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How can I succeed as a software ware developer?

How can I succeed as a software ware developer?

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Felipe’s Answer

To me and to many other developers I have met over the years the act of developing software is as much a science as it is an art. In other words they see it as a craft they continually strive to master. This is to say that as long as you are curious and learning you will be a good software developer. You have to remember a few things:

- There are days you delete more code than you write and that is fine.
- At times it is frustrating and that same amount of frustration is equal to the satisfaction of solving the problem.
- Technology is always changing from the tools and frameworks, to the languages you'll be using.

So in order to be good build things that matter to you and not just the things you'll do at work. Those lessons you learn by working on projects will make you better at what you do at work. Learn to love documentation - every tool you will use has documentation written, most people learn the basics to get by, you'll be ahead by actually learning it down to the nitty gritty. Check what is open source and explore how it was done, see what you can take from it or try to see why a certain approach was taken.

Microsoft has most of their languages and framework open source now so you can check those out or see an open source framework like MonoGame if you like making games.

Really, all you need is time, dedication, and stubborn sense of wonder.
Thank you comment icon Thanks, can't wait to put this advice into action! JOHN
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Nicholas’s Answer

A lot goes into being a capable software engineer. Some of the most important are:
1. Being flexible and ready to change. Often requirements or the team's understanding of the problem will change. Being able to pivot and adjust to new requirements and staying away from a fixed mindset are key.

2. Keeping engineering fundamentals as a top priority. This is a broad topic, but proper testing, gathering telemetry, zero-touch deployments, and security fundamentals can often be deprioritized because of timelines and can lead to cut corners that has huge impacts in the long term. Despite what I said about being flexible, maintaining a firm stance on taking time to do things the right way is key.

3. Don't assume there is only one way to solve a problem and be ready to ask for help and learn from your peers. I've witnessed many developers get stuck trying to solve a problem themselves and wait too long to ask for help. In my experience, most engineers are willing to pitch in and help teach or otherwise unblock you. Also, keep an open mind. Don't assume there's nothing you can add to the team, but also don't assume that you always have the right answer. Often the best answer takes inputs from multiple viewpoints.
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Alexander’s Answer

Hello Ade,

As you embark on your software engineering journey, you'll inevitably face the question, "What does success mean to you?" Is it mastering advanced technical skills? Is it demonstrating exceptional leadership and mentoring abilities? Or perhaps, it's earning a substantial income?

Identifying your personal definition of success is crucial as it will guide your path and the actions you need to take to achieve it.

Remember, a well-rounded software engineer is not only technically proficient but also excels in interpersonal skills. It's essential not to overlook either aspect. There's an abundance of resources available to sharpen your technical skills, which you're probably already aware of. When it comes to developing people skills, observe and learn from those who excel in this area. If you can, build personal relationships with them. This exposure will provide valuable insights into how you can incorporate these skills into your own life.
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Hakeem Ola’s Answer

Succeeding as a software developer involves a combination of technical skills, soft skills, and ongoing learning. Here are some steps to help you achieve success in this field:
Technical Skills
1. Strong Foundation in Programming:
- Learn and master at least one programming language (e.g., Python, Java, C++, JavaScript).
- Understand data structures and algorithms.
2. Version Control:
- Get proficient with Git and platforms like GitHub or GitLab.
3. Software Development Practices:
- Learn about software design patterns and principles (e.g., SOLID principles).
- Understand the basics of testing (unit tests, integration tests) and test-driven development (TDD).
4. Development Tools:
- Familiarize yourself with integrated development environments (IDEs) and other tools that improve productivity (e.g., VS Code, JetBrains IDEs).
5. Database Knowledge:
- Understand relational databases (SQL) and NoSQL databases (MongoDB, Cassandra).
6. Web Development:
- If you're interested in web development, learn front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and back-end frameworks (Node.js, Django, Flask).
7. Cloud Computing:
- Gain knowledge of cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) and containerization (Docker, Kubernetes).
Soft Skills
1. Communication:
- Develop good communication skills to articulate your ideas clearly and work effectively in a team.
2. Problem-Solving:
- Enhance your problem-solving abilities and logical thinking.
3. Adaptability:
- Be open to learning new technologies and adapting to changing project requirements.
4. Collaboration:
- Work well in a team environment, understanding the importance of collaboration and teamwork.
5. Time Management:
- Manage your time effectively to meet deadlines and balance multiple tasks.
Learning and Growth
1. Continuous Learning:
- Stay updated with the latest industry trends, tools, and technologies.
- Take online courses, attend workshops, and read relevant books and articles.
2. Build a Portfolio:
- Work on personal projects and contribute to open-source projects to build a strong portfolio.
3. Networking:
- Join professional networks, attend conferences, and engage with communities (e.g., Stack Overflow, GitHub, local meetups).
4. Mentorship:
- Seek mentorship from experienced developers and offer to mentor others.
5. Certifications:
- Obtain relevant certifications that can enhance your resume and demonstrate your expertise.
6. Feedback:
- Seek feedback on your work and be open to constructive criticism to improve continuously.
Career Development
1. Set Goals:
- Define clear, achievable goals for your career and work towards them.
2. Job Search:
- Prepare a compelling resume, tailor it to job applications, and practice for technical interviews.
3. Work Experience:
- Gain experience through internships, freelancing, or full-time positions to build your skills and professional network.
By focusing on these areas, you can develop the skills and mindset necessary to succeed as a software developer.
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Kelvin’s Answer

Hello Ade,

The saying "practice makes perfect" is indeed applicable to your situation. If you're a student, consider taking an active role in your school's IT club or seek out volunteer work where you can get hands-on experience with coding. The key is to immerse yourself in activities that will give you a taste of software development. But above all, strive to gain practical, real-world experience in software development. This will truly empower you and enhance your skills.
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. I am glad to hear that you have interest to become a software developer. There are many different types of software developer, e.g. Web Developer, Apps Developer, ERP Developer, System Developer, etc. Each of these have its own specific knowledge domain. You may need to explore what you have interest.
Below are my suggestions :
1. Pick a simple programming language to start, e.g. Python, Scratch, etc. There are plenty learning resources (syntax, language structure, etc.) online
2. Start doing some simple programming and then you can do some small project, e.g. control a toy car, robotic arm, etc.
3. Attend the information session hosts by Computer Science department. Speak to the professors and alumni if possible.
4. Find out the entry criteria of Computer Science in colleges
5. Work hard in your academic to meet the criteria
I strongly recommend you to attend the Computer Science course in college. It can help you to understand the computing theories and learn the programming techniques.
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!