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How could I have a good structure in my resume and what should I take into account?

I would like to know what I should take into account when creating my resume.

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3 answers

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Roel’s Answer

Hello Laura,

To enhance your resume, start by listing all your work experiences, if any. Don't forget to include all the extracurricular activities you've been involved in, with special emphasis on any leadership roles you've held within these organizations. Lastly, it would be beneficial to research examples of student resumes. This will provide you with a clearer idea of what individuals at the same stage in life as you are including in their resumes.
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James Constantine’s Answer

To optimize your resume, follow these steps and keep the following key aspects in mind. Here are some tips to make your resume stand out and be effective: Personal information: Write down your full name, address, contact number and email.
Verify that this information is up to date and easy to find. Professional Goal: Incorporate a short paragraph at the beginning that summarizes your professional goals and how you can be valuable to the company.
Adapt this section for each job you apply for. Employment history: List your previous jobs in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent.
Note the job title, company name, location, and dates of employment.
Highlight your most significant duties and accomplishments in each position. Academic training: Explain your educational background, including degrees earned, educational institutions, and years of graduation.
If you have relevant certifications, it is also advisable to add them in this section. Skills: List your technical and personal skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for.
Emphasize those skills that set you apart and make you the perfect candidate. Awards and distinctions: Include awards, distinctions or outstanding achievements that you have achieved in your professional career.
This can help you stand out among other candidates. References: If required, you can add references to the end of your resume or indicate that they are available upon request. Remember to maintain a clear and professional format, use bullet points for easy reading, and carefully check spelling and grammar. Tailoring your resume to each specific job offer can also increase your chances of success. Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used to Answer This Question: Harvard Business Review: This resource offers expert advice on how to build an effective resume and stand out in the job search process. The Balance Careers: Provides detailed guides on how to structure a resume professionally, with practical examples and helpful tips to highlight your skills and experience. Indeed Career Guide: This source offers up-to-date information on best practices for writing a successful resume, including tips on design, relevant content, and overall effect. THANK YOU!
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! Laura
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Anika’s Answer

Hi Laura,
Creating a well-structured resume is crucial for making a positive impression on potential employers. Here are some key elements to consider when structuring your resume and tips on what to include:

Contact Information:
What to Include:
Full Name
Phone Number
Email Address
LinkedIn Profile (optional, but recommended)
What to Include:
School Name
Location (City, State)
Dates Attended (or expected graduation date)
GPA (if it's strong and relevant)
Relevant coursework, honors, or awards
What to Include:
Job Title
Company Name
Location (City, State)
Dates of Employment
Key responsibilities and achievements
What to Include:
List both hard and soft skills relevant to the job.
Examples: Programming languages, software proficiency, communication, teamwork, problem-solving.
Extracurricular Activities or Volunteer Work:
What to Include:
Position or Role
Organization Name
Location (City, State)
Dates of Involvement
Key responsibilities and achievements