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How can I be more independent?

As a junior in high school, I need to show my parents that I can be independent. Can you give me some tips about being an Independent adult?

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Kristie’s Answer

That's an excellent question! I'm curious, though, about your ultimate goal. I'm guessing you have a specific idea in mind. It's worth considering if this goal is in harmony with your parents' beliefs and values. Now, to share a personal experience, my own son, who's currently in his senior year, has taught me that it's often the small, consistent actions that indicate genuine growth. Simple things like taking initiative, completing tasks, and managing minor details without being prompted, all signal his readiness for the next stage, be it more independence or responsibility. It's these small strides that paint a larger picture of growing independence.

Another aspect to think about is the power of listening. Most parents (if not all) value when their children listen and show that they've understood their words.
Thank you comment icon Thank you! Jazzy
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Christina’s Answer

Some things you can do to show your parents that you are independent would be, doing your own laundry, cooking dinner, making your own Dr., dentist and/or eye Dr appointment. Also making sure you are getting to school on time each day or are ready for school on time since you may not drive yet. Really doing things around the house that need to get done without your parents asking, noticing the garbage needs to be taken out, cleaning the bathroom, washing the dishes or putting away the clean dishes. You could think of it as if your parents were not there what would you do each day?
Thank you comment icon I appreciate this, thank you for the advice. Jazzy
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Kevin P’s Answer

Jazzy, great question. I would say one of the best ways to show responsibility to someone is to emulate them.

Let’s take your parents for example, who you want to show this to. You, and them, are all very busy. Work, school, chores, errands, life, all the things.

I’m not sure if you also work, but school is a primary focus of yours. So clearly, a way to show responsibility is to be an outstanding student. If you work, be an outstanding employee. Do more than expected. Get good grades and focus on the important tasks at hand.

Now what else can you do? First and foremost, never be asked twice to do anything. Whatever it is your parents ask of you, never let them ask twice. After a while, you’ll anticipate what they expect and you won’t even need to be asked once.

Then look at all the things they do, cook, clean, take out the trash, pull the weeds. Start taking over that stuff. Be the first to get up from the table after eating and clear the plates.

At work, I always try to make the boss’ day a little easier. In this cases always make your parents day a little easier.

That will not only impress them, show them you’re responsible but also make their day a little easier.

Best of luck.
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Jeanna’s Answer

Showing your independence is a powerful way to demonstrate your reliability. Make sure to follow through on your promises and commitments. If you notice a task that needs attention, step up and volunteer to handle it, even if no one has asked you to. Be proactive and take charge of situations that require action but have been overlooked. Don't hesitate to ask your parents how you can lend a hand. Always own up to your actions and decisions, instead of pointing fingers at others. Remember, your choices are your own.
Thank you comment icon Thank you, this is amazing! I really needed it. Jazzy
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Sharon’s Answer

Your parents are concerned about your welfare. They want you to do well and be safe. The best advice I can provide is to adhere to their rules and requests. Show that you are responsible. Take the initiative to do things before they ask. For example, can you clean up or start a project at home that they would appreciate. Make sure your grades are up to par and be honest. If they say be home by a certain time, then be there. Own up to your mistakes and demonstrate how you would do better and then do so. This shows how responsible you are and that they can trust you to make the right decisions.