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I'm a highschool student interested in phycology, I was wonder if I should take the American lit and general lit college classes? If I should take this classes should I take them first or 101 and 102?

I will need help quick, I'm not sure what to do

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Cecilia !

You are a high school student and you are asking about college courses to take. Are you in dual enrollment ? You've left out some very important information and since you need an immediate answer to this, consult with your high school guidance counselor so that you take the correct course that will benefit your future degree if it is that you are in Dual Enrollment.

If you are in Dual Enrollment and the college has verified that an American Literature course will satisfy a General Ed requirement, and you really want to take it to fulfill the requirement, take it. American Literature is not related to Psychology in any way but at some colleges it would fulfill a Humanities General Ed requirement. You need to find out about this from the college.

Many times colleges require general education classes in certain categories. They also let you know how many of these courses you should take. Find out if you even need to take two Literature college courses for your General Education requirements. You may not have to but the college can verify this for you. Don't be shy. Before approaching a Dual Enrollment Program, everything should be explained to you by the guidance counselor at your high school as well as the Dual Enrollment Admission advisor at the college you're taking the courses from. The only thing I can think is that you're asking about dual enrollment courses and it should have been explained to you before you start selecting the college courses.

It is a basic good idea to take your general education electives while doing dual enrollment. Once you are a full time regular student in college, you can declare the Psychology Major and start taking the required psychology courses for your degree. If you are unsure of how dual enrollment works, do not continue to be. Your inquiry is not clear so I would advise, not stating what college you are referring to, to just do the simple thing and consult with your high school as well as double check the college's list of required general ed subjects.

Also, do feel free to come back here and provide more descriptive and focused information about the context in which you are asking.

Best wishes as you pursue your studies !
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Griselda’s Answer

I’m going to assume that you are asking about college courses and not high school courses. When you enter college, your psychology program will outline recommended courses and required courses for graduation. Typically English 101 and 102 are listed as general education requirements in college. The college will have an advisor to help you with your course selection required for degree completion / graduation.
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Chinyere’s Answer

Hello Cecilia,

Taking American Literature (American Lit) and General Literature (General Lit) classes can be beneficial if you're interested in psychology. Literature classes help develop skills in critical thinking, analysis, and understanding human behavior, all of which are valuable in psychology.

Should You Take These Classes?
- Yes, if you want to enhance your understanding of human experiences: Literature often explores psychological themes, which can provide you with deeper insights into human behavior and emotions—key areas in psychology.
- If you're also aiming for college credit: These classes can contribute to your general education requirements.

What to Take First?
- Psychology 101 and 102 First: These foundational courses will introduce you to the basics of psychology, providing you with a framework that can help you analyze psychological themes in literature more effectively.
- American Lit and General Lit Afterward: Once you have a grasp of basic psychological concepts, literature classes can deepen your understanding by applying these concepts to characters and narratives.

If you're equally interested in both subjects and want to take them concurrently, that's also a viable option. However, starting with Psychology 101 and 102 could provide you with a better understanding of psychological principles that you can then apply to literature studies.

Best wishes!
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houssam’s Answer

If you're planning to pursue psychology in college, taking American Literature and General Literature classes can be beneficial. These courses can help you develop strong reading, writing, and analytical skills, which are valuable in psychology, especially when it comes to understanding research studies and writing reports.

As for the order, it's generally recommended to take English Composition 101 and 102 first. These foundational courses will help you build essential writing skills that will make it easier to succeed in more advanced literature classes. After completing 101 and 102, you'll be better prepared to tackle American Lit and General Lit courses.