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How can I improve my tech skills?

In the tech world, how can I improve my tech skills to stand out

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14 answers

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Heather’s Answer

Hello Everlyn, thanks for your insightful query!

Boosting your tech skills can be achieved in numerous ways.

Start by identifying the specific area of technology that piques your interest. The tech world is vast, with sectors ranging from computer technology, manufacturing technology, automotive technology, to cloud technology, and many more. Feel free to delve into multiple areas!

Once you've pinpointed your tech sector of interest, start delving into companies within that sector. For instance, if you're drawn to manufacturing or automotive technology, you might want to explore companies like BMW, Audi, Rivian, and others.

Having identified your preferred companies, invest time in understanding their components and processes. This research will naturally expand your knowledge base as you follow your curiosity.

I'd suggest leveraging platforms like LinkedIn and GlassDoor for your research. These tools offer a wealth of articles, industry leaders to follow, and opportunities to ask questions. I'm confident that you'll excel in enhancing your technology skills. Best of luck!
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Suresh’s Answer

Excellent inquiry, Everyln!

The realm of technology is intricate and expansive, and consequently, from the perspective of an entry-level role, the Tech Skills needed in a job can be intricate and boundless. However, I urge you not to feel daunted. In my experience, your passion is the ideal starting point. If you're drawn to intense programming, user interface design, efficient process flow creation, or working with numbers and systems, you can seek a job that demands the skills you're keen on. Then, it's all about maintaining humility, fostering good relationships, and learning as you go.

Every Tech Solution, regardless of its size, consists of hundreds, if not thousands, of modules. Each module in a Tech Solution necessitates a team of individuals with diverse skills for its completion. So, when you embark on your job, be prepared to both contribute and learn from your colleagues, superiors, and occasionally, your subordinates. The tech field is one of perpetual learning. While formal courses are essential to stay updated with new and emerging technology, real mastery of Tech Skills is gained on the job.

Here's wishing you the very best in securing your next Tech position.
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Will’s Answer

Hello Everyone,

Congratulations on joining CareerVillage and posting your very first question!

In the ever-evolving tech industry, staying ahead of the curve and distinguishing yourself is all about constant growth in your technical abilities. Here are some key areas to concentrate on:

1: Lifelong Learning and Skill Enhancement
- Keep abreast with the newest trends, tools, and coding languages.
- Utilize online resources, participate in workshops or webinars, and complete online courses or certifications.
- Embark on personal projects to implement and refine your skills.

2: Building Connections and Professional Involvement
- Participate in tech gatherings, meetups, and conferences to establish a robust professional network.
- Engage with individuals who share your interests and professionals in the industry.
- Look for opportunities for mentorship and project collaborations.

3: Hands-On Experience and Development of Interpersonal Skills
- Pursue internships or apprenticeships with tech firms or startups.
- Become a part of online communities, forums, and coding bootcamp groups for cooperative learning and collaboration.
- Cultivate interpersonal skills like effective communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership.

Wishing you all the best on your journey!
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. I am glad to hear that you have interest in programming.
Below are my suggestions :
1. Identify a simple programming language to start first, e.g. Python, Scratch, etc.
2. Find out the language syntax and structure. There are plenty of resources online.
3. Start doing simple programming. Then, you can try to do some small projects, e.g. control a toy car, robotic arm, etc.
4. You can learn another one when you familiar one language
5. Attend the information session hosts by computer science department of college and find out the entry criteria
6. Work hard on your academic to meet the criteria
I strongly recommend you to attend the computer science courses in colleges. It can help you to acquire the knowledge of computing theories and learn the programming skills.
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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Jasanpreet Kaur’s Answer

Hi Everyln,

It's a great question. It shows that you believe in continuous learning and improvement, which is vital for success in the corporate world. In my opinion here are some of the pointers which can be helpful to you.

1. Online Courses: Take courses and earn certifications.
2. Hands-On Projects: Work on personal and open-source projects.
3. Networking: Attend conferences, join online communities, and connect with professionals.
4. Soft Skills: Improve problem-solving, communication, and time management.
5. Specialize: Gain expertise in a niche area.
6. Mentorship: Find a mentor and mentor others.
7. Real-World Experience: Intern, freelance, and solve real-world problems.
8. Portfolio: Build a strong portfolio and showcase projects on a personal website or GitHub.
9. Certifications: Earn and maintain relevant certifications based on professional skills.
10. Feedback: Seek and use feedback to improve continuously.

I hope you find it helpful!

All the best!
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Anantharajah’s Answer

Focusing on the 'standing out' part. Thanks Will, and I would like to build on top of that.
Here is my take:

What does 'keeping up' look like? Know how to build, and the basic technical chops. Basically, everything Will said.

What does 'standing out' look like?
- Know how to build distributed scalable systems. Learn system architecture.
- Learn to work from first principles.
- Know how a piece of software is used and solves the customer problem
- Know how a piece of software is creating value to the business
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Rajeev’s Answer

What a fantastic question you've asked!
First things first, it's essential to get a good grip on the basics of computers. This includes understanding both the hardware and software aspects. This foundational knowledge will make it easier for you to comprehend more technical concepts later on, and you'll find yourself becoming more comfortable with computer terminology.

