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How not to over think during a game?

Im going into junior year of hs. And I have trouble focusing on a game I tend to over think and negative thoughts enter my mind. Any advice?

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Marylou’s Answer

What Chinyere said.

For me as an athlete, 2 things that stand out the most….

Breathe. I have that word tattooed on my wrist to remind me. I teach people how to breathe.

Be present. Be in the moment. Not always easy. Last shot didn’t go the way you wanted? Gotta let it go. As soon as it happens, it’s in the past. Not an easy skill, but with practice, it will become natural.

Huge soccer fan here!! Go out there! And all the best.

Thank you comment icon Hey! Thanks so much! I appreciate the support. :] Jazzy
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Chinyere’s Answer

Hello Jazzy,

Good question! It's normal to feel overwhelmed during a game, especially when you want to perform well. Here are some strategies to help you stay focused and avoid overthinking:

1. Pre-Game Routine: Develop a consistent pre-game routine that helps you get into the right mindset. This could include listening to music, visualizing success, or doing a specific warm-up.

2. Stay Present: Focus on the present moment rather than the outcome of the game. Concentrate on what you need to do in each moment, whether it's positioning, passing, or communicating with teammates.

3. Positive Self-Talk: Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your strengths and past successes. Keep your self-talk simple and encouraging.

4. Breathing Techniques: Practice deep breathing exercises to calm your mind. Take slow, deep breaths to reduce anxiety and bring your focus back to the game.

5. Simplify Your Approach: Break the game down into smaller tasks. Instead of thinking about the whole game, focus on the next play, the next pass, or the next move.

6. Trust Your Training: Remember that you've put in the work during practice. Trust your instincts and let your training guide you rather than overanalyzing every move.

7. Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine. This can help you train your mind to stay focused and present, reducing overthinking in high-pressure situations.

8. Learn from Experience: After each game, reflect on what worked and what didn’t. Use this reflection to improve your mental approach in future games.

Over time, with practice, these strategies can help you stay calm and focused during games.

Best wishes!
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! Jazzy
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Jerome’s Answer

You are on the floor/field because you proved yourself through going out for the team. Hype yourself up before the game by listening to music you like and imagining each shot going in.

Easier said than done, but just aim to have fun. I have a son who did basketball for the first time as a 7th grader and he overthought things too. As the season went on he got more comfortable. Be patient with yourself :)
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Thomas’s Answer

Hello Jazzy!

I was an anxious athlete just like you!!

If you love the sport, and you revolve a lot of your life around soccer, don't forget to have fun doing it. With this in mind, you will be more confident in your play. Confidence is important. Tell yourself you are just as good or better than the players out on that field.

Self talk is important; and setting goals is important. What are you trying to accomplish in that one game? What are you trying to accomplish in every game?

If you are as good and prepared as your couch says you are, there is no reason to overthink your performance. Your practice sessions should be game speed. However, your nutrition and recovery should also be just as important as your preparation. Film is important as well. Study your team's play as well as your opponents play.

Ultimately, practice and play with confidence. Lead by example. Communicate with teammates and coaching staff. Trust your environment. If you are putting in the time and you are doing everything necessary to perform, then there is no need to overthink. YOU ARE READY!!

Have fun and put on a show!!

Good Luck!!