Career questions tagged study-skills
What are the best studying methods for memorizing a large quantity of things and how should I do them?
I have to memorize many things at once and sometimes don't have enough time or I may forget some stuff.
What are the thing I can do to enhance my reading habits ?
I want to read outside the box, to be extraordinary in my reading ability
Wt are the necessary skills needed to be a good student ?
What are Necessary skills needed to be a good science student
What are the best proven study habits to have while in college?
I’m 18 and I’m in high-school going on to college for nursing and I’m apart of NTHS. Not entirely sure what study habits I should have. #Spring24 #College #Studyhabits
How to balance time ? currently study 4th years Japanese major From 1pm to 4pm class study Japanese on university From 7pm have part time job to 10pm How to manage time self study jlpt test,test,study programming,study music production if self study at home less time to balance part time job and self study at home
How can i study better?
How can I study better to help me with my time management? I’ve had problems studying and managing my time. so how can i help myself to study better while protecting my time?
How do I focus on studying ?
How do I focus on studying and having a busy life with pets, friend's and family.
How do you study effectively with ADHD?
I have a hard time getting in the groove and actually studying. I have been attempting to get help with it but nothing I have tried has improved my grades. Any weird/bizarre study tips that work for the ADHD folks?
Study Skills?
What are some of the best studying tips for retaining difficult information?