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How do I get a job on LinkedIn ?

How do I get a job on LinkedIn #How
How do I start up a business in Uk
#Business,grade nine student,born in 2009 April 16,
Born to white parents,I have four siblings

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5 answers

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Joy’s Answer

Hi Kehinde!

I'm excited to help you explore your questions about getting a job on LinkedIn and starting a business in the UK.

Firstly, congratulations on thinking about your future at such a young age! As a grade nine student, you're already ahead of the game.

To get a job on LinkedIn:

- Create a profile showcasing your skills, interests, and experiences (even if it's just volunteering or extracurricular activities).
- Connect with people in industries you're interested in and engage with their content. I would suggest you always personalize your connection requests before sending ‘em out.
- Use keywords from job descriptions to help recruiters find you.
- Practice your online presence and networking skills.

As for starting a business in the UK:

- Research and understand the basics of entrepreneurship and UK business laws.
- Identify your passions and skills, and think about how they can solve real-world problems.
- Develop a business idea and create a simple plan.
- Reach out to mentors, organizations, or online resources for guidance and support.

Remember, starting small and learning as you go is key. You can even begin by selling items online or offering services to family and friends.

Keep exploring, learning, and taking small steps towards your goals. You got this!

Best of luck, and feel free to ask more questions!
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Marzia’s Answer

For linkdn or any job search platform or process really, first build connections in your niche or skillset.

Connnections are a huge gateway into how people find opportunities. Keep copies of updated resumes to always include incthe platform. One thing thst has helped me is making intentional searches in the linkdn search engine! After deciding what you want a job in searching key words helps you narrow down but also find options in what kind of work you are looking for.

You also do not have to chat with every connection you have but chat with a few here and there and be mindful that it is a professional platform so you want to be as coordial and classy as possible but also not too timid or chaotic and want to show case all your best qualities so you can make good impressions. Again ,post follow and interact with intention with all of linkdn’s features it will make your job search much easier and push you to successfully land one as well.
If reached out to by a recruiter make sure to inquire and ask questions about the role but not too many as recruiters are busy themselves. Also be sure to read the description yourself for jobs you find to see what skills you may have that correlate with the roles and tasks and add skills with some of the linkdn features as you would like. The more skill matches you have with a job role the more likely you will be best fit for the responsibiliies of that job and it is likely to also help you talk yourself up if you get an interview. Be sure you do dave some of your quedtions and thoughts for the actual interview not just for interactions on linkdn . Keep professsional website conversations at that —professional to the point and saving something for an actual conversational interview. Don’t just stick to the information on linkdn and do your own individual research on the companies you find! Saving some applications to come back to later as long as you don’t delay them too long can help with making more intentionsl choices!

Best of Luck! Be patient and progressive you got this!
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Kehinde,

Mastering LinkedIn for Job Hunting

LinkedIn is an influential tool for building connections and seeking employment. Here's a guide to boost your probability of securing a job via LinkedIn:

1. Enhance Your Profile:

Establish a professional, comprehensive profile featuring a clear photo, headline, summary, work history, skills, and education.
Incorporate job-specific keywords in your profile to improve its visibility.

2. Expand Your Connections:

Link up with professionals in your preferred industry or field.
Interact with their posts by commenting and sharing pertinent content.
Participate in LinkedIn groups related to your career aspirations to broaden your connections.

3. Hunt for Jobs:

Utilize LinkedIn's job search tool to discover suitable job vacancies.
Bookmark job searches and activate alerts for new job listings that meet your preferences.

4. Apply with Precision:

Customize your resume and cover letter for each job application.
Contact connections who are associated with the company you're applying to for advice or recommendations.

5. Highlight Your Abilities:

Post articles, projects, or updates on your profile that demonstrate your skills.
Ask for endorsements from colleagues or managers to boost your profile's credibility.

6. Maintain Activity:

Consistently update your profile with fresh skills, experiences, and accomplishments.
Interact with other users' content by liking, commenting, and sharing posts.

By adhering to these guidelines and actively participating in the LinkedIn community, you can boost your visibility and improve your odds of securing a job through the platform.

Top 3 Credible Sources Used in Crafting this Response:

LinkedIn Official Blog: LinkedIn's official blog is a treasure trove of insights, advice, and best practices for effectively using the platform for job hunting and networking.

Forbes: Forbes is a trusted resource for career guidance and tips on successfully navigating the job market, including the use of platforms like LinkedIn for job hunting.

The Balance Careers: The Balance Careers provides thorough guides on various facets of career progression, including tips on enhancing LinkedIn profiles and using the platform to uncover job prospects.

God Bless You,
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Kehinde !

The steps to take in order to get a job that is listed on Linked In is to first register at Linked In and fill out your profile completely. Once you are active on Linked In, when you go to view your profile, you will see in the top middle of the screen a briefcase icon that says "jobs". Click on that and you can see jobs that are in the category based upon what you've written on your profile. Also follow some companies that you would like to work at because they sometimes post employment notices on their feed which you will see.

Go to your high school administrative office to obtain working papers since you are 15. There may be some general criteria/restrictions due to age but discuss that with your particular high school because it varies from state to state. When you are finished completing your profile on Linked In, do the some process on Indeed. In addition, do a search for "employment for teens in . . ." whatever place you live. Linked In is not the only employment website however it is the most popular and continually useful.

In order to open a business in the United Kingdom, you would have to live in the United Kingdom. You could always open an online business that serves internationally including the UK, but you would have to wait until you obtain the education on how to start a business and also the financial backing and a good credit score to have enough money to open and run a business. Do the research now by doing a search online so you will know which college prep will be best as well as the requirements for businesses in the UK. You would have to explore all of the countries in the UK and how their monetary system works.

I hope that this will give you somewhat of a foundation for using online employment websites to obtain employment and some information about what goes into starting a business in whichever European country you have in mind. Lots of research will be needed for your particular, specific goal and I wish you all the best moving forward !
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Ryan’s Answer

Linkedin has a pretty good job board that I've used many times!
Make sure to keep your profile as up to date as possible and make sure your profile is set to "Open to work"
You can also click the "jobs" tab at the top right of your screen and filter to show openings that are closer to what you're looking for.
Click "show all" and then you can scroll through the thousands of postings available on Linkedin.

When I'm searching, I let Linkedin use my own profile and resume to filter jobs that fit my needs and then I'll click the "save" button on as many jobs as I would consider
When I'm done saving, I'll go through and actually apply to all of the jobs I saved at once.

It's likely going to be a numbers game so don't get discouraged if it takes some time!