Next, you should know that the field of technology is incredibly broad and diverse. It's crucial to pinpoint what specifically interests you. Here are a few examples of the many branches within the technology sector:
1. Hardware Engineering
a. Networking
b. Cloud Computing
2. Programming
a. Application Programming
b. System Programming
c. Video Game Design
d. Data Warehousing and Reporting
3. AI Engineering
a. Robotics
b. Machine Learning
c. Data Science
4. Management
a. Business Analyst
b. Data Analyst
c. IT Project Manager

Once you've identified your area of interest, you can then start developing your technical skills. There's a wealth of resources available to you, including YouTube tutorials on a variety of topics. You can also look for specific tutorials or sign up for online training programs for more hands-on learning. Remember, it's important to set aside time for reading and experimenting. Don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it - it's a key part of the learning process.

Here's wishing you all the best in your journey of growth and improvement.
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Giacomo’s Answer

Study and work
Thank you comment icon Hi Giacomo! Do you have any resources you can recommend to Everyln? Sharyn Grose, Admin
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Muhammad’s Answer

1. Start by pinpointing your objective.
2. Once your objective is clear, enrich your knowledge with online courses. Platforms like Khan Academy or Alison's Academy are great places to start.
3. Next, put your skills into action by creating projects.
4. Engage with others by becoming part of communities and participating in webinars.
5. Hone your problem-solving skills, for instance, through platforms like LeetCode.
i. Begin with easy tasks, progress to medium, and then tackle the hard ones.
ii. Remember, in interviews, you're likely to encounter medium-level problems.
These steps are sure to guide you towards success.
Best of luck!
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Eric’s Answer

Starting out in tech can be daunting, especially when the field is so vast and moves so quickly. It's normal to believe that you need to follow every single new development in every branch of tech but that can lead to burn out, especially if you don't find certain branches interesting.

I'd say the most important thing would be to try building a project in the various different fields above. It doesn't have to be large project but something just to give you a taste on whether you can see yourself in this particular field or not.

To learn the basics, I would check out UC Berkeley's CS61A and CS61B course websites which are very detailed and comprehensive courses that use Python, Scheme, and Java to teach you some really good coding institution. Picking up different languages after that is pretty easy after that.


After building a solid coding foundation, initiative is key! Dive into intellectually stimulating projects, join coding clubs, and look for cool internship opportunities!
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Amanda’s Answer

I totally get it, stepping into the tech world without much background can be a bit overwhelming. But don't worry, there are plenty of tools out there to help you, based on your interests. If you're curious about building computers or want to understand more about the bits and pieces that make them work, there are PC Building simulators available. They might not be exactly like having a real computer in front of you, but they sure do offer a fun and engaging way to learn hands-on.

Amanda recommends the following next steps:
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Anurag’s Answer

Learn as you grow. Nothing is learnt in a single day.

- Try things which grasp your interest and try to pursue the ones which feel like your thing.
- Learn from others and take suggestions but do not rely on a single feedback. Because each individual is different.
- Try to understand the current scenario and the technologies people are using.
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Gustensen’s Answer

In the tech world to improve your tech skills you need to build your network because network = net worth. Attend career fairs don't be afraid to ask questions , don't be afraid to fail at some coding problems or at interviews it's part of the process and if you in college i think it's the best place to get excellent advice that will push you forward. By the way remember don't just study programming concepts practice a lot, you sure will fail while practicing but it's part of the process for example you can use and i'd recommend to start with easy problems first. Lastly if you feel like you need to be better prepared then take an online course on coursera for the role you seeking because that's where you'll not only gain programming skills but actually real world skills that will be helpful at your tech job and those skills are the ones employers are looking for and try to get internships or volunteer opportunities to gain more experience or even build some cool projects so you can add them in your resume.
Do whatever it takes to get that job and don't get discouraged!

Good luck on your journey!
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Neha’s Answer

Improving your tech skills involves a combination of structured learning, practical experience, and staying updated with industry trends. Here are some effective strategies:

1. Structured Learning:
- Online Courses and Tutorials: Platforms like Coursera, edX, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer courses on various tech topics, from programming to data science.
- Certifications: Earning certifications in specific areas (like cloud computing, cybersecurity, or specific programming languages) can enhance your knowledge and make your resume more attractive to employers.

2. Practical Experience:
- Build Projects: Create your own projects to apply what you've learned. This could be a personal website, a mobile app, a data analysis project, or anything that interests you.
- Open Source Contributions: Contributing to open source projects is a great way to gain real-world experience, learn from other developers, and showcase your work.
- Hackathons and Competitions: Participating in hackathons and coding competitions can sharpen your skills, provide networking opportunities, and sometimes lead to job offers.

3. Internships and Part-Time Jobs:
- Gain Work Experience: Internships, part-time jobs, or freelance work in tech can provide hands-on experience, help you understand industry workflows, and build your professional network.

4. Stay Updated:
- Follow Tech News and Trends: Read blogs, watch webinars, and listen to podcasts to keep up with the latest trends and technologies in the industry.
- Join Tech Communities: Participate in forums, attend meetups, or join online communities (like GitHub, Stack Overflow, or tech-specific subreddits) to learn from others and stay connected.

5. Continuous Practice:
- Coding Practice: Regularly practice coding on platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, or CodeSignal to improve your problem-solving skills.
- Learn New Tools and Technologies: Experiment with new frameworks, tools, or technologies as they emerge to stay versatile and adaptable.

Set specific goals, track your progress, most importantly -- figure out what your interested in and try to focus and be consistent with your efforts. Learning is a continuous process, so stay curious and open to new challenges!