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How do I get more internships in business?

I like accounting and entrepreneurship, but as a student in community college, I'm not sure how to get these resources.

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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Chandini,

Steps to Get More Internships in Business:

1. Utilize Your College Resources:

Career Services: Visit your college’s career services department to seek guidance on internship opportunities, resume building, and interview preparation.

Networking Events: Attend networking events, job fairs, and workshops organized by your college to connect with professionals in the business field.

2. Online Platforms and Job Boards:

LinkedIn: Create a professional LinkedIn profile highlighting your skills and interests in accounting and entrepreneurship. Connect with professionals and join relevant groups.

Internship Websites: Explore websites like Indeed, Glassdoor,, and WayUp for internship listings in the business sector.

3. Reach Out to Companies Directly:

Cold Emailing: Research companies you are interested in interning for and send them a well-crafted cold email expressing your interest in gaining experience with them.

Informational Interviews: Request informational interviews with professionals in the industry to learn more about their career paths and potentially uncover internship opportunities.

4. Join Business Clubs and Organizations:

Student Organizations: Join business-related clubs or organizations at your college to network with peers who share similar interests and gain access to exclusive internship opportunities.

Professional Associations: Consider joining professional associations related to accounting or entrepreneurship that offer networking events and resources for students.

5. Develop Your Skills:

Online Courses: Enroll in online courses or certifications related to accounting or entrepreneurship to enhance your knowledge and skills, making you a more attractive candidate for internships.

Side Projects: Work on side projects or start a small business related to accounting or entrepreneurship to demonstrate your passion and initiative.

6. Volunteer Work:

Nonprofit Organizations: Offer your skills and time to nonprofit organizations that may need assistance with accounting or entrepreneurial projects. This can help you gain practical experience while giving back to the community.

7. Seek Mentorship:

Faculty Members: Build relationships with professors who specialize in accounting or entrepreneurship for mentorship and guidance on securing internships.

Industry Professionals: Connect with professionals in the business field through networking events or LinkedIn for mentorship opportunities.

By following these steps, you can increase your chances of securing internships in the fields of accounting and entrepreneurship while being a student at a community college.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

Harvard Business Review: Provides insights, research, and best practices on various aspects of business, including internships, career development, and entrepreneurship.

Forbes: Offers articles, guides, and expert advice on career advancement, internships, business trends, and entrepreneurial success.

LinkedIn: A professional networking platform that connects individuals with job opportunities, industry insights, and networking events relevant to business careers.

These sources were consulted to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided regarding securing internships in the business field as a student.

God Bless You,
Thank you comment icon Thank you! Chandini
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deborah’s Answer

Hello Chandini! Great question. I teach business at a community college. Some internships come through the business degree programs administration office through their relationships with employers/nonprofits. Instructors can also be a good source to connect you to internships with local businesses. As a college student, I approached businesses to hire me in my field of study. If you are primarily looking for work experience, nonprofits appreciate volunteers (if you don't need the $) I hope my answer helps. Good luck!
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Isabel’s Answer

Hello Chandini,

To successfully land business internships while pursuing your studies at a community college, it's crucial to tap into the resources available to you. Start with your career services; they can provide you with a wealth of internship opportunities and valuable assistance in crafting a compelling resume.

Take the initiative to forge connections with your professors, alumni, and local business professionals. You can do this by attending industry events and actively engaging on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn.

Don't forget to join business clubs or honor societies at your college. These platforms often have access to exclusive job postings that aren't publicized elsewhere.

Be proactive in seeking and applying for internships in accounting firms, startups, or small businesses that resonate with your interests. Remember, every application is a chance to showcase your unique experience and skills. Therefore, make sure to customize your résumé and cover letter to highlight your relevant experiences and acquired skills.

Remember, some of the most rewarding internships in accounting and entrepreneurship are often secured through sheer persistence and a robust network. So, keep pushing forward, and success will surely follow!
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Adaobi’s Answer

Securing more internships in business can significantly boost your experience and career prospects. Here are some tips to help you find and land more internships:

### 1. **Leverage Your Network**
- **Connect with Professionals**: Reach out to family, friends, teachers, and alumni who work in business. Let them know you're looking for internships.
- **Attend Networking Events**: Participate in industry conferences, seminars, and career fairs to meet potential employers.

### 2. **Use Online Platforms**
- **Job Boards**: Websites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Handshake list numerous internship opportunities⁴⁵.
- **Company Websites**: Check the careers section of companies you're interested in. Many post internship opportunities directly on their sites.

### 3. **Tailor Your Application**
- **Customize Your Resume**: Highlight relevant skills and experiences for each internship application.
- **Write a Strong Cover Letter**: Explain why you're interested in the internship and how your skills make you a good fit.

### 4. **Gain Relevant Experience**
- **Volunteer**: If you can't find a paid internship, consider volunteering in a related field to gain experience.
- **Part-Time Jobs**: Work in roles that develop relevant skills, such as customer service or administrative positions.

### 5. **Prepare for Interviews**
- **Practice Common Questions**: Be ready to discuss your experiences, strengths, and why you want the internship.
- **Research the Company**: Understand the company's mission, values, and recent news to show your genuine interest.

### 6. **Utilize School Resources**
- **Career Services**: Many schools have career centers that offer internship listings, resume reviews, and mock interviews.
- **Professors and Advisors**: They can provide recommendations and may know of internship opportunities.

