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What are some unique majors you can take in collage?

Im just wondering. :]

Thank you comment icon Hi Good morning! The unique major that you can choose is choosing the carreer that you love the most. Feel and think deep inside you what you really love base on your what you love to do and what natural skills you have. Be honest with your self. Charly Rodriguez

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4 answers

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Joseph’s Answer

I remember when I started in college many years ago, I thought I thought I wanted to major in biology. After one difficult semester I realized it was not for me. I then sampled different courses in various majors to see what I liked. I really like my economics class so I took another one. The next thing I know I became an economics major. I later found out that this major provided me with a way to look at problems that was applicable to so much in my professional life. I don't mention this to promote economics, but to suggest that many of us do not know what we should be focused on. My advice is to sample the varies options and see what works for you.
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! Jazzy
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Chinyere’s Answer

Hello Jazzy,

Good question! There are many unique and specialized majors that you can pursue in college, depending on your interests and career goals. Here are some interesting and lesser-known majors:

1. Marine Biology and Oceanography: Focuses on the study of marine life, ocean ecosystems, and the physical and chemical processes of the ocean.

2. Astrobiology: Explores the potential for life beyond Earth by combining astronomy, biology, and geology.

3. Game Design and Development: Teaches students how to create video games, including game mechanics, storytelling, and programming.

4. Equine Studies: Focuses on horse management, training, and equine business, ideal for those interested in working with horses professionally.

5. Art Conservation: Specializes in preserving and restoring artwork and cultural heritage items, blending art history, chemistry, and fine arts.

6. Ethnomusicology: The study of music from different cultures around the world, combining elements of music, anthropology, and cultural studies.

7. Forestry and Environmental Management: Focuses on the management and conservation of forests and natural resources, ideal for those interested in sustainability and the environment.

8. Forensic Science: Combines biology, chemistry, and criminal justice to analyze crime scenes and evidence.

9. Puppetry Arts: A niche art major that teaches the creation and manipulation of puppets for theater, television, and education.

10. Adventure Education: Prepares students for careers in outdoor education, adventure therapy, or guiding outdoor expeditions, focusing on leadership and wilderness skills.

11. Peace and Conflict Studies: Examines the causes of conflict and strategies for peace building, drawing from history, political science, and sociology.

12. Digital Humanities: Combines traditional humanities disciplines (like literature and history) with digital tools and technologies to analyze cultural and historical data.

13. Human-Computer Interaction: Focuses on the design and usability of computer systems and how people interact with technology, blending psychology, computer science, and design.

14. Biomimicry: Studies how to create sustainable solutions by emulating nature’s designs and processes, combining biology, engineering, and environmental science.

15. Culinary Science: Combines the art of cooking with the science of food preparation, focusing on food chemistry, nutrition, and culinary arts.

16. Viticulture and Enology: Focuses on the science and business of grape growing and wine making, covering everything from agriculture to fermentation science.

17. Theme Park Engineering: A specialized engineering program that focuses on the design and construction of theme parks and amusement rides.

18. Music Therapy: Uses music to help improve the mental health and well-being of patients, combining music, psychology, and health sciences.

19. Nanotechnology: Studies the manipulation of matter on an atomic or molecular scale, combining chemistry, physics, and engineering.

20. Gerontology: The study of aging and the challenges that come with it, preparing students for careers in healthcare, social work, or research focused on older adults.

These are just a few examples, but colleges and universities often offer a wide range of unique and specialized majors that cater to various interests and career aspirations!

Best wishes!
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much for the advice. Jazzy
Thank you comment icon You are welcome! Chinyere Okafor
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Shayla’s Answer

For me music appreciation and vocal training courses are always unique ways to discover my passion for music,so of course they would be at least a couple of unique ideas; but if that doesn't work out for you you can always try music composition or whatever classes you feel most comfortable in taking
Thank you comment icon Wow! That's really cool! that you for sharing your prospective. Jazzy
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Laura’s Answer

Hi Jazzy!

Some unique college majors include:

Adventure Education
Puppet Arts
Fermentation Sciences
Theme Park Engineering
Ethical Hacking
Viticulture and Enology
Cannabis Studies
Wildlife Conservation
Digital Humanities

These programs offer specialized knowledge and skills in niche fields.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for taking the time to help. Jazzy