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What do I do if I find myself wanting to pursue many (creative) careers?

I want to pursue acting/voice acting, writing, art/animation, and filmmaking. I hear that acting is a very time-consuming job that requires a lot of commitment, but I also want to do writing and filmmaking, so what do I do about that? Is it possible to juggle all of these careers at the same time? I have a passion for all of them so I can't imagine having to give them up for one choice.

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6 answers

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Angela’s Answer

This was my biggest hurdle in the industry and trying to do everything set back my career A LOT. I suggest you pick ONE and master it. Be undeniable at it to the point that people want to work with you. Once you’re working doing that thing, THEN move onto the next. I suggest filmmaking because you can always step into a role in your own project (a small role) as a demo to use later on. Knowing how a project gets made, gives you an advantage when you pursue other things. You don’t have to do filmmaking first, but pick the one you love the most and ONLY do that.
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Kevin’s Answer

It's definitely possible, sometimes you might have to put priorities on certain ones. Like which career are you really running for at that moment while refine any other skills or jobs that you always want to work on.
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Paola’s Answer

Hi William,

The choice you're about to make is crucial, and it seems you're focusing solely on the vocational aspect. However, it's important to also consider other elements. These include the job market demand for various careers, the average pay for each role, and the costs and benefits associated with each. I recommend you evaluate these factors, determining what you're willing to invest in and what you're not. This will aid you in making a more informed decision and allow you to see your options more clearly.

I trust this guidance will be beneficial to you.

Best regards,
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Michelle’s Answer

Hi, William !

I am happy to say that you can do all of your creative interests, yes. Acting (including voice acting), Writing, Art Animation and Filmmaking are things that many creatives do at different times or incorporate a few into one. The one that I would advise going to college for would be Filmmaking as it has its intricacies that the others do not have. As for acting, writing and art animation (which you may also learn during a Film Major path) you can take college courses for these or classes outside of college or even remote courses for those subjects.

Do a search online for a list of Film colleges in your area and contact the individual colleges directly to ask about their programs. To be honest, I had a list for you below but when I clicked to check some out, a most unusual alarm went off and it locked my computer. Try to research these colleges for your country OFF LINE. If you begin with Filmmaking, that will be your strong foundation for the other subjects and you may even be called upon for school projects to write, design and act in your own productions or other student's projects. How cool would that be ? You have the perfect interests that compliment each other and that are skills that are needed for filmmaking, so you're on the right track.

The academic path is not very hard at all to navigate. I advise getting your Bachelors Degree in Film and after that you can decide if you want to extend it to a Masters Degree for Art or Design. Since you already like writing and acting, write a script for a video and act in it along with casting some friends or seek out actors to volunteer for the project. Register for a Channel on You Tube just so that you have a place to upload your finished video and to use as a link to send to schools or work for applications. You definitely do not have to give up any one of your interests and once you activate them, you will see that you can incorporate and do all of your interests at once or separately. That is why college structure will be important for you. It will foster the realization instead of it just being a thought.

So, do some research about film school offline, maybe through a phone directory book or asking people by word of mouth and start visiting the colleges. Start creating now so you will make it a reality for yourself and meet other people interested in the same interests you have. I think that you will do fine. Also search for some online courses to take for writing and design in the meantime. It will be an exciting, fun journey that will keep you busy and provide a lot of enjoyment.
Thank you comment icon Really useful. Thanks a lot! William
Thank you comment icon Thank you, this is amazing! I really needed it. Zoe
Thank you comment icon You're very welcome, William ! Michelle M.
Thank you comment icon @Zoe - I am glad that you were able to gain something by reading the advice I provided for this question - you are very welcome, Zoe ! Michelle M.
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Talia’s Answer

I will give you a specific example from my own experience. My husband worked as a Producer for newscasts, and later an Executive Producer for a local lifestyle morning show. Here's how he used the skills you mentioned:
- Acting/Voice Acting - He would fill-in for hosts and often voiced segments or commercials himself.
- Writing - He often would write segment scripts and teleprompter lines.
- Art/Animation -He did the graphic design and animation elements for transitions between segments.
- Filmmaking - Producing segments, especially ones that went out into the field to talk to restaurants or theaters, is itself a mini "film".
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Mary Patrice’s Answer

Hello, William.

It’s great to hear about your interest in various fields. Regarding your question concerning the possibility of managing multiple jobs at the same time, it is important to consider that doing so can be quite challenging. Each field often demands a lot of time and energy, which can result in spreading yourself too thin and potentially compromising the quality of your work. However, this is not to say that it is not entirely impossible. Many successful people have managed to excel in more than one field. The key is to find a sustainable approach that aligns with your aspirations and lifestyle. Best of luck in your exciting journey!

Mary Patrice recommends the following next steps:

Prioritize and Plan: Reflect on which career path resonates most with you for the long term. Create a strategic plan that outlines how you can allocate time to each field without overwhelming yourself.
Research and Network: Invest time in researching each industry to understand the demands, opportunities, and competitive landscape. Networking with professionals in each area can provide valuable insights and help you build connections.
Time Management: Effective time management is crucial. Consider setting specific goals and schedules for each career path. This way, you can dedicate focused time to each field while maintaining balance.
Evaluate and Adapt: Periodically assess your progress and satisfaction in each career. Be open to adjusting your focus based on your experiences and evolving interests.
Financial and Practical Aspects: If relevant, research the income potential and job stability in each career. This can help you make informed decisions based on both passion and practicality.