### 7. **Apply Early and Often**
- **Start Early**: Many internships have application deadlines months in advance.
- **Apply to Multiple Positions**: Increase your chances by applying to several internships.

### 8. **Follow Up**
- **Send Thank-You Notes**: After interviews, send a thank-you email to express your appreciation and reiterate your interest.
- **Check Application Status**: Politely follow up on your application status if you haven't heard back after a few weeks.

### 9. **Stay Persistent**
- **Don't Get Discouraged**: Rejections are part of the process. Keep applying and improving your applications.

By following these steps, you'll increase your chances of landing valuable business internships.
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Lin’s Answer

I find LinkedIn to be really useful. Start by figuring out which company you did be interested in obtaining an internship. Then, through LinkedIn, find someone who's working at that company and willing to connect and chat. It would be better if you can find someone who is also from the same college or town you're from to initiate that first conversation.

Best of luck!
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Debasmita’s Answer

This worked for me in college, but I heavily leaned into relevant clubs & networking! Joining business clubs related to business or more niche for your major gets you great access to resources and panels from companies that are looking for summer interns. Networking at college campus events & job fairs is also a great way to get exposure to different companies and put your name out there as well. Looking on online platforms or targeting your top companies are also a great way to land internships! Hone your resume to the specific position and remember to use keywords listed in the job posting.
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Violaine’s Answer

Hello! As a community college student, there are several steps you can take to secure internships in the business field, specifically in accounting and entrepreneurship. Firstly, reach out to your college's career services department. They can provide guidance on finding internships, connecting with local businesses, and even offering resume and interview preparation assistance. Utilize online job boards and internship websites that cater to students and entry-level positions. Networking is crucial, so attend industry events, join business clubs or organizations, and participate in community activities related to your interests. Connect with professionals in the field through platforms like LinkedIn and request informational interviews to learn more about their experiences and potential internship opportunities. Lastly, consider reaching out directly to local businesses or accounting firms to inquire about internship opportunities. Demonstrate your passion and willingness to learn, and be prepared to showcase any relevant skills or coursework you have completed.
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Gloria’s Answer

Hi Chandini,
You have gotten a lot of great information here, I would add look at companies that you are interested in working for and see what they expect. It depends on what kind of internship you are interested in. I have provided a link to my employer, AT&T, as an example of how internships vary depending on what you want to do.


Gloria recommends the following next steps:

Check out Internship opportunities at AT&T as an example:
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Richard’s Answer

Isabel and James are 100% correct here. You need to go out there and do it.

Literally, you need to find the opportunity and specifically say "I would like the opportunity to do an internship with you. You should pick me specifically because I am really good at X, Y, and Z skills that your internship description calls for."

That is how you get an internship or a CEO-ship or anything in between; you have to ask for it and state your case as to why you are a good candidate. That's actually the easy part, so no worries there at all really.

The hard part = getting the right internship. How do you do that?

Getting a good internship is also very easy. Do the above but do it 10X times. If you do the above 10X times, statistically speaking you will receive 4 offers. Then, evaluate these 4 offers to determine which is the best internship for you and select that one.

Do not make the mistake of applying for one internship and hoping that you get it, hope is not a strategy.
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Alberto’s Answer

Securing internships in business, particularly in fields like accounting and entrepreneurship, as a community college student can be approached strategically. Start by leveraging your college’s career services; they often have connections with local businesses and can provide access to internship listings and networking events. Make a point to attend career fairs and workshops where you can meet employers face-to-face. Networking is key, so consider joining relevant clubs or groups within your college, such as a business or entrepreneurship club, to meet like-minded peers and industry professionals. Utilize online platforms like LinkedIn to connect with industry professionals, join relevant groups, and apply for internships. You might also explore virtual internships, which can offer opportunities without geographical constraints. Additionally, consider reaching out directly to small businesses or startups in your area, as they might have unadvertised opportunities and could benefit from someone eager to learn and contribute. By actively seeking opportunities and making your interest and capabilities known, you can significantly increase your chances of securing a business internship.
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Collins’s Answer

Hello, Chandini,

As a college student, here are some crucial steps to enhance your journey:

Maximize College Resources: Don't hesitate to connect with your college's career services office. They have a wealth of connections with local businesses and can be instrumental in helping you secure promising internship opportunities.

Engage in Active Networking: Make it a point to participate in business-related events, workshops, and networking gatherings. Joining student organizations that focus on business, such as accounting or entrepreneurship clubs, will provide you with a platform to interact with professionals and fellow students.

Harness the Power of Online Platforms: Regularly visit websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor for the latest internship opportunities. A well-crafted LinkedIn profile can serve as a powerful tool to display your skills and interests to potential employers.

Initiate Contact: If there are certain companies or startups that pique your interest, take the initiative to send them an email expressing your desire for an internship. Attach your resume and articulate how you can be a valuable addition to their team.

Explore Local Opportunities: Keep an eye out for internships offered by local businesses or startups in your vicinity.

Venture into Remote Internships: If local opportunities seem scarce, consider remote internships. These positions can provide you with flexibility and invaluable experience.

By proactively pursuing opportunities and utilizing the resources at your disposal, you'll significantly improve your chances of landing rewarding internships in accounting and entrepreneurship. Best of luck!