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What should I choose as a minor?

Grade: 10
I am hoping to take as many majors as I can with as much time as I have in my (future) schedule, and fill the rest of my time with as many minors as possible.

I am passionate about government, and will most likely major in that. However, I may also consider medical school, as I am a little bit passionate in that, So if I did decide to want to major in PolSci, but wanted to minor in something(s) related to medicine and health sciences, what would be best?

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Subject: Career question for you


3 answers

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Jordan’s Answer

Hi Regan,

Focusing on one major alone can be a difficult and time-consuming task, so while I applaud you on your goals of doing multiple majors, don't feel that you need to do too much do make the most out of your college experience! You will have the chance to take classes outside of your major, and clubs, sitting in lectures (when allowed), and other things can help you gain new experiences and learn new topics without having to dedicate your time and money to a formal course.

A minor is a great way to structure your time and studies so that you can learn about a topic separate from your major. Many of my friends and peers pursued a minor in a field of study completely separate from their main passion - for example, one friend studied electrical engineering, but received his minor in music (he played in the school's orchestra!). If you want a minor that could benefit your PoliSci major, you could look for minors related to health policy and administration, or something involving laws and regulations in the health industry. You'll most likely find an interesting overlap in material, and may even be able to use this additional knowledge to get traction in a related industry during/after graduation. Best of luck!
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Isabel’s Answer

Hello Regan!

Given your fervor for politics and your aspiration to attend medical school, choosing to minor in Public Health or Health Policy could be an ideal addition to a major in Political Science. Studying Public Health would give you a comprehensive grasp of various health concerns, while Health Policy delves into the fascinating crossroads of healthcare and government - a perfect match for your interests. Alternatively, you could consider Biology or Chemistry, both of which lay the groundwork for the prerequisites of medical school. These minors not only broaden your understanding of health sciences, but also ensure you're well-prepared for medical school. Plus, they'll deepen your insights into the workings of healthcare systems and policies. So go ahead, explore these minors and let your passion for health and politics shine!
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Chris’s Answer

Keep it simple. Do as well and be diligent in all your subjects! It’s important to have a broad based well rounded knowledge based education before entering college. Colleges look for extra curriculum activities and volunteer in your community. A.P classes also give you an important edge to prepare for college. Maintain the focus on time management and organization. The minors will add to the Major. Use it later to fill in when you can’t get classes. Maintain focus on the Major required courses the rest will fall into place later. Good luck and stay focused👍