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I don't know what career to go into. I don't want to get a simple job that you need college for or anything but more like a singer or actor or something.. anyone have any ideas on how i can achieve that?

I am 16 years old and am interested in becoming famous/rich and maybe even help others but I have no idea how to achieve that. I am british and leaving high school going into college now and I have no idea what I am going to do. I panicked and just applied for a travel and tourism course and I got in but I have no idea what I'm going to do with that but nonetheless, i don't want it. I want to become something better. But I just don't understand/know how to complete this desire unless it is extremely unrealistic and I am doomed to fail.

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9 answers

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Mira !

The reason you are having issues with decisions about education and career is because you have based your images on what other people are doing and who they are. This will continue to manifest negative feelings if this continues. Goals of fame and fortune and wanting excitement and notoriety all the time will have you preoccupied and overthinking the wrong things.

You have indicated by your expressions here that you are not ready to choose a career, and that is absolutely and perfectly okay. Quickly see if you can cancel the Travel and Tourism course BECAUSE you said you do not want it. See if you can get your money refunded from the school or company. Making decisions in haste will continue to waste your time and money, add to your confusion and doubt as you are beginning to see.

In order for you to choose a career, you need two main things and other things as well. You will need to foster commitment and confidence. You will also need to read about and hear advice about various careers to come down from rich, famous and being better than any other career. Your inspiration should be innate and come from you, not the outside world. The careers you've mentioned can sometimes have very boring and anonymous elements involved. You choose a career for the work, not the possibility of changing your character or identity.

The truth is, if you were meant to go into acting or singing you would already be engaged actively in these endeavors. You don't want a career that you need college for, but you have enrolled in college. You are going to have to reassess your needs right now and examine what influenced your choosing opposites, things you don't want. I think it would be beneficial for you to visit your academic counselor as well as your on campus Career Center so that you can iron out any personal conflicts you may be having. Students need to be ready for college and ready to choose a career. This decision comes to people at different times in their lives. Be specific in what ways you want to help people and what careers would fulfill this for you.

At a time that you are this conflicted, desiring fame and fortune, signing up for education paths that you do not understand, I advise that this is not the best time to start learning how to be an actor or singer. Give it some time and take your general education required courses during your first semester. You may have worked things out by your second semester. Do not put any pressure on yourself to make a decision before it feels right. College will help you hone your communication skills, working as a group as well as working independently and these are skills you will need in every career you can possibly choose. So be a bit more easy on yourself.

Some people are undecided about careers, their future family life, home ownership and many other things that happen at many different times in life. This is a natural process that people go through, so do not rush things or, like I said before, make decisions in haste. Inspiration and authentic motivation will come to you. Take it slow and base your choices on what your heart and mind tell you, not what other people look like or say or from imagery you receive from media.

I hope that these are some things that you can think about for moving forward with a more comfortable outlook and will allow you to set doable goals that you really want to do. I wish you all the best ! Reach out here again if you have more questions.
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Agustín’s Answer

The path you decide to follow, whether in music, acting, or any other area, will demand your dedication and commitment. It is not an unattainable dream to aspire to be a singer or actor. What is an illusion is to think that it can be achieved overnight, as if by magic. Great artists have had to practice over and over again, they have faced failures and yet they have persisted. What we see from them is their success, but not the long nights of work. If you are a creative person, who connects with people and the audience, who prefers improvisation to the rigidity of procedures, you are on the right track. But that doesn't mean you should abandon methodology in your work. Everything requires a method, repetition. And it is not something tedious, because you will be doing it for the love of what you do.
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Muhammad’s Answer

Hi Mira,

I hope you are having a good day. First, take a fresh breath and relax your nerves. It's okay if you are confused. People do get confused at this age. I myself got confused in this age. But, the interesting part is you know you are having a problem. You have identified it and now you are looking for solutions.

