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How to improve my study ethic?

what is the best study way what works the best for people I am a sophmore in highschool and I am trying to retain as much as possible so I can become a great surgeon one day

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4 answers

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Kathleen’s Answer

Ava, it's great to see that you are serious and dedicated to getting the most out of your education! Everyone learns differently, so you need to discover what enhances your ability to focus and retain information. Typically a quiet room removed from distraction works well, but some people need quiet instrumental music or white noise such as ocean waves or gentle rain to enhance focus. Read through the information, marking that which stands out, then read it again taking notes or making flash cards. Seek out additional sources to ensure you understand the information and don't hesitate to ask for help! Keep the sessions long enough to cover a topic but not so long that you're overwhelmed and nothing is sticking in your mind. Review, review, review and be surevto make time for exercise, fun, and adequate rest. Your desire to learn well will help you do just that!
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Steve’s Answer

The best way to study is to go to a room with a quiet atmosphere and study with out anyone there and no distractions. Also, taking notes and writing important things down. Then study those notes constantly, till the information is needed for any tests or quizs
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. I am glad to hear that you would like to improve your study ethics. It is more related to your time management and build up your study habits. Firstly, you need to identify time management tool, e.g. MS Outlook, Google Calendar, Phone Calendar, etc.
Below are my suggestions:
1. Put down the time you need to attend lessons
2. Assign some time every day on your assignment, projects, etc. and do some revision on the material covered in class everyday. Ask the teacher in the next school day if you have any question
3. Make sure you have enough time to sleep and do some exercise
4. Do some leisure activities and have some gatherings with your friends and family on weekends
5. Assign more time for revision before assessment
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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Ro’s Answer

Studying effectively is all about finding what works best for you, both in terms of your surroundings and your mental state. It's crucial to find a space that minimizes distractions, allowing you to be as productive as possible while also fostering a positive mindset. Concentrating on the topic at hand is key, and it's important to select study periods that align with your peak focus and attention levels. So, gear up and embrace the journey of learning with a smile!
Thank you comment icon Thanks, can't wait to put this advice into action! Ava
Thank you comment icon thank you so much I will try and think what will help most I am starting school in 8 days so Ava
Thank you comment icon you got this! Ro Jackson
Thank you comment icon thank you so much Ava