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What projects can I do that will elevate my portfolio for the IT industry?

I have my associates in IT with a concentration of computer programming & development. Currently I am pursuing my Bachelor’s in the same study. I want to build up my portfolio by creating projects that’ll be beneficial for me career wise.

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7 answers

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Steve’s Answer

That is an awesome question Georgette and it shows an understanding of the market that you ask it before you are in the job market!

I agree with Phil and Chinyere any project is good and particularly something you read or study that sparks your interest where you can build it out. Build it with the mind set more focused on I want to learn and explore AL or WebDev or Robotics or whatever the skill is rather than to try to get a leg up. If you are passionate and curious that alone gives you a leg up because the most important skill that you can have in Technology today (and in almost any industry) is the willingness, desire and propensity to learn, evolve and adapt.

As you get close to the end of these projects think about how you can display it. I interviewed interns this past summer and I had it down to 2 and at least part of what pushed the one I chose over the other was some app development projects she did on her own that she had on personal web space that she linked to through her linked in account. It showed me that she had the curiosity to learn and explore. None of the projects she showed related directly to projects she would be working on this past summer but her ability to learn and adapt did (and she exceeded all of my expectations).

I hope this helps and keep being curious and probing!
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William’s Answer

Hi Georgette,

A couple of things that you can do:
- Volunteer at a non-profit. Most organizations need some kind of IT support/development/training person. This gives you tangible experience in both computer work and interacting with people, and even doing it for a worthy cause that you support, plus it looks really good on the resume.
- Take relevant certification tests. Yes there is some cost involved, but you are investing in yourself. Once you are certified, that accolade stays with you.
- Finally consider/seek out an internship. Internships often lead in one of several directions: for example, the company may hire you outright, you might decide this kind of work isn't for you, or you decide that you need to switch your major's focus. The important part, again, is getting exposure.

Good luck.
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Jo Ann’s Answer


There's a multitude of STEM organizations (both physical and online) where you can actively participate and contribute, thereby greatly boosting your learning and professional growth. Your local library is a great starting point to hunt for resources.

- Contribute to open source projects: This is a great way to display your coding skills:

- Acquire digital badges: These are a fantastic way to demonstrate your skills to prospective employers:

Best wishes to you!
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Melissa’s Answer

Hi Georgette! You've already received some great advice, but I wanted to add one recommendation. Salesforce offers comprehensive free training called "Trailhead." Almost every major company likely uses Salesforce's technology in some form or fashion, so these are highly desirable skills. You can take guided learning paths and receive Trailhead 'badges' that can be leveraged as experience. It demonstrates initiative and enhances your desirable skills. Good luck!
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Chinyere’s Answer

Hello Phil Reeves,

Fantastic question! To build an impressive portfolio for the IT industry, especially with a concentration in programming and development, it's important to create projects that demonstrate both technical skills and problem-solving capabilities. Here are a few project ideas that can elevate your portfolio:

1. Full-Stack Web Application
- Purpose: Demonstrates proficiency in front-end, back-end, and database integration.
- Technologies: React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB (MERN stack) or Django with Python.
- Example: A task management system or a personal finance tracker.
- Highlight: Design scalable, responsive, and secure systems, showcasing your knowledge of REST APIs and database management.

2. Mobile Application Development
- Purpose: Show your ability to develop cross-platform mobile apps.
- Technologies: Flutter or React Native for cross-platform apps, Swift for iOS, Kotlin for Android.
- Example: Create a health tracker app or a location-based event finder.
- Highlight: Emphasize on UI/UX design and backend services integration with Firebase or custom APIs.

3. Open Source Contributions
- Purpose: Demonstrate teamwork and the ability to work in real-world collaborative environments.
- Technologies: Any tech stack depending on the project, GitHub for version control.
- Example: Contribute to popular open-source projects like Mozilla, Python libraries, or Linux distributions.
- Highlight: Contributions that are accepted into big projects can significantly strengthen your resume.

4. DevOps Project
- Purpose: Highlight understanding of software deployment, CI/CD pipelines, and cloud infrastructure.
- Technologies: Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, AWS/GCP/Azure.
- Example: Build an automated deployment pipeline for a sample web application.
- Highlight: Show knowledge of infrastructure as code, automated testing, and scalability.

5. Cybersecurity Tool/Project
- Purpose: Demonstrate skills in security, which is critical in today’s IT landscape.
- Technologies: Python, C, Bash scripting, Kali Linux, Wireshark.
- Example: Create a penetration testing toolkit or an automated security scanner.
- Highlight: Focus on vulnerability scanning, encryption, and securing networks/applications.

6. Data Analysis or Machine Learning Project
- Purpose: Show your ability to work with data, one of the most in-demand areas of IT.
- Technologies: Python (Pandas, Scikit-learn), R, Jupyter Notebooks.
- Example: Build a sentiment analysis tool or a recommendation system for e-commerce.
- Highlight: Demonstrate knowledge of data preprocessing, model building, and evaluation.

7. Blockchain Project
- Purpose: Demonstrate understanding of emerging technologies.
- Technologies: Solidity, Ethereum, Hyperledger.
- Example: Build a decentralized application (dApp) like a voting system or a smart contract for supply chain tracking.
- Highlight: Emphasize on security, transparency, and decentralization aspects.

8. Portfolio Website
- Purpose: Showcase your personal projects, skills, and contact information in one place.
- Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (or frameworks like Gatsby or Next.js).
- Example: Build a clean, professional website that details your education, projects, and experiences.
- **

Highlight: Focus on responsive design, SEO optimization, and performance.

9. Game Development
- Purpose: Highlight creativity and complex programming skills.
- Technologies: Unity, Unreal Engine, C#, or C++.
- Example: Build a simple 2D/3D game or a simulation project.
- Highlight: Focus on physics, AI, and mechanics for gameplay, showing versatility in programming.

10. AI Chatbot
- Purpose: Show your ability to integrate machine learning and NLP (Natural Language Processing).
- Technologies: Python (TensorFlow, Keras), IBM Watson, Google Dialogflow.
- Example: Build a customer service chatbot or a personal assistant for task automation.
- Highlight: Showcase AI model integration and conversational design.

For each project:
- Document your process: Write blog posts or create videos about your project challenges and solutions.
- Open-source your code: Share your projects on GitHub with clear documentation and a well-structured README.
- Showcase on LinkedIn: Add these projects to your LinkedIn profile and get recommendations from peers or professors.

Focusing on a mix of projects across various aspects of IT can demonstrate your versatility and make you stand out in the competitive job market.

Best wishes!
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Phil’s Answer

Develop a simple app or website utilizing your design and coding abilities. It doesn't need to be excessively intricate.
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Nicholas’s Answer

Great question! Firstly, this question already shows that the way your mind works is likely a great fit for this industry. I would focus your project efforts on an industry that you're most interested to pursue a career in. For example, if consumer goods is the industry you think you want to work in, I would consider finding access to public data sets from that industry and solve an analytics question that is relevant to that industry. Use the public data to develop your own unique point of view on the question you're asking and create the visual examples of how to express the data related to any insights that you've gathered. Make that public and share it across your social network and send it to leaders that are working in the jobs that you're interested in. Ask for their feedback on the work you've done.