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how do I keep up with my hobbies while having a part-time job and going to school?

Im studying to become a medical admin and have a part time job.

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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. This a question more on your time management. Firstly, you need to identify a time management tool that suit you, e.g. Google Calendar, MS Outlook, Phone Calendar, etc.
Below are my suggestions :
1. Put down the time you need to attend school
2. Allocate some time every day for your school assignment, projects, etc. Do some revision on the material covered in the class on the day
3. Put down the time you need to do the part time job
4. Make sure you have enough time to sleep and do some exercise
5. Reserve some time for leisure, friends & family gathering on weekends
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Kehili!

How to Keep Up with Hobbies While Balancing a Part-Time Job and School

Balancing a part-time job, school, and personal hobbies can be challenging, especially in a demanding field like medical administration. However, with effective time management and prioritization strategies, you can maintain your hobbies while fulfilling your academic and work responsibilities. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you achieve this balance.

1. Assess Your Current Schedule

Start by evaluating your current commitments. Create a weekly planner that includes:

Class Schedule: Note the days and times of your classes.
Work Hours: Include your part-time job shifts.
Study Time: Allocate specific hours for studying and completing assignments.
Hobby Time: Identify when you currently engage in your hobbies or when you would like to.

This assessment will give you a clear picture of how much free time you have available each week.

2. Prioritize Your Tasks

Once you have an overview of your schedule, prioritize your tasks based on urgency and importance:

Academic Responsibilities: Assignments, exams, and projects should take precedence since they directly impact your educational goals.
Job Duties: Ensure that you meet all obligations related to your part-time job.
Hobbies: Identify which hobbies are most important to you. Consider which ones provide relaxation or joy versus those that may feel more like chores.
3. Set Realistic Goals

Set achievable goals for both your studies and hobbies. For example:

Aim to spend at least 30 minutes each day on a hobby rather than several hours once a week.
Break down larger projects into smaller tasks that can be completed during short breaks or less busy days.
4. Create a Flexible Routine

Developing a routine can help create structure in your life while allowing flexibility:

Designate specific times during the week for studying, working, and engaging in hobbies.
Be open to adjusting this routine as needed; if an assignment takes longer than expected, reschedule hobby time without guilt.
5. Use Time Management Techniques

Implementing effective time management techniques can maximize productivity:

Pomodoro Technique: Work for 25 minutes on schoolwork followed by a 5-minute break where you can engage in a quick hobby activity (like sketching or reading).
Time Blocking: Allocate blocks of time specifically for studying or working on hobbies without distractions.
6. Limit Distractions

Identify what distracts you from focusing on either work or hobbies:

Create a dedicated study space free from distractions such as social media or television.
Use apps that block distracting websites during study sessions.
7. Combine Activities When Possible

Look for ways to merge activities where feasible:

If one of your hobbies is listening to music or podcasts, consider doing this while commuting to work or between classes.
Engage in social hobbies with friends who may also be balancing similar commitments; this way, you’re spending quality time together while enjoying shared interests.
8. Communicate Your Needs

If you’re feeling overwhelmed:

Talk to your employer about flexible scheduling options that might allow more time for studies or personal pursuits.
Discuss workload expectations with professors; they may offer extensions if they understand you’re balancing multiple responsibilities.
9. Practice Self-Care

Maintaining mental health is crucial when juggling multiple roles:

Ensure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and taking breaks when needed.
Incorporate mindfulness practices such as meditation or yoga into your routine to reduce stress levels.
10. Reflect Regularly

Take time each week to reflect on what worked well and what didn’t regarding balancing work, school, and hobbies:

Adjust strategies based on these reflections; if certain times aren’t working for studying or engaging in hobbies, change them up until you find what fits best.

By following these steps diligently, you’ll be able to enjoy your hobbies while successfully managing the demands of school and work.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

American Psychological Association - Provides insights into managing stress and maintaining balance in life through effective time management strategies.
Harvard Business Review - Offers articles focused on productivity techniques that can help individuals manage their schedules effectively.
MindTools - A resource dedicated to providing tools for personal development including time management skills essential for balancing multiple commitments effectively.

God Bless!
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Martha’s Answer

I commend you for doing all that, Kehili. Without knowing what is involved with your hobbies, I am unsure how to advise. But, generally, hobbies help us relax and rejuvenate. So maybe designate some time on a non-school day for your hobbies. Knowing that is coming may help you stay focused and productive when doing your school work.

I don't know how much sleep you need or get. But if you generally feel energetic, maybe consider waking up earlier or going to sleep later on certain days to gain time for your hobbies.

Could you incorporate your hobby into another activity? For example, if you like to run, could you include that in your normal activities such as running errands or walking your dog?

Are there down times in your part-time job? If so, and your hobby is inconspicuous like reading or knitting, you may be able to pursue your hobby there. But check with your manager before doing so.

Good luck!
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ashley’s Answer

Keeping up with hobbies, school, and a part-time job can be challenging. You are not alone. It definitely can take a toll. I would suggest making some schedule.

Start by writing down the hours you work. Then, write down the tasks you have for school. The list may seem overwhelming, but that is okay.
Having a visual calendar can help you put in what you have for the week and make it seem less overwhelming.
Add the hobbies that you want for the week, like 2-3. After work, set a time to do that specific hobby.
The job is 9-5 pm
Hobby 45 min 5- 6 pm
Study 7- 10 pm