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how do I get into collage?

Im trying to get into collage but im having a hard time. How casn you help me with this????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Thank you comment icon Hi Avery!! As you have mentioned, getting into college is mostly hard time and confusing for most students. One of the best advices, I give to my college students are to perform more career quizzes to identify your specific areas of interest. This not only allows you to find your best areas, but also unlocks your hidden potentials. Also do not forget to apply for scholarships and grants, as colleges are expensive. Some of those organizations that provide scholarships for college students are collegeave,, Sallie Mae, etc. Anita George
Thank you comment icon Identify the type of college or university that fits your academic and personal interests. Consider factors like location, size, programs offered, campus culture, and cost. Meet Academic Requirements Ensure you have the necessary grades, test scores (like SAT or ACT), and coursework required by the colleges you're interested. Vester Samuel
Thank you comment icon I wasn’t the best student in high school and might have to college work through community college. There are programs within community college that virtually guarantee you admission to a four year if you meet certain criteria. If you truly want to go to college, there are ways to get there without being a fantastic student. I went on to get my MBA which I couldn’t have done without going to community college first. Jerome Dees Jr.

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6 answers

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Avery !

This is a great question and if I were to help you apply for college, it is something that a person would need to do one on one with you so that they can understand your circumstances and if you are still in high school or not, what country and city or town you live in and many other factors like your planned major and what level degree you are seeking. There's no cookie cutter way to apply for college and it depends on certain elements of what your goals are. Without this information, you will receive generalized information so if my advice does not help or even if it does, do return to ask about the essence of your situation for further advice.

Your first step would be to recognize the reason that you are not getting into college. Where are you applying ? That makes a big difference. If you can identify where the barrier is, then you can seek assistance that will help you specifically. Have you been reading the admissions requirements to whichever colleges you are applying to ? That is a must so that you can see if you qualify as well as submit a complete admissions package to the college. Is it that you are receiving non-acceptance letters or that you just are unsure of how to complete the forms and what they are requesting ? Also, all colleges have deadlines for enrollment so you'll need to be aware of application deadlines and get your application in before the last day to apply.

So you would have to provide a lot more information to anyone who would facilitate you applying and being admitted to college. I would advise going to colleges in person. When you decide on a college to apply to, get 100% complete information from the admissions office and any other departments like the academic counseling center. If you are doing all of your correspondence by e-mail, this may be why you are missing something or not fulfilling requirements to be enrolled. Your situation is special and it would first need to be assessed in order for you to receive proper guidance for successful admissions to college. Don't worry, with persistence it will happen and you'll be a college student before you know it ! Return here and tell us what is holding your college application and admission back and we could focus on specifics that could help you.
Best wishes in all you do and keep trying and continue to reach out !
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John’s Answer

Work hard on your grades. Seek volunteer experiences in your field. Pinpoint colleges where you’d like to attend. Then connect with their admissions team to work with them as you pursue admission. These are good starting points.
Good luck.
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Lirio’s Answer

Research and Choose Colleges: Identify colleges that match your interests and check their admission requirements.
Prepare Your Application: Gather documents, write essays, and complete application forms.
Prepare for Standardized Tests: Study for and take required tests, or apply to test-optional colleges.
Plan Financially: Apply for financial aid and scholarships, and understand the costs.
Visit Campuses: If possible, tour campuses and talk to students.
Submit Applications: Ensure all parts of your application are completed and submitted on time.
Stay Organized: Keep track of deadlines and tasks.
Prepare for Interviews: Practice for interviews if required.
Make Your Decision: Review acceptance letters and financial aid offers to make your final choice.
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Vester’s Answer

Identify the type of college or university that fits your academic and personal interests. Consider factors like location, size, programs offered, campus culture, and cost.
Meet Academic Requirements
Ensure you have the necessary grades, test scores (like SAT or ACT), and coursework required by the colleges you're interested in.
Prepare for Standardized Tests
Study for and take standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, or other exams required by your chosen colleges. Some colleges may also require specific subject tests.
Get Involved in Extracurricular Activities
Participate in clubs, sports, volunteer work, or other extracurricular activities. Colleges often look for well-rounded applicants who are engaged in their communities.
Seek Letters of Recommendation
Ask teachers, counselors, or mentors who know you well to write letters of recommendation. These should highlight your strengths, character, and achievements.
Write a Strong Personal Statement
Craft a personal statement or essay that reflects your personality, experiences, and why you want to attend college. This is a chance to showcase who you are beyond grades and test scores.
Apply to Colleges
Complete and submit your college applications by the deadlines. Be sure to include all required documents, such as transcripts, test scores, essays, and recommendation letters.
Apply for Financial Aid
Fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and explore scholarships, grants, and other financial aid options to help cover the cost of college.
Prepare for Interviews
Some colleges may require or offer interviews as part of the application process. Practice answering common interview questions and be ready to discuss your interests and goals.
Make a Decision
Once you receive acceptance letters, evaluate your options based on factors like financial aid, program offerings, and campus life. Choose the college that best fits your needs and goals.
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. Have you thought about what subjects that you would like to take? Different colleges have strength in different subjects and subsequently different demand on entry criteria. Firstly, you need to find out what careers you have interest.
Below are my suggestions :
1. Think about what you have interest, .e.g. your hobbies, favorite subjects, etc. and identify the related careers
E.g. If you like music, would you like to be a musician, musical artist, singer, music producer, music composer, etc.
If you have interest in maths, would you like to be an accountant, engineer, banker, financial analyst, maths teacher, etc.
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counsellor, your parents, etc.
4. Shortlist 1-2 careers you would like to pursue. The relevant subjects are the major and minor you can consider in colleges
5. Explore the college review on these subjects. Find out the entry criteria. Work hard on your academic to meet the criteria.
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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Rafia’s Answer

I'd be happy to help! Getting into college can be challenging, but don't worry, we can break it down together. Here's how I can assist you:

1. Explore college options: We can discuss factors like location, size, majors, and campus culture to find the best fit for you.
2. Application process guidance: I'll walk you through the application steps, including deadlines, requirements, and submission tips.
3. Essay writing support: I can help you brainstorm ideas, outline, and edit your college essays to make them shine.
4. Standardized test prep: We can discuss strategies for improving your scores on tests like the SAT, ACT, or subject-specific exams.
5. Recommendation letters: I'll provide tips on how to ask teachers, mentors, or counselors for strong letters of recommendation.
6. Interview preparation: We'll practice common interview questions and develop confident responses.
7. Financial aid and scholarships: I'll guide you through the process of exploring and applying for financial assistance.
8. Application review: We can review your application materials to ensure everything is complete and polished.
9. Motivation and encouragement: Most importantly, I'll be here to support and motivate you throughout the process!
Thank you comment icon Hi Rafia! Can you give more information on each of your points? Can you provide tips and strategies for each? Sharyn Grose, Admin