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How do you get an internship in high school?

I want to be able to get an internship in 10th grade.

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Laura’s Answer

This is an amazing idea! Starting early with internships can allow you to learn about your interests, skills, likes and dislikes. Start by creating a resume, you can include activities and any skills you may have. Remember, even if the internship is unpaid it will give you great experience
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Tarah’s Answer

I landed an unpaid Lockheed Martin internship in 12th grade through a program at my high school. They invited the students with the top 500 GPAs in the district to apply and write an essay, and then 200 of us were selected and matched based on our interests. They paired me with Lockheed because I had an interest in engineering, but they had a very diverse set of partner companies, including a funeral home that does embalming!

My high school internship absolutely helped me to land more internships in university, but you aren't out of luck if you can't find a high school internship (I think they are pretty rare). Holding down a job in the service industry can prove you have work ethic. Volunteering at a non-profit can give you the opportunity to do more technical work while helping others. Even doing a personal project can show motivation in your area of interest.

There are lots of ways to show off your skills, so don't stress if you don't find an internship right now!

Tarah recommends the following next steps:

Check if your high school has an internship program
Search for companies online that offer high school internships
Apply for jobs that are more traditional among high school students, such as the service industry
Work on personal projects that relate to your area of interest
Start a recurring volunteer position at a local non-profit
Thank you comment icon Thank you, this is amazing! I really needed it. Subhra
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Damien’s Answer

Volunteering is a great way to get your foot in the door of most industries. Also, research and reach out to professionals in your chosen field of interest because they may be willing to mentor you, or at the very least offer up some targeted advice - LinkedIn is a great resource for outreach.

Damien recommends the following next steps:

Research volunteer opportunities in your field of interest.
Research professionals in your field of interest.
Make contact with chosen professionals via email, LinkedIn, etc
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Anika’s Answer

Getting an internship in high school, especially in 10th grade, is a great way to gain experience and build your resume. Here are some steps to help you secure an internship:

Identify Your Interests: Determine what fields or industries interest you the most. This could be anything from technology, healthcare, finance, marketing, or any other area.

Research Companies and Organizations: Look for companies or organizations in your area that align with your interests. Make a list of potential places where you'd like to intern.

Create a Resume: Even if you don't have a lot of work experience, you can include your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and any skills you have.

Write a Cover Letter: Customize a cover letter for each company you apply to. Explain why you're interested in the internship and what you can bring to the organization.

Leverage Your Network: Talk to teachers, school counselors, family friends, and relatives who might know of internship opportunities. Sometimes, personal connections can help you get your foot in the door.

Good luck on your journey to getting an internship!
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Abby’s Answer

Hi Subhra, I suggest looking into programs or opportunities at your high school. While they may be unrelated to your desired career, some departments are looking for student help in which you can use as internship experience. I was able to intern in my schools guidance department and it was a great resume builder going into college! I suggest asking faculty members you have good relationships with if they know of any opportunities.