems in your code. Make sure you know how to use it. Next, I would suggest building a simple program. Examples include: Rock-Paper-Scissors or a calculator. Building these from scratch will help you understand how to build a program and you will get experience using the debugger.

After you have learned about the basics of programming and you have applied them, consider learning more advanced topics in computer science. Data structures and algorithms are important things to know when pursuing a computer science career. The most important thing is to practice, practice, practice. Eventually coding becomes easy and you recognize patterns the when coding. Wishing you the best of luck with your exciting career!
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Priyanka’s Answer

Absolutely! Learning computer coding can open up numerous career opportunities in today's tech-driven world. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you embark on a successful coding career:

1. Choose a Programming Language:
Start with Popular Languages: Python, JavaScript, or Java are great for beginners due to their readability and wide usage.
Consider Your Goals: Different languages serve different purposes. For web development, JavaScript is essential. For data science, Python is a go-to.
2. Use Online Learning Platforms:
Interactive Courses: Platforms like Codecademy, Coursera, and Udacity offer interactive coding courses.
Structured Learning: Websites like Khan Academy and edX provide structured courses with clear learning paths.
3. Read Books and Documentation:
Books: Classic books such as "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart and "You Don't Know JS" by Kyle Simpson.
Official Documentation: Always refer to the official documentation for the language you are learning. It’s the most reliable source of information.
4. Practice Regularly:
Coding Challenges: Websites like LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeSignal offer coding challenges that help improve problem-solving skills.
Projects: Build small projects to apply what you’ve learned. This could be anything from a personal website to a simple game or a data analysis project.
5. Join a Community:
Online Communities: Participate in forums like Stack Overflow, Reddit, and GitHub. These communities can provide support, code reviews, and networking opportunities.
Local Meetups: Join local coding meetups or hackathons to meet like-minded individuals and collaborate on projects.
6. Follow a Curriculum:
FreeCodeCamp: Offers a comprehensive, free curriculum that covers web development, data visualization, and machine learning.
The Odin Project: A free, open-source curriculum focused on web development.
7. Learn Development Tools:
Version Control: Learn Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration.
IDEs and Text Editors: Familiarize yourself with Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, or IntelliJ IDEA.
8. Understand Computer Science Fundamentals:
CS50 by Harvard: A highly recommended free course that covers the basics of computer science.
Algorithms and Data Structures: Crucial for problem-solving and efficient coding.
9. Build a Portfolio:
Personal Projects: Showcase your projects on a personal website or a GitHub profile.
Contribute to Open Source: Contributing to open-source projects can improve your skills and increase your visibility in the coding community.
10. Seek Mentorship and Feedback:
Mentorship Programs: Join mentorship programs or coding bootcamps that offer guidance from experienced developers.
Code Reviews: Regularly seek feedback on your code from peers or mentors.
11. Stay Updated:
Tech Blogs and Podcasts: Follow tech blogs like Medium’s programming section, Hacker News, or podcasts like "CodeNewbie" and "Syntax."
Continuous Learning: Technology evolves rapidly. Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies.
12. Get Certified:
Certifications: Consider certifications from platforms like Coursera, edX, or industry-recognized certifications like AWS Certified Developer or Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer.
13. Apply for Internships or Entry-Level Positions:
Real-World Experience: Internships or entry-level positions provide practical experience and can be a stepping stone to a full-time career.
Networking: Attend career fairs and use LinkedIn to connect with potential employers.
Inspirational Stories:
Chris Wanstrath: Co-founder of GitHub, who was a self-taught programmer.
Joy Buolamwini: A computer scientist and digital activist who founded the Algorithmic Justice League.
Learning to code is a journey that requires dedication, practice, and continuous learning. By choosing the right language, leveraging online resources, engaging with communities, and building a portfolio, you can pave the way for a successful coding career. Remember, persistence is key, and every step you take brings you closer to your goal. Happy coding!
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John’s Answer

Hi Abdulrahman

As Frank says, the key here is practice. You can't learn to program by reading about it or watching videos. You have to actually create code.

What language you choose is less important. Once you have learnt to work with one, picking up another language is much easier. I would personally suggest a scripting language rather than one which is compiled, but it likely doesn't matter too much.

Start by writing simple things. Things that count up and down. Things that convert one thing into something else. Then add conditions and loops and you're already able to do lots of things with just these basics.

Key thing though is to learn by doing. Good luck!
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Frank’s Answer

Hi Abdulrahman,

So glad you are interested in coding. Here are a few suggestions.

Understand Computer Basics: Familiarize yourself with computer architecture and data fundamentals. Knowing how hardware works can enhance your understanding of programming concepts.

Choose a Language: Decide which programming language you want to learn first. Popular options include Python, JavaScript, and Java. Each has its strengths and use cases.

Practice, Practice, Practice: Learning by doing is crucial. Write code, build small projects, and experiment. Use online resources, video tutorials, and coding bootcamps

It’s an exciting and rewarding career. Hope this helps.
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Rajeev’s Answer

In the digital era, computer programming emerges as an optimal field of study, offering a multitude of promising career paths. Your unique skills can guide you towards the right career choice. If you're artistically inclined and have a keen eye for aesthetics, you might want to consider becoming a user interface developer. If you possess strong analytical reasoning or logical thinking abilities, application coding could be your calling. Excellent communication skills can pave the way for a career in sales or project management.

Once you've made your choice, a wealth of resources are at your fingertips. Online platforms and YouTube channels provide comprehensive guides and practice material to help you master your chosen field. Here are some areas of programming you might want to explore:

1. Web UI Development: Design user-friendly interfaces for websites.
2. Cloud Computing
3. Application Development: Create software applications for specific tasks.
4. System Programming: Develop and manage computer operating systems.
5. Gaming: Design and develop video games.
6. iPhone/Android App Development: Build applications for mobile devices.
7. Cybersecurity: Protect systems and networks from digital attacks.
8. Testing Engineer/Performance Testing: Ensure software performance and quality.

Remember, the digital world is your oyster. Choose your path and start learning today!