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How can I put my foot in the door acting in LA if I come from a low-income household?

I'm a 17yo who's turning 18 in September. I really want to start film/tv acting, but I don't have a lot of money to get headshots, lessons, etc. I'm going to be doing intermediate theatre this year (senior year), and I have prior experience doing acting classes in/out of school in the past. I look younger than I am (would do very well at 18tpy) but my biggest hurdle is just...starting. I can't afford $500 headshots, and even the $300/month classes are a huge burden.

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Lila !

You are starting to discover the realities of the acting field but what you are doing now is very important. It is wonderful that you are getting in some experience at high school and it would be good for you to start thinking about the steps for an acting career once you turn 18 as it will be much easier. Please keep your theatre performance commitments for your senior year. You already live in L.A. so you are a step ahead of many, many actors that have to relocate to there.

I know how eager you are to start, but focus on high school and training this year. Don't let anything interfere with school and your grades. Many actors do pay a lot of money for headshots, but many also use their phone to do their headshots and other photos that are requested by casting people. The photos that you've mentioned are indeed quite expensive and so are the lessons. Where are you going for these ? If you want a photographer to do your photos, don't hesitate to shop around. Do a search for photographers for actors, look through Backstage, too. You can even price regular photographers, too. But mostly everyone I know is doing digital photos because gone are the days of 8 X 10 glossies with a paper resume attached. You'll be submitting things via websites or uploading and typing on agency websites. Since you are living in Los Angeles, I am sure that someone in school will be sure to let you know the procedure for work submissions, but I am doing everything electrically and not one casting notice ever says mail your photo and resume through the post office like how it used to be decades ago.

Ask your school now if you can do a dual class for an acting class at Los Angeles City College. You are going to have to take acting classes and you'll have to pay the going rate if you decide not to attend college for this. Maybe you can work for a while and save for classes and the types of photos you want. Being an actor is definitely an investment no matter which stage of one's career. I am still making small investments for cameras and equipment, makeup, wardrobe, etc. People are also paying for or doing their own Reels which is another thing that would be expected from actors. To obtain information about becoming a professional actor, read all the books you can find (free in Library) and also Backstage which is online. Backstage requires a fee in order to submit to casting notices, however, there are many other agencies you can register at (these are NOT talent agents) at which you do not have to pay. My advice, don't pay to get work no matter what career you have.

Some of the agencies that do not request a fee in order to register at can be found by doing a search for "Casting Agencies in Los Angeles" and read each website. They do not tell you right away that you'd have to pay, rather after you've typed a ton of information in it will indicate to put your credit card in. To avoid spending a ton of money to be registered at places, I would suggest first going to Actor's Access and Direct Submit to see what is casting.

Everything is going to be a matter of comparison shopping for all the materials that you will need as an actor. You should also think about next year and if you'll work in the day or evening and how available you will be for auditions or work. Think about living at home for a while so you can be able to afford getting all that you will need. You can register now and possibly do some student films after school, evenings and on the weekends. Make sure that you have transportation as I do not recommend taking public transportation in Los Angeles for many reasons, one being the distance that you may be required to travel for work.

There are many You Tube channels that have really great tips and information for actors starting out. Just do a search on You Tube and watch the ones from people in L.A. There are also videos about how to do portraits with your phone. It's free to get this instruction on You Tube.

I do want to tell you that Intermediate Acting in high school is not the same as acting classes in college. The best training would be to enroll in college. You can go to LACC at first and then transfer to Cal State University, Los Angeles. This will put you in daily contact with other actors and you will get guidance and know exactly how to go about your acting career. You will also start getting opportunities while you are in the college film or theatre department. If you are from a low income family, as you've mentioned, you could possibly have four years of college funded and obtain your Bachelors Degree. Ask more questions here.

We are always happy to address any questions that you may have and provide advice right here at Career Village. If you have any more questions, do return . I wish you well going forward with this. Enjoy it and do not give up !

Michelle recommends the following next steps:

Thank you comment icon Hello! I can't begin to thank you enough for your advice. It was so detailed, and made me aware of things that I didn't even know were a thing. I'm going to look at all the websites and try to find places to submit for free, and I'll dedicate time to learn more about acting, and how to improve my craft. I don't know what else to say aside from a huge thank you. Your response truly was amazing. :D Lilia
Thank you comment icon Lilia - My heart is full and you are very welcome. It gives me great satisfaction to help young actors on their most exciting path ! Michelle M.
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Henrien’s Answer

Create an online present. Get a Facebook and Instagram account. Join group on Facebook that have theater events, casting calls, and film festivals' Theater is a good place to learn acting. Surround yourself with other artists. Think about getting a part time job. You can create you own acting reel and head shots using using AI. Because you are very young stay away from anyone promising you fame. This is the time to mold your craft. Keep your parents in the loop with all your activities.

Once you join these online groups, take advantage of auditions and online plays. Use these auditions to practice. Maybe you won't get the job but these auditions can be used as a part of your profile. Use your time wisely in school. Become well read. That means read plays and stories that have strong characters.

Acting is about interpreting a part of the stories through a character. Know the character, feel the character and become character. Eat good and work out. Keep your body in shape Your body and your appearance is your brand. I wish you success. Practice than practice some more. Also, look for casting calls from the Disney Studies.
Thank you comment icon Hello! Thank you so much. I'll try to find communities and groups on social media apps. I've been trying to get a part-time job, but it's been a bit difficult. I'll keep trying! I'll look at more online plays and scripts. Thank you! Lilia
Thank you comment icon The artist is the interpreter of the world, whether you paint, act or write. You bring the emotions, the pain and the joy of every character you play. Acting is hard. Being on the set from 7am to late night is not easy. But you are on the right track. Doing plays are a great way to develop your craft. Do babysitting, help a kid with their home work or start a job as a trainee. The money is so you can maintain your phone or internet. Don't worry about getting headshots. They are costly. Use a good phone and take pictures. You make an acting reel with your phone. Record yourself doing a scene from a famous film or TV show. Decide what type of character you want to portray--good girl , mean girl, sly girl or bad girl. Take care of yourself and much success Henrien McDonald
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Angela’s Answer

This is great advice. I would add on the online presence, learn social media and how to be a content creator. It’ll be great practice and you can showcase your skills. Once you learn how to create content, you can monetize that to pay for moving to LA and pursuing a career.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice! I'll look into content creation, and try to figure it out. I'm already based in LA, so I have that part covered! Thank you! :D Lilia