Career questions tagged software-engineering
Software engineers work to design, develop, maintain, test, and evaluate entire computer systems and application software for a company or organization. Job titles within this field include software developer, application developer, software architect, infrast... Read more Show less

Is it possible to become a full time software programmer at a tech company without a college degree?
#programming #computer-software #technology #software-engineering

How do you choose whether to major in computer science or software engineering?
I am applying for college soon, but I do not know how to pick between computer science and software engineering. I have not always been the best at math, and didn't do very well in math early on in my highschool career, but I managed to work my math grade up over the years. I am not naturally amazing at math, but I do find it interesting. #computer-science #computer #engineering #math #software

Describe the process a software engineer might use for writing a piece of code, from requirements to delivery.
#software #computer-software #software-engineering #technology

What's the best way for a beginner to learn software testing and get started working in this profession?
I'm an adult learner with a Bachelor's degree in an unrelated discipline (Social Science) that is seeking a mentor for transitioning my career into Software Testing #software #technology #computer #softwaretesting #QA #software-development #software-engineering

What is difference between hardware engineer and software engineer
#engineer #engineering #computer-engineering #engineer #software

What programming languages must you know for IT management or software engineer?
I know a couple languages, mostly high level but I was wondering If I have to learn C or C++ or ABC . I know python, bootstrap, html, css, java script, learning ruby and rails, and I am learning php and sql. #software-engineering #technology #web-development #computer-software #software #coding #html #css #java #javascript #it-management

If I want to become a software engineer what should be my major?
I am entering college this fall and my goal is to obtain a bachelor's degree in computer science. I will be attending community college first and then transferring. I want to know should my major be computer science in order to be a software engineer? #computer-science #software #software-engineering

What made you want to work in computer hardware vs computer software or vice versa?
Hi! My name is Anina, and I'm a high school senior interning for Career Village. I'm really interested in both computer hardware and computer software. How did you decide which you wanted to pursue professionally? Do I have to choose, or can I pursue both? #computer-software #engineering #technology #software-engineering #it #computer-hardware