So, dear congratulations. You are on the first step to address your problem. Now spend some quality time alone. Ponder over your strengths, the things you are good at and your areas of improvements. Seek mentorship and identify careers that fascinate you. Forget about to be rich at this age. Trust me, you will be more satisfied if you are doing that in which your heart is urging you to do. So, richness and poorness becomes irrelevant when you are pursuing your passion. Interestingly, money starts to run after you when you run after your passion. Just remember this, identify such a passion that will have a global unity and beneficiary for humankind. At last, best of luck for your future endeavours and smile with a sigh of relief.

Yours sincerely,
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Mira!


I am a nutrition education software programmer having two skills to help humans!
People ask me "have you got tickets on yourself?"
Old People Say "WHAT'S THE GOOD OF YOU?"
Two skills have got to be better than one ...


Understanding Your Aspirations

It’s completely normal to feel uncertain about your future, especially at 16 when you’re transitioning from high school to college. The desire to pursue a career in the arts, such as singing or acting, is a valid and exciting ambition. However, achieving success in these fields often requires careful planning, dedication, and strategic steps.

Step 1: Self-Assessment

Before diving into the world of performing arts, take some time for self-reflection. Ask yourself:

What are my strengths and talents?
Do I have experience in singing or acting?
What do I enjoy doing the most?

Understanding your unique skills will help you identify which path might be more suitable for you.

Step 2: Education and Training

While you mentioned that you don’t want a “simple job” that requires college, pursuing a career in the arts often benefits from formal training. Here are some educational paths to consider:

Drama Schools: Look into specialized drama schools that focus on acting techniques and performance skills.
Music Schools: If singing is your passion, consider enrolling in a music school where you can learn vocal techniques and performance.
Workshops and Classes: Participate in local workshops or classes related to acting or singing. This can provide valuable experience and networking opportunities.

Even if you are currently enrolled in a travel and tourism course, consider taking additional classes outside of your main studies that align with your interests.

Step 3: Building Experience

Experience is crucial in the performing arts. Here are ways to gain practical experience:

Community Theatre: Join local theatre groups or community productions. This will give you hands-on experience and help build your confidence.
Open Mic Nights: If you’re interested in singing, participate in open mic nights at local venues to showcase your talent.
Auditions: Keep an eye out for auditions for plays, musicals, or even films. Websites like Backstage can be helpful resources.

Step 4: Networking

Building connections within the industry can significantly impact your career trajectory:

Social Media: Use platforms like Instagram or TikTok to share your performances. Many artists have gained recognition through social media.
Industry Events: Attend workshops, seminars, or events related to performing arts where you can meet professionals and fellow aspiring artists.
Mentorship: Seek out mentors who have experience in the industry. They can provide guidance and support as you navigate your career path.

Step 5: Create Your Brand

As an aspiring artist, it’s essential to develop a personal brand:

Online Presence: Create profiles on platforms like YouTube or SoundCloud where you can upload videos of your performances.
Portfolio: Build a portfolio showcasing your work—this could include recordings of performances, headshots for acting roles, etc.

Step 6: Stay Resilient

The journey toward becoming a successful singer or actor is often filled with challenges:

Rejection is Normal: Understand that rejection is part of the process; even established artists face it regularly.
Stay Committed: Keep honing your craft through practice and continuous learning.

Step 7: Consider Alternative Paths

If traditional routes seem daunting or unrealistic at times:

Explore other avenues within the entertainment industry such as writing scripts, producing content for social media platforms, or working behind-the-scenes roles in theatre productions.


Pursuing a career as a singer or actor requires passion combined with strategic planning and hard work. While it may seem overwhelming now, taking small steps towards building skills and gaining experience will set you on the right path toward achieving your dreams. Remember that many successful artists started just where you are now—uncertain but hopeful about their futures.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

The National Careers Service

Provides comprehensive information on various careers including pathways into performing arts.

Creative Skillset

Offers resources for individuals looking to develop their skills within creative industries including acting and music.


