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What are the thing I can do to enhance my reading habits ?

I want to read outside the box, to be extraordinary in my reading ability

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Michelle’s Answer

Hi, Johnny !

For whatever reason that you wish to enhance your reading habits, it is an awesome venture because at the same time, you will be developing and sharpening your knowledge of vocabulary, comprehension and written communication skills ! That is a wonderful enhancement that will take you far in both your personal life and in any career !

So, what are some things you can do to take your reading to a higher degree ? I have some suggestions that I hope will be useful to you. The first idea is to set a goal for reading however many books you can per week. I would also suggest, to take it to new levels, read a book about something that you have not the least bit interest in. That experience will be a stretch and you may discover how different it is to deliberately read something that you have no interest in.

Next, I would suggest that you read textbooks on subjects that you like. Also read fiction, non-fiction, biography, poetry, manuals and a wide variety of material. Do you ever read aloud ? If not, start doing so. If you know children, read stories aloud to them. If there are any elderly people you know who would like to be read to, find out about that. Reading aloud will bring it to a different level. You can even venture into reading theatrical plays with a friend as the characters.

Join a book club in person or online. This will give you a chance to enhance your skills by being able to verbally critique and analyze stories. I have left a link below for a list of online book clubs you can join right now. You can also seek out book clubs at your local Library for something close to where you live and meet with the members in person. Book stores usually can give you information on book clubs, too.

A fun thing also to learn and test your vocabulary would be to go to the Dictionary website (link is below) where they have a new word every day and quizzes you can take.

I wish you all the best exploring this and hope that your experience in enhancing your reading is a fabulous, enjoyable activity !

Michelle recommends the following next steps:

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Katherine’s Answer

It's useful to have someone read to you--a parent (even if you're a high schooler or something, it's great to pick a piece of literature like Captains Courageous or Last of the Mohicans or something by P.G. Wodehouse and have a parent read it aloud to you a few days a week), or an audiobook narrator. But then, while listening, find a way to follow along--if someone reads to you in person, either get another copy of the book and follow along while they read, or else go back and read what they read over again after you would be able to hear it in their voice and you have already heard the story once; or if you get an audiobook, also follow along with a print or online copy of the book.

As you do that, your reading comprehension and also other skills improve, and you can learn to be a really extra-good reader.
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Barbara’s Answer

To enhance your reading habits, set specific goals and create a daily schedule. Explore diverse genres and use Goodreads to track progress and get recommendations. Join book clubs on Reddit or Goodreads for new perspectives. Practice active reading by taking notes and summarizing. You can access a wide range of books on Project Gutenberg and Scribd.
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Collins’s Answer

Hey there, Johnny!

Here's a way to supercharge your reading skills and become an incredible reader:

1. **Establish Objectives**: Decide on the goals you want to accomplish through your reading.
2. **Broaden Your Horizons**: Dive into a diverse range of genres and subjects.
3. **Form a Habit**: Carve out specific times each day solely for reading.
4. **Participate in a Book Club**: Connect with others to share thoughts and discover varied viewpoints.
5. **Keep a Reading Journal**: Make a note of intriguing ideas and personal reflections.
6. **Push Your Limits**: Aim for loftier reading goals and embrace more challenging content.

By embracing these strategies, you're on your way to cultivating a deeper, more rewarding reading habit. Keep going, you're doing great!