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How do I find the motivation for my YouTube Channels?

I've been posting videos for my YouTube channels for a few months now but I've having a hard time finding the motivation

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Zanny’s Answer

As a full-time freelance writer, I totally understand how the creative well can dry up after a while. And I think that if you've lost motivation it's worth examining why exactly that is--are you tired of not seeing results? Bored with making videos? Out of ideas for content? Struggling with self-discipline? It's possible that keeping up with YouTube channels is just not the right fit for you, so it's important to understand if that's the case or there might be something else going on.

If you identify that you're still interested in running YouTube channels, try setting up a framework for yourself. I find that having a schedule and identified goals helps keep me going even when my motivation is waning. For example, go ahead and identify a period of time you'd like to dedicate to growing your channels. Maybe that's a few weeks, a few months, or even an entire year. You can tell yourself that if you aren't seeing results by the end of that time, you are okay throwing in the towel. Then, create a solid content plan. What topics are you interested in exploring on your channels and when do you want to have the videos ready to go by?

In addition to a solid plan, come up with some goals. Why do you want to have YouTube channels in the first place? How many subscribers or views do you want to have? Set some achievable goals, and check in on them every once in a while. You may even want to post them somewhere near your computer--I have a list of goals right by my desk and look to them when I'm feeling unsure of what to do next.

If a lack of confidence is behind your loss in motivation, create a "hype folder." This just means taking screenshots of your wins (like positive comments, emails from viewers, or even achievements from school or another job) and keeping them in a folder where you can look them over any time you need a confidence boost.

I hope these tips are helpful!
Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice. Lilith