A well-known platform for casting calls which also provides advice on how to break into acting and performing arts careers.

God Bless You!
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Carmine A.’s Answer

Hi Mira,

The insights shared above are indeed valuable, and I find myself aligning with Michelle's thoughts. My own journey, from high school to college, was rooted in Theatre, and it's given me a firsthand glimpse of the resilience required to thrive in this field. The allure of the Entertainment industry is undeniable, but it's also a battleground of intense competition. It's a long road to recognition for many, and only the truly committed can weather the storm. The secret ingredient? A passion that's laser-focused.

At 22, I discovered my true calling - commercial photography. My comprehension of lighting and its various effects shaped my unique viewpoint. I've always used my past experiences as a tool to refine my craft. So, my advice to you is to broaden your horizons, learn to articulate your thoughts and feelings (perhaps at a community college), and communicate effectively. Pursue your passion relentlessly.

Cultivate a supportive network of mentors, but always trust your instincts. Wishing you all the best on your journey to success!
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Mehmet’s Answer

If you're dreaming of becoming a singer or an actor, there's no hard and fast rule that you must attend a specific university program. Yet, if you choose to study drama or a similar course, it could be a big boost for you. This path can help you sharpen your skills and open doors to new connections while you're still in school.

Alternatively, you could also explore performing arts classes, like drama and singing. These classes are a fantastic way to nurture your talents and get some hands-on stage experience. They'll help you grow your skills and give you a taste of the limelight.
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Susan Su’s Answer

It’s great that you’re thinking about your future and have big dreams! Here are some steps to help you navigate your path:

Explore Your Interests: Since you're interested in becoming a singer or actor, start by getting involved in activities related to these fields. Join a drama club, take singing lessons, or participate in local theatre productions. This will give you a better idea of what the profession entails and help you build relevant skills.

Build Skills and Experience: Pursue opportunities to develop your talent. For acting and singing, practice is key. Look for workshops, auditions, or online courses to improve your skills. Building a portfolio or resume of your work can also be helpful.

Network and Connect: In creative fields, networking is important. Connect with professionals in the industry, attend events, and join relevant groups on social media. Building relationships with others in the field can open doors to opportunities and provide valuable guidance.

Keep an Open Mind: While you explore your interests, remember that many successful people have taken unconventional paths. Your travel and tourism course might still offer valuable experiences and skills that could be useful in your future career.

Be Realistic but Hopeful: Achieving fame and success takes time and perseverance. Set small, manageable goals and be patient with yourself. Keep working towards your dreams while staying open to other opportunities that come your way.

Remember, it’s okay to change direction as you discover more about yourself and what you enjoy. Keep pursuing your passions, stay dedicated, and seek guidance from mentors who can support you along the way.
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Thomas’s Answer

Please take my advice- don't only say you want to be famous. You will end up having success but won't ever be fully satisfied. Instead, keep that goal in the back of your mind while setting and achieving goals you can achieve regularly so you are actually fulfilled. With that said, let me give some advice.

First college. I feel like you have a clouded idea of what college is- don't worry I was in the same boat when I was highly encouraged to go when I just wanted to make music. Here's the thing- college is the reason why I've done many many cool experiences I would not have ever done. I've been given opportunities, I grew my network, and now have life long friends and collaborators for my music. I suggest at least looking into going to school for what you are actually interested in (which sounds like either music or acting?)- it will be a good experience for you.

If you don't like doing something, why do it? High school is the time to figure out your likes and dislikes. College is the time to focus on your likes and real life is when the stress of money happens. You want that in between- trust me. Otherwise you WILL need to find what will feel like a dead end job while you figure out where you can actually perform or find other work you will enjoy.

You are also setting yourself up for failure if you're telling yourself all the time that what you're doing is deemed to fail. Don't think that way. You need to find the middle ground of being confident in what you do while not developing a huge ego. This is very important if you want to make it in any of the arts. As my professors say, no one wants to listen to, watch, or enjoy the art and creations of someone who has a bad relationship with themselves. True art starts with the individual and the individual remains the most important thing. If you feel something when you're doing your art- THAT'S the most important thing. THAT'S the goal you're shooting for and THAT'S the reason why people go into the arts.

Instead of thinking like you're going to fail, tell yourself that it's going to take a lot of work but you WILL succeed. You need that motivation or else you will burn out fast. Before I get to my suggestions, keep this in mind: the arts are full of rejection, criticism, and ratings. Please never listen to bad reviews or hurtful rejection. As artists, we need to face that stuff head on, keep our head high, and continue our work. It's the only way we can end up succeeding. If at first you don't succeed, try try again. If you hit a wall, push through it. Be resilient and be proud of your work.

So you have two options from here are:

Thomas recommends the following next steps:

Start applying to colleges that are good for music or acting OR
Start reaching out to theaters, studios, labels, or anywhere else that would benefit from your art
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Hwee’s Answer

Pursuing a career in the entertainment industry, like becoming a singer or actor, is a dream for many, but it requires dedication, talent, and a strategic approach. Here are some steps and ideas to help someone interested in becoming famous or rich through such a career:

1. Identify Your Passion and Talent:
- Singing: If you enjoys singing, you should focus on developing your voice, learning about music theory, and practicing regularly.
- Acting: If acting is more appealing, you should consider taking acting classes to hone your skills and learn about the industry.

2. Build Your Skills:
- Voice or Acting Lessons: Professional training can help improve your craft. Look for reputable teachers or schools.
- Practice: Regularly practicing, whether it's singing or acting, is crucial. Joining local theater groups, choirs, or participating in community events can provide valuable experience.

3. Create a Portfolio:
- Singers: Record demo tracks or cover songs to showcase your voice. Share them on platforms like YouTube, SoundCloud, or TikTok.
- Actors: Start building an acting reel with clips from performances, short films, or even self-recorded monologues. Share these on platforms like Vimeo or YouTube.

4. Network and Collaborate:
- Join Industry Groups: Connect with people in the entertainment industry, both online and offline. Attend industry events, workshops, and networking sessions.
- Collaborate with Others: Collaborating with other artists, musicians, or filmmakers can open up opportunities and increase your visibility.

5. Leverage Social Media:
- Build an Online Presence: Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are powerful tools for building a fan base. Regularly post content that showcases your talent.
- Engage with Followers: Engage with your audience to build a loyal fan base. Consistent interaction can help you grow your following.

6. Audition and Perform:
- Auditions: Regularly audition for local or regional opportunities, including theater, film, or television roles. Platforms like Backstage or Casting Networks can help find auditions.
- Perform Live: If you're a singer, performing live at local venues, open mics, or talent shows can build experience and exposure.

7. Consider Alternative Paths:
- YouTube or Streaming: Starting a YouTube channel or streaming on platforms like Twitch can provide exposure and even income.
- Reality TV Shows: Some people gain fame through reality TV shows or talent competitions. If you're comfortable with it, auditioning for shows like “The Voice” or “America’s Got Talent” could be an option.

8. Understand the Business:
- Agents and Managers: As your career progresses, you might need an agent or manager to help with finding opportunities and managing contracts.
- Legal Knowledge: Understanding contracts, rights, and the business side of the entertainment industry is essential to protect your interests.

9. Backup Plan:
- While pursuing fame, it’s wise to have a backup plan. This could be another passion or skill you can fall back on if the entertainment path doesn't work out as expected.

10. Stay Resilient:
- The journey to fame can be challenging and full of rejection. Staying resilient and continuously improving is key to overcoming obstacles.

Even though you may not be interested in her current travel and tourism course, the skills and experiences you've gains from it could still be valuable. The discipline, communication skills, and understanding of different cultures might even enrich your performances and public persona.

Lastly, stay true to yourself and remember that success in the entertainment industry often requires time, persistence, and a bit of luck.